Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1400: Ghost Master Wins

When Baiju and Mo Beichen arrived here, it was already day and night, but there was no day in the Nether Realm, and the sky here was dark at any time.

It's very busy here, and the streets on both sides are brightly lit, as if it were a holiday.

Beavers saw ghosts walking and people walking normally. This is really a magical place where people and ghosts can get along so peacefully.

"Have you been here before?" Baitan raised his eyes and asked Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen shook his head. He is a very boring person and a boring monarch. It seems that he has never been out of the demon world since he became a demon monk, but only later went to the immortal world after meeting her.

The **** chuckled: "I haven't been here, but I think it's interesting here."

Looking at the hilarious appearance of the ghost clan, Baiju suddenly didn't fear death. If he could still live like this after he died, it wouldn't be terrible to die.

Mo Beichen smiled and rubbed her head: "Let's go to the ghost master."


The two went to the Ghost King's Hall together.

"Stop, what are you waiting for?" As soon as they arrived at the door, they were stopped by two ghost soldiers.

"We want to see your ghost master." Beaver looked at them.

"Presumptuous, what are your identities, we ghost masters are what you want to see and see." The two drank again.

Suddenly she felt a little unhappy, and she spoke to them kindly, but the two little devils were so unreasonable.

Sure enough, it was the King Yan who was so good to see.

"When you go to the notice, you can say that the demon emperor and the devil are asking for a meeting." Baitan said coldly.

"Evil Emperor and Demon King?" After the two little ghosts stunned, they burst out laughing. "Ha ha ha ha ... if you two are the Demon Emperor and the Demon King, we are the demon emperor.

The blue veins of the beaver's forehead suddenly burst suddenly, and he couldn't bear to rush wildly towards the two ghost soldiers.

"I want to be the ancestor of the emperor. The emperor beat you to see the ancestor."

The outside movement soon shocked the inside, and soon a group of ghost soldiers came out.

"Who are you? How dare you do it in the Hall of Ghost Kings." The leading ghost soldier suddenly yelled at his companion.

The **** throws away the two miserable ghost soldiers: "My emperor is the demon emperor who wants to see your ghost master."

The **** said, took out Bethel and threw it at the leading ghost soldier.

The leading ghost soldier looked at the seal of the demon emperor on the placard and still didn't believe it: "This placard will not be fake."

The beaver's eyes twitched, and he sneered, "It's true or false to show them to your ghost master, I believe that your ghost master should not be as ignorant as you."

The ghost soldier frowned at Bai Jue's stunning looks and her mighty coercion, and went in with a placard.

After a while, the ghost soldiers came out again with worship posts.

"Your Majesty, our ghost master invites you to go in." This time, the attitude of the ghost soldier was a 360-degree turn.

Lying on the ground, the two ghost soldiers mourned, and when they heard that their head called His Majesty Baiju, they were instantly stunned.

Gosh, she is really a demon emperor. Is n’t that next to you really a demon.

They even said that they were the ancestors of the Demon Emperor and the Demon King. Are they not far from death?

Just when the two ghost soldiers were worried, Bai Tan and Mo Beichen looked into the ghost king palace without looking at them.

This ghost king hall is full of dark and cold atmosphere. If it wasn't for the beaver's own fire attribute, I'm afraid it would not be able to bear the cold here.

"The new demon emperor beaver." A sudden cold voice came, and a white goosebump on the beaver's body instantly.

She raised her eyes and looked at the man in the cape on the throne, who could not see clearly, and arched, "I have seen the ghost master."

"I heard that you hurt Ben Jun's ghost soldiers?" Although it was a matter of blame, the tone was not stingy, but rather a bit of a joke.

Baitaner hooked his lips and said, "Your ghost soldier should be the emperor of the emperor and husband. The emperor punched him with two punches."

Ming wins and raises his eyebrows. He doesn't want to investigate Bai Tan's meaning, but looks at Mo Beichen with interest: "Are you Mo Yan?"

"Ghost Lord." Mo Beichen did not arch his hand, but spit out two words expressionlessly.

There was a hint of interest in Mingying's eyes. During his reign, he had watched the Demon World change hands several times, and was very interested in the ink crickets that had died for women.

I thought he and Baitan could not live anymore, and even had no qualifications to be a ghost. I didn't expect that they not only lived, but also came back again. It's interesting for two people.

Ming wins and raises his eyebrows: "No matter you don't go to the Temple of the Three Treasures, your husband and wife come to the door together. Is there something to do with the king?"

The **** cursed slightly, "Don't you ask us to sit?"

This is all a level, so why not let them stand and talk.

Mingying laughed again, suddenly got up from the throne, and walked towards the two step by step.

The man was getting closer, and the face under his cloak gradually became clear.

When Baitan saw his features clearly, his eyes flashed with surprise.

Although she faced A Mo's face every day, she couldn't help being surprised when she saw such a beautiful face at first.

This victorious appearance is almost as good as A Mo and Master, but he and Master ’s immortal and A Mo have different charms. They are of Yun Shaoning's type, but compared to Yun Shaoning. It is also exquisite and stunning.

As soon as he saw the man's face, Mo Beichen glanced at Baiju for the first time, and when she saw that she was stupid, she immediately became angry.

Feeling the cold air coming from the side, Baiju lowered his eyes consciously immediately.

Although this person looks good, she still likes A Mo best.

Watching the interaction between the two, Mingying hooked and laughed: "Since the demon emperor and the demon have something to talk with Ben Jun, then talk to Ben Jun's study."

Mingying said without waiting for the two to agree, he went ahead to lead the way.

Bai Tan and Mo Beichen had no choice but to follow him to the study.

This wicked study is also very gloomy, but the only thing that is better than the main hall is that the space here is much smaller, and the coldness of the cold people is much less. The most important thing is that there are stools here. .

"Aren't you going to sit?" Mingying gave the **** a quizzical look, and he sat down first.

Baitan raised his eyebrows, and he was also polite to sit opposite Mo Beichen.

Mingying personally poured tea for the two of them: "Now you can say your intention."

Baitan took a sip of tea and looked at Mo Beichen.

"Ah ..." Bai Tan lowered his tea cup and looked at Mingying. "That's it. This time, we are here to ask the ghost master for something."

Pingying Taohua eyes dazzled, did not answer, just drank tea, as if waiting for the **** to continue.

"That's the thing." Ming Ying couldn't answer, and Beaver had to take out the box. "I don't know if there is such a thing in Ghost King's Hall?"

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