Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1360: Tastes different

"Go and copy, you can come out after copying." Mo Beichen comforted her.

If Mo Beichen would have copied it for her in the past, but now Zi Xiuran said so, he would definitely not be able to help, otherwise it would be a steal to learn the immortal world.

However, in fact, I helped her to copy so many books before, and almost learned everything, nothing more.

The **** dropped his head in sorrow and went back to the room to copy a book.

Mo Beichen was uneasy about Baiju, and sat outside her room to accompany her.

Copying the book was fine, and the **** was hard at night.

The beaver, who has already tasted the taste, is an addiction to drinking blood, which is uncomfortably scratching her liver and trying to hit the wall.

The claw grabbed the pen, but couldn't write a word.

The raccoon's head froze on the table, desperately.

"Beaver ..."

Knowing that she wanted to drink blood, Mo Beichen wanted to go in, but stopped at the thought of Zi Xiuran.

"Beaver you wait."

Mo Beichen went back to the kitchen, found a large cup, put a cup of blood and gave it to the white raccoon: "raccoon."

Smell the blood, and the **** immediately scooped out of the room.

Mo Beichen made a small opening in the enchantment and passed the big cup in.

The **** can't wait to drink the big cup, and the blood in the big cup seems to have lost the obsessive magic that was before, but it also slightly reduces the addiction of the beaver.

Looking at the blood on Mo Beichen's wrist, Baiju swallowed his mouth and said, "Don't bleed for me anymore."

Mo Beichen hooked his lips: "It doesn't matter, I have more blood."

The **** pouted, "It tastes different, so don't waste it, just give me a drink when I go out."

Mo Beichen raised Yang Mei.

Does it taste different?

How does it taste different? It's all his blood.

"You go back to the demon world first, and then come back in two days." Bai Bei said before Mo Beichen wanted to understand.

She was afraid that she couldn't bear it again tomorrow. If he left, he might be better without thinking about it.

"Okay." Mo Beichen naturally understood her meaning and responded, "Then I'm gone."

The **** nodded, but he was a little bit reluctant. "I will finish the copy as soon as possible, and you will come in two days."

"Um." Mo Beichen reluctantly glanced at the **** and went to Zi Xiuran.

Zi Xiuran was in the room, sitting at the table and wondering what he wanted to write.

"Looking for the deity?" Seeing Mo Beichen coming over, Zi Xiuran returned to God.

"The **** can't come out, I'll go back to the demon world first." Mo Beichen explained the intention.

"Okay." Mo Beichen is going back. Zi Xiuran naturally has no opinion.

Seeing Zi Xiuran agree, Mo Beichen turned and left.

"Wait a moment." Zi Xiuran stopped him.

Mo Beichen turned around and looked at him strangely.

Zi Xiuran frowned and looked at him. After a while, he asked, "What do you see when you enter the Magic Moon Tower?"

Mo Beichen's eyes flickered: "You mean the fifth floor?"

Zi Xiuran's face sank, squinting squintingly: "You really entered the fifth floor."

Mo Beichen blinked: "Sorry, I don't know that the Magic Moon Tower is the forbidden area of ​​your fairyland."

If he knew it was a forbidden land in the fairyland, he would never bring the **** in.

Looking at Mo Beichen's sincere eyes, Zi Xiuran sighed, "Forget it, this deity knows Yi Tan's temperament, and she will go in sooner or later."

"You can enter the life space that day." Zi Xiuran asked again.

"Um." Mo Beichen did not hide from him.

"Who was tested?"

"Me and you."

Mo Beichen did not say who measured it, and he did not want to say that he was measured by Tanuki.

Zi Xiuran was not surprised at all. When he asked for the answer, he waved, "You go."

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows in surprise, and she was indeed an indifferent person, who didn't even care about his destiny at all.

"Have you measured the beaver?" Mo Beichen refused to leave. He didn't care about his destiny, but he was concerned about the beaver's destiny. "What is the future of Beaver?"

Zi Xiuran's body stiffened, "She will be fine in the future, you go back."

Mo Beichen looked at Zi Xiuran's expression and frowned slightly.

After a pause, Mo Beichen turned away without asking any more.

He should not lie, and Tanuki will be fine in the future.

Mo Beichen returned to the demon world, and just happened to deal with things in the demon world during these two days.

Bai Tan didn't sleep at night because she wanted Mo Beichen to come back early, and kept trying to copy the book.

Zi Xiuran stood outside the window, looking at the **** carefully copying a book, and a sorrow of sadness in his indifferent eyes.

In the faint moonlight, the lonely figure was so lonely as to exclude the whole world.

In the room, the **** did not notice that Zi Xiuran was outside, and only tried to grasp the ink brush to write.

She must finish writing as soon as possible so that she can go out early and meet him earlier.

Thinking of Mo Beichen, Baiju's face turned slightly red.

I don't know when he will not reject him. I like it, but I can't talk about it, but it seems that he is increasingly inseparable from him.

Must have wanted to drink his blood!

The **** found a reason for his change of heart, and then began to write hard.

Demon world, demon palace.

Mo Yan and Jin Fengjiao lived in the imperial palace all the time, and Bi Xue didn't treat them badly, entertaining them every day.

Even Mo Mo's needs were taken into consideration, and two snake girls were sent to serve Mo Mo.

Mo Yan hasn't played Snake Girl before. After tasting this taste, she got stuck in it. Every day she mingled with the two Snake Girls and almost forgot her purpose of coming to the imperial palace.

Jin Fengjiao was so angry that she was more and more disappointed with her son.

"What's wrong with the queen mother, are you uncomfortable?" Bi Xue came in, and saw Jin Fengjiao's face was not good, she was concerned.

Seeing Bi Xue, Jin Fengjiao's face even worse: "What are you doing?"

Jin Fengjiao never looked down on the blue blood, especially after he sent the two snake girls to Mo Yan to make him play with fun, and she even annoyed him.

Bi Xue didn't care about Jin Fengjiao's attitude at all: "What is this queen queen? There is no place for the emperor to go to this demon palace."

Bi Xue's words made clear the situation of Jin Fengjiao.

Jin Fengjiao squinted and looked at Bi Xue coldly: "What do you want?"

Bi Xie smiled, reached Jin Fengjiao, and drew her chin: "The queen queen is really good-looking, and the emperor is really moved."

Jin Fengjiao stared at the blood-stained triangular eyes, feeling extremely disgusted, and waved his hand with a palm: "This palace is the Queen Mother of the Demon Realm, and you dare to think."

"Ha ha ha ha ..." Bi Xue burst out laughing, "You are still the Queen Mother of the Demon. Even if Mo Yan is the devil, you are still the Queen Mother of the Devil, but you do n’t know if they recognize you as such a mother."

Being sore in the jade of blood, Jin Fengjiao's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Looking at Jin Fengjiao's face, Bi Xue laughed evilly, "Don't be angry, my emperor can help you, my emperor can help you regain the magic palace."

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