Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1401: Underbelly

Mingying looked at the box in Baiju's hand and raised an eyebrow: "Seven-colored flower fragments?"

When Hei Ming said the seven-colored flower fragment, the **** instantly rejoiced.

As soon as he looked at the box, he knew that it was a seven-color flower fragment, which means that he knew the box, he knew the contents of the box, and even studied this.

"That's it." Baitan tried to suppress the excitement in her heart, but her voice still betrayed her.

"Are you going to save Bai Ye?" Although it was a question, Ming Ying's voice was definitely very positive.

I didn't expect Mingying to be so smart, and Beaver frowned, and didn't hide: "I want to save my father and queen mother. If you have this, we want to exchange other things with you."

Ming wins and raises a wicked smile: "But Ben is not short of anything."

... one sentence blocked all the beaver's words.

Mingying has to sip tea, as if he doesn't want to continue this topic at all.

The **** frowned. I heard that the whole win would be difficult, but I didn't expect him to give them no chance at all.

Baitan took a deep breath and said, "If we can, we don't want to bother you, but things are very important to us. We also sincerely want to exchange with you. No matter what you want, we try to do it. Please give it anyway. We have a chance. "

Mingying hooked his lips and sipped the tea: "The demon emperor is filial, but Bai Ye and Ben Jun are not close to each other, why should Ben Jun save him?"

… The **** once again made a black line, she really hated the person who could talk to the sky like this casually, it was really not cute at all.


Several people were talking, and a woman with a big belly came in with a food container.

A woman is very clean and lovely. If it was not for the fast-growing belly, it would not be like a married woman at all.

The woman had just entered the door, and Mingying went over to help her immediately.

"Why are you here? Isn't it uncomfortable?" Mingying looked at her mother anxiously, fearing that she was uncomfortable.

"No, I'm afraid you haven't eaten yet, so I made a few snacks for you." Ling Juner smiled and raised the food box in her hand.

"I told you not to cook anymore, what to do if it's hot?" Mingying complained, but her hand was already helping to lift the food box.

"It's okay, you're too nervous." Knowing that he was worried about himself, Ling Juner smiled and soothed.

She was only pregnant and not sick, so she couldn't even go to the kitchen.

Beaver looked at the interaction between the two, raising his eyebrows slightly.

I didn't expect this difficult ghost to be so painful to his wife.

Thinking of Master's reminder before leaving, Bai Tan's eyes brightened instantly.

Ling Juner walked into the room to see Bai Jue and Mo Beichen, and then smiled again: "You have guests, so just **** dessert together."

As soon as I heard that he would eat his mother's dessert for others, Mingying was not happy immediately: "No, they are not hungry."

"Who says I'm not hungry." As soon as Mingying's words fell, he was grabbed by the beaver.

"Thank you, Queen." Beaver raised the food container to Ling Juner with a smile.

Ling Juner stepped forward and took out a few snacks from the food box: "I do whatever you want, you can taste it."

The **** squeezed a piece of peach blossom and tasted it, and suddenly his eyes brightened: "Well, the pastry is delicious, the queen's craftsmanship is so good."

Hearing that Baiju likes her pastry, Ling Juner immediately laughed.

"Amo, you taste it." Bai Tan gave the remaining food to Mo Beichen, "Delicious."

"Um." Mo Beichen nodded.

Ming wins and sees his lady's pastry tasted by other men. Her dark face suddenly became more gloomy, and her eyes looking at Baiju and Mo Beichen were even more like a knife.

Ling Jun'er really liked Bai Tan'er and Mo Beichen. When they saw that they were feeding like this, they asked with a smile: "Are you husband and wife?"

"Yeah." Beaver nodded and smiled. "How is it a good match?"

Ming wins a black line, and is almost speechless to the beaver's cheek.

Ling Juner nodded his head very much: "It's really good, you all look good."

"You are also beautiful. But the ghost in your family doesn't look very good." Baitan praised Ling Juner and cast a disgusting look towards Mingying.

Hearing the **** saying that Ming wins, Ling Juner was not only angry, but also cheerful.

This is the first time she has ever met someone who dares to be so cowardly. People are scared when they see him. This girl is really interesting.

Mingying stared with a somber face and stared at the **** who had eaten all of her mother's cakes: "Let ’s finish it, let's go after it is finished."

The **** ate the pastry and raised his eyebrows, "It's rare to come to your ghost king's palace. Don't you stay with us for a few days?"

It finally took me to the Ghost King's Hall. How could it be easily left without getting this thing?

Ming wins a black line: "We are not familiar."

"Queen, can we stay for a few days?" Bai Tan ignored him and looked directly at Ling Juner.

But she caught his weakness, so she didn't need to ask him at all.

Ling Juner nodded without even thinking: "Of course, I will let you arrange your room now."

Guessing this would be the answer, the **** immediately raised a bright smile on her: "That's really thank you, you are so kind."

Ling Jun'er turned around and held his belly to help the beavers prepare their rooms.

As soon as Ling Juner left, Mingying stared at the **** with his teeth gritted: "Do you think it would be useful to make a queen of this queen?"

"Do you know if you can try it?" Baitan raised his eyebrows and walked proudly beside Mingying.

Mingying was so angry that he was going to smoke, but he was afraid that Ling Juner was tired. He quickly chased out and personally instructed the people below to prepare rooms for the beavers. He helped Ling Juner back to the room.

"You're all going to be born. You can just leave these things to the people below." Mingying helped Ling Juner sit down and pulled her hand up again to check if she had a burn.

"I'm really okay." Ling Jun'er pulled back his hand and did not let Ming Win triumph.

"By the way, those two are your friends. I haven't seen them before." Thinking of Bai Tan and Mo Beichen, Ling Juner asked with interest.

"No." Mingying didn't want to mention them at all, thinking of Baiju's cunning, he couldn't help reminding him, "You have to keep them, but you don't go too close to them, especially that woman . No, men can't get closer. "

Looking at his careful man, Ling Juner was helpless.

In the guest room, Baiju pillowed Mo Beichen's arms and raised his lips.

"Do you have a way?" Mo Beichen asked with an eyebrow when she saw her face confident.

The **** smiled proudly, confidently, "Of course, just wait for my good news."

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