Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1394: Make the world overshadowed


As soon as Baishi's eyes lighted up, he naturally also heard the rumors of seven-color flowers, which was a magical medicine that could bring back death.

However, it has only existed in the legend, and His Majesty didn't expect that there was a way to find the Seven-colored Flower.

"As long as you find such parchment, can you find seven-color flowers?" Shiraishi asked excitedly.

If the seven-colored flower is really found, the emperor and empress may be able to be reborn.

"It must be." Bai Tan's eyes were firm.

This is their only hope anyway, no matter how hard the seven-color flowers are, she will give it a try.

"Everyone is looking carefully, and don't let those corners go." Bai Shi heard the spirit, not only let the dead men look carefully, but also went to look for them.

"Sir, the devil is here."

Just when everyone was looking for strength, Jun Yan came with Mo Beichen.

Seeing Mo Beichen, Bai Tan's eyes lighted up suddenly: "Did you find it?"

Mo Beichen smiled, took out a box from his arms, and was excited when he saw the box, because the box was exactly the same as the box brought by Brother Yufan.

Beaver couldn't wait to take the box open, but it was an instant joy.

It's really a piece of sheepskin.

"Great, we have one more." Bai Tan happily hugged Mo Beichen and kissed him. "You also found it in the storeroom?"

Mo Beichen also laughed. "It was found in his study."

The **** knew that he said that he was Mo Youming, his father.

In the study, that should be something he valued very much. Maybe he wanted to resurrect his mother with the seven-color flower, but I don't know why he didn't look for the other seven-color flower.

Mo Beichen looked down at the sheepskin fragment, frowning: "Maybe he found it too late, his mother has been in the ground, and has long since turned into a bone bone reincarnation, even if the seven-color flower is found, it is useless."

He must also be very regretful. If he saw the sheepskin drawing earlier, he might not let his mother be buried, but would find a way to save her body.

Feeling his sorrow, the **** patted his shoulder lightly.

Mo Beichen turned back, grabbed her hand and kissed gently: "It's okay, maybe she's reincarnation long ago, find a loved one happy life, and never have to wait endlessly."

Rather than let her lie cold for thousands of years, he would rather have her reincarnation earlier.

No matter if she was born again to find someone else, or continue to struggle with him, he hoped she would be happy.

The **** chuckled and hugged Mo Beichen: "Mother, she will be happy."

How can a beautiful person be unhappy.

Mo Beichen smiled and rubbed Baitan's head: "How about you, did you find it?"

As soon as this was said, Beaver pulled his head down: "Not yet, I have searched it all and found nothing."

Mo Beichen glanced at the deceased who was still looking, and frowned, "Let them find here, let's look elsewhere."

Before, he also searched in the warehouse, but he didn't find it for a long time. Later, he went to his study to find this.

"Okay." When Bai Tan's eyes lighted up, he pulled Mo Beichen and went to the room where Bi Xue was before.

The beaver's room was once visited by the beaver, that is, the time when he and the master came to find an antidote, and the time when he saw the live spring palace, it was considered familiar.

"Look up separately." Baitan went straight to the cabinet where she was looking for medicine, and there were all kinds of medicine in the cabinet.

Baijue accepted the medicines directly into the storage ring. Although the metamorphosis of Bixue is a little bit luscious, these medicines are well studied. When she has time, she will research and see if she can make them. More special medicine.

In fact, she had already organized this room, but those people did not litter the room.

The two broke up quickly and turned over the contents of the house, but found nothing.

"Go to the study." Bai Tan pulled Mo Beichen straight to Bi Xue's study.

The two turned the study upside down, but they found a secret room, and what kind of ropes, chains, candles, and molds were in the secret room.

"The blood is indeed abnormal enough." Baitan stared at the equipment in amazement.

Suddenly it became clear why Cuixue's cultivation hadn't grown much over the years, which puts effort on it.

"Let's go." Mo Beichen's face was directly dark, covering Baiju's eyes, and holding her out of the closet.

"I can't find it, what should I do now?" Bai Tanxu pulled his head, and slouched in the arms of Mo Beichen, listlessly.

There are both fairy realms and demonic realms. Why can't they find them in demonic realms.

"Would you like to ask someone to see if anyone has seen this sheepskin fragment?" Mo Beichen suggested.

"Who's looking for?" Baitan looked up helplessly. "I was cut off by that perverted confidant, and the women were exiled."

"That's right!" Thinking of a woman, Baitan thought of Feng Yu in an instant, and quickly opened the door. "Come, call Feng Yu."

"Yes." The gatekeeper responded, and immediately called.

Soon Feng Yu came over, "Your Majesty, are you looking for me?"

"Feng Yu." Baitan took out a piece of sheepskin from the storage ring and handed it to Feng Yu. "Have you ever seen this before?"

Feng Yu took a closer look at the fragment of sheepskin and shook her head: "I haven't seen it."

The **** frowned: "You are taking a closer look. Have you ever seen this at Bixue, or you have seen this in a storeroom, study, bedroom, etc."

Feeling that the **** attached great importance to this sheepskin fragment, Feng Yu looked carefully again, but was still unimpressed.

In fact, she is not allowed. She and Bixue are completely unknown. Bixue never enters her room, and she never goes to approach Bixue voluntarily. Therefore, she has never been to his storeroom, study, or bedroom. Where to look?

Seeing Feng Yu like this, Baiju was disappointed again.

It seems she hasn't seen her.

Mo Beichen's eyes flickered, and he suddenly took out the box containing the sheepskin fragments and passed them: "Have you ever seen this before?"

Feng Yu lifted her eyes and looked at Mo Beichen, a moment flashed in her eyes.

The appearance of this man can make the world overshadowed.

"He is the emperor's husband and king of the demon world." Seeing Feng Yu staring at Mo Beichen, Baitan introduced.

As soon as he heard the beaver's husband, Feng Yu quickly retracted his eyes and bowed to salute: "See Devil."

"No courtesy." Mo Beichen saw her understand the rules, and rarely spoke to her. "Look at this box, you have seen it before."

Feng Yu lifted her eyes and glanced at the box, but frowned. "Where did you see this?"

Bai Tan and Mo Beichen glanced at each other, immediately excited: "Where have you met?"

Feng Yu thought for a while and thought, "It seems that Bi Xue gave me such a box before."

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