Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1359: Master's Marriage

"But it says you have seven children." The Beaver accused still.

I don't know why, as long as she thinks he will have children with other women, she is angry and sad, and sad.

"There is only one, I promise." Looking at her tearful eyes, Mo Beichen was distressed to death.

There is definitely only one, never more, and never with other women.

"It's seven, and you will definitely have seven children in the future, and the fate will not be wrong." The whispered voice opened up straight again.

The white beaver's mouth narrowed and he almost cried.

Obviously, compared with Mo Beichen's disbelief, Baijue still believes in the accuracy of the Void Destiny.

Mo Beichen frowned, not knowing how to coax her, but could only stare angrily at the void: "You are not sure, I will only have one child in the future."

"Let's go." Mo Beichen finished, without giving the void a chance to speak, and holding the **** was about to leave.

"Do you still have a chance, are you sure you want to give up like this?" Void sees the two of them leaving and no longer has to worry about the child.

Mo Beichen stepped forward, and he had no one to test, and Tanuki could not test.

"Who else do you want to test?" Mo Beichen asked Baiju.

The **** opened his tears and was immersed in the sadness just now.

"Anyone can measure it, as long as you know the name and birthdate." Aunt's voice reminded her.

The **** frowned, only thinking of one person in her mind, she also knew a person's birthdate.

"Can I test Master?" Bai Tan asked Mo Beichen.

In addition to knowing Master ’s birthdate, she does not know the birthdate of others, and Master is her closest person. She also wants to know Master ’s future.

Mo Beichen heard the words, sour in heart.

However, she asked Zi Xiuran, which was also his expectation. After all, Zi Xiuran was also an important person in her life, especially now that she only remembers a thousand years ago.

"Okay." Looking at Baitan's expectant look, Mo Beichen nodded a bit.

The heart was very upset. The first thing Tanuki tested was Zi Xiuran, which was very upset.

The **** did not know Mo Beichen's unhappiness, and excitedly reported Zi Xiuran's name and birthdate character.

Void was an image that appeared after a while.

On that image, Zi Xiuran was playing the piano by the cliff, and there was still a little red fox sitting next to him. The little red fox gripped the other little piano and danced desperately.

Zi Xiuran next to him felt as if he didn't feel it, still playing his own piano calmly.

The **** looked at the image and blinked blankly: "Is that me? Is this a future thing?"

This picture is very familiar, but has she ever played the piano beside Master like this? Every time she plays the piano, she will be rejected by Master. This should be a future thing.

Mo Beichen frowned as he looked at the image, his heart inexplicable.

"My master, is he fierce in the future?" Baitan asked, frowning, not understanding what the image meant.

"Zhu Xiuran's merits are fulfilled, so his life is smooth, and he will not have two turning points in his life, and the destiny of the subsequent things can not be surveyed."

The **** frowned. What kind of answer is this? Isn't this answer equal to not answering it?

"It's unpredictable, you can ask others." Xu Shi also felt that his answer was a little too perfunctory, and the whispering voice said again.

The beaver's eyes rolled around, and suddenly the light brightened, "Will my master marry a master in the future?"

I didn't expect Baitan to ask this, Mo Beichen smiled, but also looked forward to the answer.

"Wait a moment."

After a while of silence, the voice sounded again: "Zi Xiuran was indifferent all his life. In his eyes, there is no distinction between men and women. He cares most about his two disciples."

After the **** listened, "嗖" stood up: "Two apprentices? You said my master accepted two apprentices."

"Your question is over, please go out."

The void space didn't answer, the image instantly disillusioned, and the two people's eyes turned black, as if the scene shifted, and the two of them went from that void space to the outside of the fifth floor.

"We're out." Beaver looked annoyed as he looked at the monsters that had avoided him.

She still had a lot of questions to ask, why did they come out.

Who did Master accept as a disciple? She seems to know.

"Go out." Mo Beichen rubbed Bai Jue's head and hugged her out of the Magic Moon Tower.

As soon as they left the Magic Moon Tower, Zi Xiuran and Yu Fan arrived.

"You are entering the building." Zi Xiu frowned and looked at the two.

Seeing Zi Xiuran's angry look, the **** shrank his neck in fear.

"I brought her in." Mo Beichen hugged Baiju and held him in his arms.

Mo Beichen didn't say it was okay, when he said that the flames of fire had burned on his head.

"You, as a demon, broke into the forbidden ground of my fairyland!" Zi Xiuran's indifferent eyes were full of anger at the moment.

"Sorry." Knowing that he was really angry, Mo Beichen looked down and apologized.

"Master," Bai Tan jumped from Mo Beichen's arms to Zi Xiuran's arms, and whispered, explaining, "I let him take me in, it's not his business."

Zi Xiu glared at her: "You're embarrassed to say, go back to detention."

After finishing talking, Zi Xiuran flew out of Jingyue Pavilion with him.

"Please ask the devil to break into my forbidden land in the future." Yu Fan looked at Mo Beichen and said, and chased Zi Xiuran.

Mo Beichen frowned and followed.

"Master, let me out. I won't dare."

As soon as the love peak was broken, Baijuan was locked into the room by Zi Xiuran.

"How many times have I told you for my teacher to keep you from entering the magic moon building. You don't listen. This time, you not only detained the prisoner, but also punished you to copy the scriptures a hundred times.

Zi Xiuran was really angry, it was not enough to put Baiju into the room, and he had set up an enchantment outside.

Mo Beichen rushed over, looking at the little poor who was locked in the room, and frowned, "It was we wrong. Can I go in with her?"

Zi Xiuran glanced at him angrily: "What are you going to do? Will you help her copy the book? She didn't learn Tianshu, you learned it."

Mo Beichen was said to have a red face. Although he did not intentionally learn the magic of the immortal world, he really learned it, and because of the heavenly scriptures, he became more sophisticated.

Before Mo Beichen said anything, Zi Xiuran went back to the room.

"I want to go out." Bai Tan said coyly at Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen looked at her distressedly: "You bear with me, copy the book, and you will be out after you copy it."

He was able to break this enchantment, but it was because they were wrong. If he broke the enchantment again, he would be even more angry.

The **** pouted: "A hundred times, I have to copy it."

Master, yes, every time a penalty is 100 times, you can't reduce it a little, ten times and eight times is enough.

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