Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1380: Whoever said that he must lose will have to abide by the gambling agreement

The **** corner of Bi Xue's lips evoked a smile, he was waiting for her words.

"This is what she said. Everyone heard it. If she loses for a while, her life is the emperor's, and no one can intervene." Bi Xue's eyes scanned Beichen and Zi Xiuran.

He had the confidence to defeat the beaver, but he did not have the confidence to deal with Mo Yan and Zi Xiuran.

Unfortunately, both Mo Beichen and Zi Xiuran were expressionless, as if they had not heard him at all.

Whoever said that they must abide by the gambling contract, Taner (Aju) will abide by the gambling contract if he wins.

Mo Beichen and Zi Xiuran did not speak, but Baishi was very angry.

"You are shameless of the blood, our princess is only two thousand years old, and your hundreds of thousands of years old monster is embarrassed to compete with our princess, it is shameless." Shiraishi was anxious and angry.

This **** heart is cruel and vicious, and he must not be allowed to compete with the princess.

"That is, you dare to bully our princess without seeing our disagreement." Jun Yan hurriedly followed.

"Don't bully the princess!" The others also raised their arms.

Bi's blood was so bad that he rushed to kill them all.

There was a touch of movement in Baiju's eyes, and a placid look at Baishi: "It's okay, believe me, I can definitely avenge my father and queen."

"Princess ..." Shiraishi heard, his eyes reddened again.

They also wanted to take revenge on Her Majesty and the Queen, but how could the princess beat the blood.

Bai Tan didn't explain much, and handed the third child to Mo Beichen.

"Everything has me." Mo Beichen took over the third child and only said four words gently.

No matter if she wins or loses, he won't make her okay.

Beaver smiled and looked at Zi Xiuran again.

This was the first time she had faced him squarely after she was awake.

"Be careful." Zi Xiuran looked at her silently, and finally said only two words.

"Sister A Tan, come on!" Yu Fan also came over to cheer on Bai Tan.

"Girl Tan, the old man believes you." Hua Yan also patted Bai Tan's shoulder, "Go and chop the old monster."

"Okay." The **** responded with a smile, and flew in front of Bi Xue, "let's get started."

"You're looking for death." Bi Xue narrowed his eyes, raised his palm, and hacked at the beaver.

The white raccoon's eyes lightened, and his right hand raised the Fengming sword, and then he chopped away at the blue blood.

The two fought quickly.

All the others around were watching nervously. Although this was an internal event of the demon world, it was now related to the immortal, demon, and magic realms.

After a few tricks, Bi Xue's originally confident face sank instantly.

Originally he thought he could beat Baijue down with a few strokes, but the result was not what he thought at all.

It seems he underestimated her.

Bai Shi, who was very worried, was relieved when they saw that the raccoon was able to cope with it, and at the same time gave a glimmer of hope.

Isn't the princess really sure that she can beat the blue blood, if that's the case, it would be great.

"Princess come on!"

As soon as Baishi spoke, Jun Yan and they all shouted, "Princess come on!"

"Queen, come on!" The Fox clan shouted, and the demon side also shouted.

After hearing their shouts, Mo Beichen laughed and teased the third and fifth child in his arms: "Your mother-in-law will win, right?"

The people of the Fox clan and the demon world shouted so enthusiastically that even the people of the fairy world couldn't help shouting: "Come on!

There was a cry of cheering underneath, but there was no one shouting for him.

Looking at the **** on the opposite side, Bi Xue decided not to tangle with her anymore and went straight for a big move.

The blood-stained triangular eyes suddenly turned red, and the strength of the whole body also kept converging. Soon the **** felt powerful coercion.

The **** squinted his eyes narrowly, his arms trembled, and he also released his strength. In an instant, the coercion that was not lost in the blue blood surged out.

Seeing the infiltrating momentum from the beaver, Bi Xue stayed for a moment.

This coercion ... so strong!

Everyone around him was breathless with the coercion of the beavers.

"So strong!"

"The princess is amazing!"

"I seem to see Your Majesty!"

Everyone looked at the **** in disbelief, totally did not expect that the **** would have such powerful coercion.

Bi Xue still stared blankly at the beaver.

What exactly is going on?

Such a powerful coercion could not be released without hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation. How could Baitaner have hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation, she is obviously only two thousand years old.

Looking at the incredible looks of Bi Xue, Bai Tan smiled, "Where did you forget where I came from?"

She didn't recommend letting him be a ghost.

Hongmeng Purgatory!

Bi Xue's eyes widened.

However, Hongmeng Purgatory is really so powerful that it can increase her practice for hundreds of thousands of years in just one year.

Bixue gritted her teeth angrily: "My emperor will see if your coercion is really powerful or fake!"

Bi Xue suddenly raised her palm and slashed viciously at the beaver.

White beaver's eyes showed the intention of killing, and he greeted them without any sign of weakness.

This time she finally avenged her father and mother.

The two palms faced each other with a "bang", and the powerful force instantly burst apart with the two as the center, scaring the people watching around in a panic.

Unexpectedly, the **** could meet him on the palm, and Bi Xue was stunned, and then he gave it up again.

Beaver was naturally rude, and followed him closely without giving in.

When the **** was so powerful, the people around him were also amazed.

The fox soldiers were delighted, and even the demon soldiers brought by the blue blood were a little bit happy. But this is their princess. The princess is only two thousand years old and can fight against the blue blood. Is the blood more powerful?

Mo Beichen looked at the white **** that kept flying up and down, a little worried.

He wasn't afraid that she couldn't beat the blue blood, but she was still awake just after giving birth, and this battle did not know if it would have any impact on her body.

Zi Xiuran was equally worried, but he felt relieved when he saw Baitan's sharp moves and no weakness.

The two battled in the air for a long time, but Bi Xue failed to defeat Baiju, but was stabbed by her Fengming sword.

It seems that this evil species really had an adventure in Hongmeng Purgatory, Xiuwei made a rapid progress, so he is afraid that he will lose.

The blood was so anxious that the redness in the triangle's eyes became bloody.

He waved away the **** suddenly, and suddenly became a three-tailed snake.

Bi Xue suddenly turned, and instantly surprised the people around her.

"God, the original demon emperor was Jiuyou Dimanac!"

Looking at Bi Xue's original body, Baitan narrowed his eyes narrowly.

These Nine Secluded Pythons are also the precious blood of the demon world, only a little lower than the blood of the most precious sky fox in the demon world.

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