Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1388: Master's Prototype

Yu Fan sipped her tea before she said, "You should know what I want to say?"

Beaver dropped his eyes and did not speak.

She still didn't know how to deal with that person, the one who raised her, the one she loved, but he hurt A Mo, and she couldn't forgive him.

Yu Fan frowned and looked at her: "Actually, Xianzun misses you very much. Do you know how worried he was when you gave birth?"

The **** frowned, she knew he was good to her.

From childhood to age, he has treated her as if he had loved her, and really loved her as a child. She also regarded him as his only relative, but that could not obliterate the fact that he had hurt A Mo. Mo Yan and Bi Xue, A Mo will never die.

Thinking of the past life, Baitan clenched his fists.

Seeing her expression, Yu Fan knew what she was thinking and snorted: "You have always been concerned about the past, but do you know why Xianzun did that?"

The **** raised his eyes, his lips trembling slightly, but he could not ask anything.

"You are from Xianzun. You are the one who knows him best. Why is a person like him so indifferent and innocent and suddenly he is with them, and he has clearly checked everything? Why did they join forces against them? "

Yu Fan was really angry. He was so angry that she didn't trust her, so she could only blame her, and didn't know the truth.

The **** suddenly turned pale and looked at Yu Fan wryly, and finally murmured, "Why?"

Yu Fan frowned and looked at her. When she was about to say something, she saw Zi Xiuran appearing in midair.

"Xian Zun ..." Yu Fan was startled and bowed.

The **** did not expect that Zi Xiuran would come, and looked up at him sternly.

He was still indifferent, as if no emotion could stay in his eyes.

Zi Xiuran glanced at the beaver: "Is the little guy okay?"

The **** staggered and nodded. "Okay."

"If there is not enough nectar juice, come to me again." Zi Xiuran said again.

"Thank you." Baitan pursed her lips and said difficultly.

"Go back." Zi Xiuran looked at Yu Fan.

Sending manna juice, it can take so long, so he thought something was wrong.

"Oh." Yu Fan responded, then turned to the white raccoon: "Sister A raccoon, then I will go back first."

After Yu Fan said something, he said something silently to the beaver.

The **** frowned frantically, trying to ask something clearly, but Yu Fan had already flew into the air, and Zi Xiuran left.

The **** stood for a long time before returning to the main hall.

"Come back." Mo Beichen was holding the picky young man feeding manna juice.

When the **** saw the third man willing to eat nectar, he was a little curious: "How about opening his mouth now?"

Mo Beichen also laughed: "Eat all, I just fed the boss and the second child."

The **** looked surprised: "So, manna juice can replace my milk."

Mo Beichen reached out and teased the youngest man who was eating happily, but was patted away by his paw. Mo Beichen suddenly turned black.

For Mao, he felt that none of these little rabbits were easy to associate with.

"Don't look at willing to eat nectar juice, you just pick it up. This nectar juice has spiritual power. It can be repaired when eaten, and the taste is sweet, otherwise you think they are willing to eat."

The **** raised her eyebrows, and the manna juice was really good. I heard the old man said that the manna juice was specially made for her by the master. Maybe she did n’t like other people ’s milk when she was a kid. She made nectar.

Thinking of what Yu Fan had told her, Bai Tan's heart suddenly became impetuous again.

What kind of distress did Master have in the past? Did she misunderstand Master?

Suddenly, the **** was so uncomfortable.

"What's wrong, uncomfortable." Mo Beichen asked nervously when he noticed the strangeness of Baiju.

Beaver raised his eyes: "I want to go out."

Mo Beichen frowned and looked at her. Seeing her weird look, she was silent for a while, and nodded, "You go."

"I'll be back in a few moments." Bai Tan stomped his toes and kissed Mo Beichen's face gently, then he disappeared.

Mo Beichen couldn't rest assured that he called Long Yue to protect her secretly.

The **** flew to Jingyue Pavilion in one breath.

Watching the immortal soldiers guarding the door, Baiju directly bypassed them and flew to the magic moon tower.

The white **** stood in front of the magic moon tower, his eyes blinked.

Before Brother Yufan left, the silent spoken words should be the magic moon tower.

What's in the magic moon building, is there a master's secret? So is Master so nervous not to let her in?

The **** stood for a while, then waved the enchantment and rushed in.

She could n’t open the enchantment before, so she could n’t come in, but now she ’s cultivated enough to open all the enchantments in this building, but it will only alarm Master.

Therefore, she must find out the truth before Master comes.

The **** entered the Yueyue Tower and pushed the coercion of his body to the extreme. Those little demon and little demon were still afraid to approach.

Baitan went up to the fifth floor in one breath. This is the former void, but she and A Mo have been there, and there is nothing she wants to see.

However, except for the fifth floor, which has a transmission channel, there is nothing on the other floors except the little demon.

The **** frowned, and immediately swung the enchantment and rushed in.

Surprisingly, the scene that Baitan saw this time was quite different from before.

Here before, it was clear that the sky was full of stars, and it was cool and refreshing, but at this moment it was a bright sun, and the sun seemed to be overhead, and the **** was still sweating before it was even close.

When the **** was shocked, he also saw a fiery red swirl on the wall.

The **** didn't think much, and went in.

The scene changes instantly, and before the **** can see anything clearly, he feels that he is about to die.

The fiery redness is obviously hotter than the bright and sunny space outside.

"Welcome to Magic Moon Tower."

The cricket's voice sounded again, but this time it was a female voice.

The **** frowned: "Before that space can see the future of the world, what can you see?"

When I heard Baitan compare himself to another space, the sloppy voice was unwilling at once: "He can see the future, I can know the past, but the rules are still the same, one can only measure once, and only one person."

The **** raised her eyebrows, which was in harmony with her.

"I want to measure Zi Xiu Ran." The white raccoon immediately reported Zi Xiu Ran's birthday character.

The space waited for a long time without opening, and after a while, the image appeared on the illusive wall.

That's how Master looks like an adult. It turned out that he was just a piece of cold jade, born in a stubborn stone. After thousands of years of cultivation, he became a human figure.

The adult master is as handsome as he is now, but he seems to be more indifferent than he is now. There is no emotion in his eyes.

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