Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1363: Is Xianzun taking a disciple again?

"And that person said you had two disciples in your life." Baitan looked at Zi Xiuran with anticipation, "Master, do you want to accept disciples?"

Zi Xiu dyed a black line.

Two disciples? He never thought about it.

"I'm so annoyed that you are one of my teachers. I will never accept a disciple again." Zi Xiuran looked at her intentionally and disapprovingly.

"Where is the **** annoyed, Master really hates it." Seeing Zi Xiuran so disgusted with himself, the **** was not happy.

Zi Xioran smiled bitterly. She was not annoying, but it was worrying.

"When will the master close his sister and sister, A Tan will be a sister." Bai Tan looked at Zi Xiuran, looking forward.

Master has only one of her disciples. After all, she will be a bit lonely. If she accepts another disciple, not only will she be accompanied, but Master will not be so lonely.

"Is Xianzun going to accept his disciples again?" Yufan, who just entered the house, just heard such a sentence, and was immediately excited, and quickly recommended himself, "Xianzun, what do you think of Yufan?"

Zi Xiu dyed a black line, who in the end said he was going to take disciples again.

This one broke his heart, so he didn't accept the second one.

Seeing Yu Fan's excitement, Bai Tan pinched his mouth: "Brother Yu Fan, don't come here for fun."

She also wanted a cute younger brother and sister, so she did n’t want Brother Yufan, so how could she be a sister?

"Where I'm busy, I really want to worship Xianzun as a teacher." Yu Fan frowned anxiously.

He has been with Xianzun all the time, and his greatest wish in this life is to worship Xianzun as a teacher.

"You are all Brother Yufan, so you still need to worship." Baitan didn't understand Yu Fan's thoughts.

Brother Yufan has been following Master, and Master will also teach him the exercises. She also called him Brother Yufan. Except for a ceremony, Brother Yufan is no different from her formal disciple.

"Why don't I need to worship? You stand up and talk without back pain." Yu Fan glared at her.

She thought that everyone else could be as good as her. How many people in this world dream of becoming disciples of Xianzun, but Xianzun refuses to accept the disciples. Now it is hard to get a chance. He naturally wants to seize it .

"The deity will not accept disciples again." Zi Xiuran said helplessly when they would quarrel with each other.

How can he manage his two disciples so freely?

When Yu Fan heard the answer, she collapsed her shoulders.

"No disciples!" Baitan stared wryly, unwillingly, "The destiny clearly said that you have two disciples in your life."

Zi Xiuran stared at her with a face: "Destiny has changed, and that doesn't count."

"..." Baitan said nothing.

Maybe that destiny is really inaccurate. Just say that she had seven children, certainly not. Now that Master is so persistent, he will not accept disciples anymore.

Baitan thought that she was annoyed immediately. This **** fate is not allowed at all, causing her to waste so much time in that magic moon tower.

Yu Fan also lowered his head resentfully, it seemed that he still did not want to become a disciple of Xianzun.

"I went back and copied the book."

The white raccoon jumped out of Zi Xiuran's arms, and went back to the room to continue reading.

Zi Xiuran looked at the beaver's back and shook his head helplessly.

"Xian Zun, after the demon world has a new one, shall we send congratulations?" Yu Fan asked, bowing.

Zi Xiuran looked at him with an expressionless expression: "In this deity, the emperor of the demon world will always be a white queen, and the Queen of the demon will always be Chu Yun."

"Yes." Yu Fan responded and quickly bowed out.

Zi Xiuran sighed, Bai Ye and Chu Yun didn't know when they could wake up. The two had been sleeping long enough, and they should wake up.

Demon world.

Bi Xue was taking Jin Fengjiao to sit in the sedan chair, patrolling the entire demon world.

Of course, this is what Jin Fengjiao requested. Not only did she have to tell the Six Realms, but the entire demon world knew that they had a new demon world.

To say that this blood is also extremely fond of Jin Fengjiao. Regardless of what Jin Fengjiao asked, he immediately agreed, not only promised, but also did his best. This made Jin Fengjiao quite satisfied and made Jin Fengjiao more confident.

She said that Bixue couldn't resist her charm. I heard that the woman he married at that time had never cruised in the demon world like this.

Jin Fengjiao wore a golden canopy phoenix suit, wearing a heavy crown, well-dressed, smiling and waving her hand toward the people of the demon world.

Bi Xue was smiling aside.

On the back of the car, Mo Yan beckoned with joy.

Before Mo Yan died, he didn't agree with Jin Fengjiao's marrying Bi Xue, and now he was showing off shamelessly. It was really a big heart.

"This is the new queen. She looks beautiful."

"Can it be beautiful? That was the Queen Mother of the Devil once, the queen of the Dark Lord Mo."

"I heard that it was brought out by the current Demon King, so I can only hide in our demon world."

"Behind is the original Demon King, who is actually not a Demon King and came to our demon world to be the step-son of the demon emperor, which is really stupid."

The people of the monster world point and point at the car, watching the excitement.

The people on the train did not feel embarrassed, but were very happy.

After the parade, Jin Fengjiao and Bi Xie returned to the demon palace worship to become a pro.

Immediately after worship, Bi Xue couldn't wait to go to Jin Fengjiao's cave.

Jin Fengjiao naturally also has a means, the two people's big movement directly made the whole demon palace people ashamed.

His mother became someone else's woman, and Mo Yan was naturally not bad, but he had no choice but to toss two snake girls in the house.

All the women in the harem of the blue blood gathered here.

"Look at this movement, this is because I'm afraid we can't hear it. It's not dark yet, so shameless." A snake woman cursed jealously at Nakamiya, completely forgetting her and Bi Blood at the time How it got mixed up.

"That is, an old woman who doesn't know how many years old, and her majesty is so rare, it is really strange." Another snake woman did not marry, they are not as young as an old woman who has given birth to other children. Can you be mad?

"Queen, you really watch your Majesty be taken away by that old woman." One of Snake's favorite beasts looked at Feng Ye and said, "Even if she wants to marry Her Majesty, that won't be Queen. I think your tribe helped a lot in the first time. "

The Snake Girl was right, when the Her Majesty rebelled, the Feng tribe was indeed the first to help Bi Xie lay half of the mountain. Otherwise, the position of the demon queen would not give Feng Xun the blood.

"Yes, queen, you must control Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this is not what he remembered. He can now degrade you to a queen by the old woman. After a while, the old woman is not guaranteed. I was taken out of the palace. "Bi Xue's other concubine also actively lobbied.

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