Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1381: Jiuyou Clan vs Sky Fox Clan

Seeing everyone's surprised eyes, Bi Xue was instantly proud.

Hmm, their Jiuyou clan is also very precious. If they had not been taken away by the Tianhu clan in the past, the demon world's throne must be their Jiuyou clan.

His ancestors were also very powerful, but unfortunately their Jiuyou clan is not as lucky as the Tianhu clan. This generation is not as good as the next generation. The quality of him is getting worse and worse, and he has built a gap with his peers.

But what's the matter? He has no brains for the lack of cultivation. He can't beat Baiyu, but Baiyu hasn't been killed by his design, and he has also become a new generation of demon emperors.

He could kill Bai Yan before, but now he can kill Bai Zier as well.

Bi Xue straightened his huge body, opened his mouth to the **** and said, "Beaver, this is what you forced the emperor, and the emperor will eat you today."

Bi Xue said and rushed towards Baiju.

In front of Bi Xue's huge body, the **** was so small.

Everyone had a cold sweat for her, and Shiraishi and Junyan were even more frightened.

Mo Beichen and Zi Xiuran are also ready to go, as if ready to approach the rescue at any time.

The **** wasn't afraid of it at all. When the blood basin darted at her, she changed her shape and threw the giant tail directly.

The plush giant tail slammed on the huge head of Bi Xue, as if giving him a slap.

Azure Blood's head buzzed, and he was blinded.

People around saw the beaver's fox body and shouted in surprise again.

"God, it's a six-tailed sky fox."

Everyone was shocked to see the six giant tails shaking.

Everyone knows that the tail of the Sky Fox family is extremely difficult to grow. The first three tails are okay to say that after the three tails, it will take hundreds of them, and one will be produced in thousands of years.

These six-tailed foxes don't say that they have decades of years and thousands of years, how can they have hundreds of thousands of years of repair.

This **** seems to be only two thousand years old, and she can grow a six-tailed genius!

Bixue reacted, and the six giant tails of the **** also widened their eyes.

Damn it, Bai Taner has six tails. After so many years of hard work, he only got three tails.

The Jiuyou clan is the same as the Tianhu clan. The higher the cultivation, the more tails they produce, and the more powerful they become.

However, the Jiuyou clan is worse than the Tianhu clan in that they can only give up to nine tails, while the Tianhu clan can give up to twelve tails.

Of course, these twelve tails are not so easy to produce. They can only be obtained through hard practice. The original Baizhu also reached the nine tails. Therefore, the two thousand years of Baijuer cultivation can reach six tails. God.

Bixue thought that it would become more and more fierce. He worked hard for decades to get two tails, but Baijuer had only six tails after such a little time. It was more popular than dead.

Bi Xue grew more and more angry, and gritted her teeth, shaking the long snake tail, and hurled towards the beaver.

For a moment, flying sand and rocks around him all rushed towards Baiju.

The blue blood turned out to be earthy!

There was a sneer on the corner of the raccoon's lips, and the six tails flew together. In a flash, countless days of fire flew towards Bi Xue.

The hotness struck, and Bi Xue was instantly frightened.

Whoa! Turned out to be a fire attribute!

Seeing the **** spitting fire, Shiraishi immediately laughed.

Their princess not only has the blood of the fox, but also the blood of the fire fox. The most important thing is that the fire can overcome the soil. It seems that it is not easy for the blood to want to win!

Looking at the sky fire coming from the shop, Bi Xue was instantly frightened, and quickly turned away.

Seeing that he was afraid of fire, the **** sneered and waved Liuwei again to throw countless fireballs at him.


Fireballs were thrown onto the body one by one, and Bi Xue screamed in pain immediately.

The **** opened his mouth, and a series of sky fires flew over.

Bixue quickly opened the mouth of the blood basin and flew out of the gravel to try to extinguish the fire.

Before the fire was extinguished, the gravel spewed from the blue blood instantly turned into coke.

"Boom!" Skyfire sprayed his head on Bi Blood's head, and he instantly became furious.

Bixue only felt that his eyes hurt, and he couldn't keep his eyes open.

As soon as the beaver's eyes brightened, he seized the opportunity and turned into a human body and flew over with a Long Yin sword.

What blue blood felt, the two giant tails swept over again.

The **** fluttered his tail, bumped his two giant tails, and then leapt onto the **** head.

What he sensed, Bixue shook her head frantically.

As soon as the **** slid down, he quickly took out the trenches and slammed it into the blue blood scales.

"Ah!" Another painful growl, Bixue was really angry this time, twisting her body like crazy, Baiju couldn't catch it, and even someone rolled straight with a dagger.

Bixue took the opportunity to shake her tail, trying to knock the **** into a meat sauce.

Everyone was scared with eyes wide at the sight.

Mo Beichen hugged his third and fifth child tightly and almost rushed out.

"Suzaku!" Baiju held Fengming Sword and swept away the tail of the snake, summoning Suzaku at the same time.

"Well!" A loud phoenix rang through the entire Hongmeng Purgatory.

Everyone looked up and saw a fire phoenix appearing in midair.

"Suzaku the **** beast!"

The Suzaku **** beasts, not only the demon world, the immortal world and the demon world are also known, all shouted in shock.

"Look, it is the ancestor of the Phoenix tribe!" Of course, the people in the demon world are particularly excited.

"Ancestors!" The people of the Feng clan were all shocked when they saw the sudden appearance of Suzaku.

Suzaku's red eyes glanced at the Feng people, all of them lowered their heads in fear.

Who would have thought that the princess had accepted their ancestors as pets.

If they knew that their ancestors were princesses, they would not dare to help Bi Xue rebel if they killed them.

That's all right. At first, Bixue can successfully win the throne of the demon emperor, but their phoenixes have contributed a lot. Now how do they explain to their ancestors?

Suzaku stared at the Feng tribe and went to help the beaver.

Originally a white beaver, Bi Xue felt struggling. Not to mention the addition of a Suzaku demon beast, Bi Xue could cope with incompetence at all.

Feeling that he couldn't take advantage of the snake body, Bi Xue quickly replaced him, but by then he was already scarred.

"White beaver, you are playing fair, how can you let Suzaku help you." Bi blooded stare at the Beaver and Suzaku.

The **** sneered: "Why can't I let Suzaku help me, Suzaku is the **** beast of my contract, and you can put your contract beast too."

The blue blood was not taken lightly. He had a contracted beast. If he did not see her contracted beast, he might release it, but now how to let him put it out, his contracted beast is no match for Suzaku. It's stitched.

"Do you concede now, or continue?" The **** sneered at him proudly, a winning look.

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