Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1387: Heart broken into slag

Mo Beichen frowned, and went in quickly.

Seeing that the **** was feeding, Mo Beichen suddenly turned black and rushed over.

"Don't make trouble." Before Mo Beichen picked up the fifth child, Baiju slaps his hand away. "They are all born to you. You really want to starve them all to death."

The **** stared at him, as if he dared to say "yes", she would kill him.

Mo Beichen stared at the fifth child with a black face: "Feed for the time being today, and find something else for them tomorrow."

The **** has a black line, and the child is still so young. What can I find for them?

The **** was so annoyed that he didn't want to talk anymore.

After drinking for a while, the fifth child was full.

Baici handed the fifth child to Mo Beichen, and Mo Beichen refused to hold him at all.

The **** was speechless, so he could only give the fifth to Jun Yan by himself, and held the sixth to feed him. Although the sixth was also dragged, he drank the milk without any ambiguity. Got a fight.

The old five and the sixth are all predators, and they all satiated before they let loose.

The **** felt that he was empty on both sides, and wanted to feed the others, but he was too weak and weak.

"Come and make some milk-supply soup." Bai Tan hugged the fifth child and ordered Jun Yan.

"Yes." Jun Yan was also distressed by the **** and quickly went to the kitchen to cook soup.

Mo Beichen looked at the **** distressedly: "They all told you to stop feeding, so how can you feed so many children?"

The **** glared at him, "It's not all you."

Everyone gives birth to one, and two more to death, but she's better. Six at a time, not all of them are harmful.

Mo Beichen was scolded by the **** and his face turned red: "Well, it's all my fault."

Mo Beichen hugged the fifth child obediently, and this can't blame him. He didn't know he was so powerful, even letting her conceive six.

"What now? Six children, there is not enough milk." Baitan frowned anxiously.

Mo Beichen also frowned: "Or try feeding other goat's milk and milk."

If these little rabbits are willing to drink, don't they need to feed?

Mo Beichen thought that he was immediately excited again, and quickly asked the outside dragon to go out to look for milk.

The **** did not have much hope. These little guys would not even eat the fox milk close to her. Where would they eat other beast milk?

Long Yue was fast, and after a while he took all kinds of milk back.

There are not many other things in this demon world, that is, there are many beasts.

Mo Beichen hugged the fourth child awkwardly, holding a porcelain bowl and trying to feed him.

The reason for feeding the fourth child first is because the fourth child is the most obedient and the best to coax.

Although Mo Beichen took only one day's children, he basically touched the six children's nature.

The eldest is facial paralysis, the second child loves to laugh the most, the third child is the hardest to do, the fourth child is the best to coax, the fifth child is the color embryo, the old six is ​​smart.

Although I tried the best-speaking fourth child, but for a long time, the fourth child didn't talk about opening his mouth, and he directly irritated him. With a small paw, he smashed the bowl without knowing what it was It was on the ground and shattered into dregs.

"Hahaha ..." Beaver immediately laughed and hugged the hairy youngest kissed.

Mo Beichen's face was black like graphite, and it seemed that it was not the porcelain bowl that had just broken into the dregs, but his heart.

"Master, are you still trying?" Long Yue looked at Mo Beichen with an awkward look.

Mo Beichen glanced darkly at the dozen or so bowls that Long Yue held in his arms: "All of them were thrown away."

Even the best-speaking fourth-year-old wouldn't drink it. If he feeds the others, it is estimated that these bowls are not enough for them to fall.

"Yes." Long Yue also felt that her highness should not be able to drink, so she went out and lost the bowl.

As soon as Longyue walked away, the **** fed the fourth child again.

Although there is not much milk, it also compensates the fourth.

The **** fed for a long time, the fourth child barely satiated, leaving the eldest, the second and the third child, there is nothing the **** can do.

Jun Yan cooked two big bowls of nourishing milk soup, and Bai Jue drank all of them, but at this moment, for a while, I was afraid that there would be no milk to feed the three.

"Her Majesty, the emissaries of the immortal world asked to see." A guard came in and reported.

Angel of the fairyland?

The **** raised an eyebrow: "Let him in."

"Sister A Tan." I didn't expect an acquaintance to come in.

"Brother Yufan." Seeing Yu Fan, Baitan quickly ran down from Fox.

"Congratulations to the sister and raccoon, finally on the throne of the demon emperor." Yu Fan quipped as she looked at the **** in an imperial suit.

"Brother Yufan, please don't make fun of me." Bai Tan gave a strange glance at Yufan and smiled. "Brother Yufan has something to do with me?"

Yu Fan looked at her with a smile: "Xian Zun knows how many children you are, and I am afraid that you will not have enough milk, so I specifically asked me to send manna juice to the little ones first."

Yu Fan said, took out several gourds from her arms to the beaver.

There was a touch of movement in Baiju's eyes, and he said, "Thank him for me."

Regardless of whether the children eat or not, she will thank him.

Seeing Bai Jue still caring about the past, Yu Fan frowned.

In fact, things that year, really can not blame Xianzun, everything that Xianzun did is for her, but she still blame Xianzun, he is really worthless for Xianzun.

"Sister A Tan is free now? How about chatting with me?" Yu Fan frowned and asked Bai Tan.

He felt that it was necessary to make clear the events of that year; otherwise, the sisters and sisters will always have a heart, and their teachers and disciples will never go back.

Some beavers realized what he wanted to say, and after tangling for a while, they looked at Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen chuckled: "Go, the child has me."

He also hoped that they could make everything clear. In fact, she was also very distressed and tangled. He understood it.

The **** nodded, put the gourds on the table, and went out with Yu Fan.

Mo Beichen picked up a gourd, dropped a drop of manna juice into the palm, and tried to feed the boss.

The boss first sniffed, as if he smelled something of interest, and then put out his tongue and licked it.

Mo Beichen's eyes widened in surprise, but he didn't expect that the boss would even eat manna juice, and quickly poured some to feed him.

The boss did not dislike it, and drank it twice.

The itchiness softened Mo Beichen's heart. He directly held the boss to make it easier for him to drink.

If the **** is looking at him like this, it is probably to say that he looks like a dad.

The **** did not take Yu Fan elsewhere, so he took him to visit the demon palace.

The demon palace was ruined by the blood before. Baici and Junyan had reorganized the place this time, and a lot of fairy flowers and grass were changed.

Those who couldn't be changed, the **** also let them carefully clean up and clean up. In addition, the women in this palace have been cleared by her, and finally there are no more suffocating smoke.

The two walked into the gazebo in the garden and sat down.

"What does Brother Yufan want to tell me?" Baitan poured a cup of spirit tea for him.

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