Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1393: For the treasure map, even the children are gone

After reading the commentary in that book, Baitan suddenly understood: "That is to say, there are seven such treasure maps, which are kept by the masters of the seven realms?"

The **** said, frowning again: "But our space is not only the fairy, demon, demon, human, ghost, spirit, the Six Realms? Where is the Seven Realms?"

Mo Beichen didn't understand, since he was born, this space has only six realms.

At this moment everyone looked towards Zi Xiuran.

Zi Xiuran shrugged helplessly: "This deity is also unclear."

The crowd raised their eyebrows in surprise, and even he was not clear. Who should I ask?

The **** looked at Hua Yan again: "Old man, do you know?"

He frowned his beard and proudly said, "Then you can ask the right person, old man. I am one of the few million-year-olds in the fairyland. To say that the fairyland knows the most things, it must be asking ... ... "

"Speak the point."

Before Hua Yan's words were finished, Mo Beichen and Baiju stopped in unison.

Huayan: "..."

Every time he said he was happy, the two guys always poured him cold water.

Hua Kui Qiu Zui Zui: "I have seen it in ancient books before. In fact, there are nine families in our space before. They are divided into three groups of gods and deities, three groups of feathers and charms, and three groups of people and ghosts."

Hearing that the monster world is the next three races, the beaver's eyes twitched unconsciously.

Isn't it that the monsters are so bad?

"But then I do n’t know what happened, the Protoss gradually disappeared into the eyes of everyone, I do n’t know if it was hidden or really disappeared, and then Meizu also disappeared, and then the Sevens, probably these seven-colored flowers It was there at that time, so it was said that they were scattered among the Seven Realms, but in fact, the Yu tribe gradually disappeared, and now there are only six tribe in the past ten million years. "

After listening to Hua Yan's explanation, everyone couldn't help sighing.

There used to be nine ethnic groups in the past, but now there are only six ethnic groups, which is almost a third less. If we go further, there may be even fewer.

"It is only the seventh or sixth family. The fragments of this treasure map are unchanged. There must be seven." Mo Beichen said, holding the sheepskin fragment. "There are two sheepskin fragments in our world. What we found, maybe these two pieces were kept by the people of the human race and the feather race, but because of other reasons, they fell into the folk, let us find them. "

The **** nodded, pointing at the two sheepskin treasure maps she had previously said: "These two are temporarily human and feather."

The **** said and pointed to the piece that Yu Fan had just taken: "This piece should be kept by the fairyland."

Everyone nodded.

Several previous masters of the fairy realm have not touched this treasure map, and Zi Xiuran has no interest in this, so this treasure map has been left in the warehouse of the fairy realm, and was only accidentally discovered by Yu Fan thousands of years ago .

"That is to say, the remaining four treasure maps should now be in the demon world, the demon world, the ghost world, and the spirit world, respectively." Yu Fan looked at the three treasure maps on the table and analyzed.

Everyone's eyes light up at once, as if they have found the source of life.

"I'm back to the demon world."

"I go back to the demon world."

Bai Tan and Mo Beichen stood up in a trance, and Mo Beichen tucked the two little guys in his hands directly to Huayao and flew away in a hurry.

"..." Looking at the eagerness of the two, the crowd was speechless for a while.

These two people don't even want their children for the treasure map.

"Oh, my obedient, your father and mother don't want you anymore, grandpa and grandpa will hurt you in the future." Hua Yan hugged the two little guys, that was a favorite.

It's a pity that no matter whether it's the third or sixth child, they all have small buttocks facing him, and they don't care about him at all.

The **** flew back to the demon world.

"Your Majesty, you are back. Feng Yu has been waiting here for a while." Seeing Bai Tan's return, Jun Yan rushed forward.

"See Your Majesty." Feng Yu aside immediately stepped forward to salute.

"Look at this emperor's memory," Baitan remembered Feng Yu when she asked her to be a female officer, and patted her head in annoyance. "You will be the female officer next to my emperor, like Jun Yanxiang." Lulu, follow Jun Yan in the future. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Feng Yu immediately rejoiced, and immediately knelt down and thanked him.

Beaver looked at Jun Yan again: "Teach her well in the future."

"Yes." Jun Yan immediately responded.

After the **** told Feng Yu's affairs, he went straight to the warehouse.

Upon entering the treasury of the Demon Realm, Baiju was instantly stunned by the strange treasure in front of her.

It's ... too much ...

She had seen the warehouse in Yixiangu before, but the demon warehouse was obviously dozens of times larger than the warehouse in Yixiangu, and it was N times more precious.

At this glance, the treasure could not be seen.

At the same time, the **** was happy, and had some headaches.

So many things, how the **** are you looking for?

"Go get Shiraishi." Baijue stepped out of the storehouse, and ordered the demon soldiers guarding the storehouse outside.

"Yes." The demon soldier responded, and went to Shiraishi.

Hearing Baijue looking for him, Shiraishi came quickly.

"Your Majesty, are you looking for an old minister?" Shiraishi bowed.

"Go find dozens of reliable people." Baiju looked at the treasures in the room, frowning.

Shiraishi frowned, and frowned strangely, "Do you want to count the warehouse?"

"Find something." Baitan replied casually.

"Okay." Shiraishi responded, and he quickly found dozens of people, all of whom were fox dead. They were all reliable. "

The **** glanced at them with satisfaction: "My emperor called you to make you find something."

The **** said, taking out a sheepskin treasure map from the storage ring: "That's it, start looking now, find the report immediately."

"Yes." Those people remembered what the treasure map looked like and began to look for it.

The **** did not leave the warehouse, but stood watching from a height.

Shiraishi brought a chair for her, and made tea for her, and Baiju sitting so leisurely, watching them look.

"Everything is looked carefully, and those boxes are opened to see."

The three treasure maps in her hand were originally in the box, so these other ones are likely to be in the box.

When the **** ordered, everyone looked up obediently.

Dozens of people rummaged through the storeroom for a whole day and night, but found nothing.

Suddenly, Baitan was disappointed. At first, she thought with confidence that she was in the warehouse, but she didn't expect it to be.

"Find it again, you must find it."

"Yes." Everyone responded and continued to look back.

"Why is Your Majesty looking for this parchment?" Bai Shi was anxious to see Bai Jue, puzzled.

"Collect seven treasure maps like this. You can find seven-color flowers, which can resurrect the father and mother." Bai Shi is not an outsider, and Baitan does not hide him.

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