Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1392: What does the fox sleep without sleeping?

"Old man, have you ever seen this?" Seeing Hua Yan's appearance, Baitan suddenly became energetic.

Hua Yan looked at the pieces of sheepskin in her hand, looked at the other one, and raised her eyebrow with a smile: "I have seen this before."

"Where?" Baitan looked at Huayan with excitement.

Mo Beichen and Zi Xiuran also looked at Huayan.

"On an ancient book."

"In the Treasury of the Imperial Palace."

The two voices sounded inconsistently.

The white **** glanced at Huayan, and looked at Yu Fan again, why have they all seen it yet, or in a different place.

"I'll find it."

Yu Fan had just thought about it for a long time, and finally thought that he had seen this before when he was sorting out the warehouse for Xianzun.

Yu Fan said, and flew out.

Hua Yan glanced puzzledly at the beaver: "The raccoon girl is looking for this?"

"Um." Baitan nodded and said, "This is the treasure shard of the Seven-colored Flower. I will resurrect my mother with the Seven-colored Flower."

Hua Yan nodded and said, "I'll look for that too."

After finishing speaking, Hua Yan also flew to Jingyue Pavilion. He was the ancient book that he had seen a long time ago. At this moment, I don't know if I can find it.

For a moment, Beaver was full of hope.

I used to think that it was very difficult to find. There are so many pieces of news now. It seems that God is really not thin to her.

Beaver's heart relaxed a lot instantly, and she drank the big bowl of tonic for her.

"A Mo, you can make a few shakers when you have time, don't hold them all day." Seeing Mo Beichen and Zi Xiuran holding two in one hand, Baitan frowned.

This little kid was born when it was snooze, especially now that they haven't opened their eyes, so let them sleep more.

"OK." Mo Beichen nodded.

Looking back when he was free, he made a few shakers.

"Shouldn't it be a nest?" Zi Xiuran said strangely when he heard the **** making a shaker.

Beaver: "..."

Mo Beichen: "..."

After a long stint, the **** stared: "So you gave me a nest when you were a kid."

Zi Xiuran looked at her with an expressionless expression: "What does a fox sleep without sleeping?"

He also made a shaker for her when she was a kid, but she did n’t sleep. He still reminded him that he wanted to make a nest for her. Little nest.

The **** blinked stupidly: "Well, let's make a nest."

Who told Master to bring the little fox, they have never brought it, just listen to Master.

Soon Yu Fan returned.

"Brother Yufan." Beaver was excited when he saw Yufan's return. "How about, did you find it?"

Yu Fan knew that she was in a hurry and didn't tease her. She took out a jade box from the storage ring with a smile and said, "Look if this is it?"

The **** hurriedly opened the jade box and saw a treasure map of sheepskin similar to hers.

The **** looked at the parchment carefully, and put the parchment with the treasure map she got before, but it was an instant joy.

"This is the treasure map of the seven-color flower." Baitan looked at the three treasure maps that were put together, happily hugged Yu Fan, "Brother Yu Fan, you are really amazing."

Yu Fan was embarrassed by the **** and scratched his head in a stupid way. "I also accidentally saw Xianzun's storeroom before. This is actually Xianzun's thing."

After listening to Yu Fan's words, Zi Xiuran suddenly hesitated.

He really doesn't remember having this thing before.

"This Yufan has been seen thousands of years ago. Maybe it was from your birthday before, or it was always in the warehouse, but I didn't notice it before."

Knowing that Zi Xiuran has always paid no attention to these, Yu Fan explained.

Zi Xiuran nodded.

"Master, can this be given to Aju?" Baiju held the sheepskin treasure map and stared at Zi Xiuran.

Although I don't know how many treasure maps there are, one more piece always has more hope.

"Of course." Zi Xiu raised his eyebrows.

Don't say he has it, even if he doesn't, he will help find it.

"Thank you, Master." Beaver immediately rejoiced, and she knew that Master would give her.

Several people approached the table and studied the treasure map on the table.

"I still can't see anything?" Zi Xiuran looked at the treasure map carefully, frowning.

"Yes." Mo Beichen was also a little disappointed. "It seems that there is no ban on this. We can't see anything on the map now."


The **** suddenly realized that no wonder she always looked at the map strangely.

Although each piece of parchment seems to be painted with forests, mountains, rivers, etc., it looks like it is covered with a layer, and it is not clear.

Mo Beichen looked at the map again: "I haven't seen this kind of ban before, but I guess after collecting all the treasure maps, they should be able to be unlocked."

The **** frowned: "But we don't even know how many treasure maps there are now."

There is too little news about the Seven-Colored Flower in this world. Even Master has only heard a few rumors about the Seven-colored Flower.

Everyone was silent for a moment, and they really knew very little about the seven-color flower.

"found it."

A sound of excitement came, and everyone turned around and saw Huayan flying gray-faced.

"Haha ..." Seeing Huayu like this, Yu Fan laughed first. "You're not going to go to the kennel and make yourself like this."

The **** couldn't help laughing, where did the old man get the ashes.

"You little conscience, I'm not for you yet." Seeing Baiju also joked with him, Hua Yan suddenly unhappy, shook the ancient books in his hand, "In order to find this thing, I took the whole Jingyue Pavilion has all been turned over. "

The **** saw the ancient book in Huayan's hand, and his eyes lighted up immediately: "Show it to me."

Without waiting for Huayan to bring it over, Baitan eagerly snatched the ancient book and looked around.

"Here! There is a record of the seven-color flower on it." Bai Tan turned the pages of the seven-color flower on the stone table.

The seven-color flower is transformed by the heaven and earth aura, nourished by the essence of the sun and the moon, and the son-in-law is irrigated with the blood of the son-in-law.

"It's true. Seven-colored flowers can really come back to life." Seeing the estimated record, Baitan immediately rejoiced.

"There is the same map behind you as you have." Huayao turned a page on that ancient book.

The crowd came together immediately.

In addition to a vague map on ancient books, there is a line of explanatory words.

"In order to prevent the world from competing and hinder the growth of the Seven-colored Flower, the female snail carved the hidden position of the Seven-colored Flower into a treasure map, divided into seven parts and scattered in the Seven Realms, and kept by the masters of all circles.

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