Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1364: Blood addict

Feng Yan held a tea cup, listening to those snake girls, I said one at a time.

She knew what they meant by nothing but wanting to use her hand to deal with that queen motherland. It was just that she had always disliked this kind of battle, and naturally couldn't live up to their wishes.

"This palace is no longer the queen, Rong Fei will have to say more, Your Majesty's decision naturally has his own reason." After they had finished speaking one by one, Feng Ye put down the tea cup, calmly.

She doesn't like Bixue, of course, she doesn't like Bixue in this temperament, so Bixue would rather toss the Snake Girl than touch her, and she would be quiet and never care about his affairs.

This time the blood only sent her down to the concubine, she was a little disappointed, she would rather he let her go back to the Feng clan.

In order to revive the glory of the year, the Feng family took the dangerous chess to help Bi Xie rebel. The Bi Xuan really took the throne. The patriarch chose her to come. Stop the Phoenix from falling again. Now that the Phoenix is ​​already unable to return to the sky, she doesn't want to suffer any longer, she just wants to return to the Phoenix to live peacefully.

Seeing Feng Xi not accepting the move, the snake women were disappointed.

"The emperor ... does Feng Fei really not care at all?" Rong Fei said unwillingly.

Feng Yan smiled lightly: "What do you care about, even if there is no Queen Mother of the Devil, there will be others to replace this palace in the future, you should know that this palace has never been petted."

In fact, she waited for this day for a long time, but unfortunately she failed to do as she wished.

Everyone was disappointed when they saw Feng Yan carelessly.

But what she said is also true. Her Majesty has never been close to her. She has not given birth to her Majesty, and coupled with the decline of the Feng Clan, it is only a matter of time before this Queen's place will be replaced.

"Since Feng Fei said so, all the courtiers went back." Knowing that today could not achieve the goal, Rong Fei got up first and left.

As soon as Rongfei left, other concubines also left.

The movement that could shake the entire harem lasted until dawn, and the snake girls in the palace were all jealous of death.

Feng Yan stood by the window, looking at the bright moon in the air, his eyes were full of loneliness.

In this world, I am afraid that only there is pure land.


Baitan finally copied the hundred times of Tianshu day and night, and to say that this time, there was no copy of this book. She thought that she had forgotten the Tianshu that she had forgotten about again, this time Guagua is so familiar that she will never forget it.

After copying the Tianshu, Baitan wanted to go to Mo Beichen, and she hadn't seen him for a few days. Actually, she still missed him, of course, the most wanted was his blood.

Baitan wanted to go to Mojie to find Mo Beichen, but Zi Xiuran didn't let her go to Mojie. Baizi had no choice but to look forward to Mo Beichen's coming back to see her earlier.

At night, Beaver's blood addiction was committed again. She was afraid she would rush to the demon world when she couldn't stand it, and could only keep herself in the room, rolling around with a quilt.

The heart that was crawled by ants raised her to scratch her liver and cheeks, but she couldn't solve her half of the patience.

The raccoon clutched the pillow and pushed the little head directly under the pillow, but it was still very uncomfortable.

The **** suddenly remembered the big cup that Mo Beichen gave her before, her eyes were red, she jumped to the table and found the big cup with a trace of dried blood at the bottom.

The faint scent drifted into the tip of the nose, and the **** could not help picking up the big cup and licking it.

It's okay not to lick, this lick, the original unbearable heart, is even more uncomfortable.

The beaver's eyes burst into a frenzy instantly, and she squeezed the big cup tightly, with a cold sweat on her forehead.

The original unclear head had reached its limit at this time and became blank.

"Amo ..." Baitan murmured unconsciously, jumping out of the big cup.

Here Mo Beichen quickly dealt with the affairs of the demon world, and hurried to the demon world.

At the beginning, he said good to Tanuki, and came back in two days. Today is exactly two days. I wonder if Tanuki misses him.

When Mo Beichen flew up to Qingqing Peak, he couldn't wait to find her in the beaver's room, but he didn't expect to reach her room, and saw her stumble towards him.

"Lier ..." Seeming something wrong with her, Mo Beichen quickly caught Bai Jue, holding her little head, and eagerly said, "What's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable?"

Baitan seemed to hear Mo Beichen's voice. She had hallucinations. She shook her head and opened her eyes to Mo Beichen, only to find that she could not see his face at all.

"Amo ..." Baitan murmured and touched Mo Beichen's handsome face.

"It's me." Mo Beichen suddenly rejoiced when he heard Baitan calling his name. "You, have you restored your memory?"

Mo Beichen looked excited at Bai Tan, she would never call his name before.

She will now call him Amo, does this mean something to her?

The **** was dizzy and dizzy, he couldn't hear what Mo Beichen was telling her, he just looked at his face vaguely, and rushed to his neck.

The **** longed to the extreme, but she still didn't move, just so faintly lay on his neck, as if waiting for his final order.

Seeing her appearance, Mo Beichen also knew that she was a blood addict, and she couldn't care that she had lost her memory, and only touched her head comfortably: "Drink."

Obviously she was dizzy and tinnitus, but the two words passed into her ears clearly.

Upon hearing the decree, Beaver eagerly reached the familiar location and bit his blood vessel.

Tasting that crazy bizarre taste again, the **** himself was crazy, drinking desperately without control.

She can't think about anything now, she doesn't want to think about anything, she just wants to drink blood.

Feeling her eagerness, Mo Beichen's eyes softened, while stroking her, holding her back to the room.

Knowing that her addict was ruthless this time, Mo Beichen was fortunate enough to lay her in bed, no matter how much she drank, he didn't yell, and just let her drink like this.

The **** was really a blood addict this time. He drank a lot and didn't relax, as if he wanted to drink all the blood in his body to stop.

Mo Beichen was not afraid. Not only did she condone her, she also held her in her arms and adjusted her to a comfortable position so that she could drink blood comfortably.

I don't know how long he drank, the **** seems to have never stopped.

Mo Beichen hugged her all night and didn't know if she was tired or waschemic and dizzy. In the end, he fell asleep anyway.

This night, the **** has been in a confused state.

She had a long, long dream. In the dream, she saw many and many scenes, experienced many and many things, and met many, many people ...

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