Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1402: Do you think I'm stupid?

The next day, as soon as Mingying left, Baiju went to visit Ling Jun'er.

Ling Juner was also very happy to see Baijue, apparently forgetting what Mingying told her yesterday.

"Did you sleep well yesterday?" Ling Juner took the **** to sit down and ordered the maid to pour tea.

Beaver smiled: "Of course, thank you for your hospitality."

In fact, the ghost world is still a little more heavy, but she is a fire, but it has no effect.

"That's good." Ling Juner smiled and poured the tea to the beaver, "I'm pregnant and can't drink with you, but this tea is excellent, you can try it."

After hearing what she said, the **** remembered that she had just given birth and suddenly apologized, "I'm actually breastfeeding, so I can't drink it."

Ling Juner was a little surprised and surprised: "It turned out you just gave birth to a baby, I'm sorry I don't know."

Ling Juner said, and then told the maid: "Tear the tea, change the honey water."

"Yes." The maid responded and quickly changed to honey water.

"When did you give birth to your baby for a few months?" Ling Juner asked the **** curiously.

She didn't expect that she had just given birth to a baby. It was really because she was so small that she couldn't see the baby just after she was born.

When it comes to babies, the **** is also full of love: "Just a few days after birth, the baby is only a few days."

Ling Jun'er looked at the **** in surprise, and just just gave birth: "Don't you need to be a confinement?"

Why just came here a few days ago.

The Beaver looked at Ling Juner embarrassedly, "Because of something, I'm looking for the ghost master."

Ling Juner's eyes flickered, without asking.

Although she doesn't understand anything, she never asks her husband anything, so no matter what she asks her husband, she can't help.

The **** laughed when she didn't answer.

Really clever woman, she looks stupid on the surface, but she is so wise.

Beaver doesn't tell her about her affairs, after all, what she came to win, not her, and she didn't want to embarrass her.

Seeing Bai Taner not talking about her in front of her, Ling Juner had a good impression of her.

"A baby boy or a baby girl in your family?"

"Male ... man." Baitan sulked and almost said the male.

"Is the child still breastfeeding?" Ling Juner seemed to have a lot of questions about production.

She had long wanted to ask an experienced mother to ask, and now she had this opportunity.

"Eat, but I don't have enough milk." Baiju also asked questions.

She also likes to share with other people about children's topics.

"Why isn't there enough milk? I heard that eating more fishy fish can give you milk. You can try it." Hearing that the beaver's milk is not enough, Ling Jun'er was worried for her.

The **** smiled bitterly: "It's not enough to eat, it's not enough to have too many children."

"Too many children?" Ling Juner was a little confused, "You have twins?"

The **** blinked: "That's right."

She didn't want to say that she gave birth to six. She was afraid to scare people. In case she was scared of premature birth, then Mingying had to kill her.

Seeing her reluctance to say, Ling Juner would not ask.

"Are you going to be born soon?" Baitan looked at her swollen belly and guessed that her month should be eight or nine months.

"Yeah." Ling Jun'er touched his belly and smiled softly. "The doctor said it's only been a few days, so I'm nervous."

It is said that birth is a ghost door that a woman must pass, and she is really scared.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt too much if the fetus is in the right position." Seeing her nervous, Beaver comforted.

Although she knew it was painful, she would not irritate her.

"Really? The doctor said that my fetal position was normal." Ling Juner was very happy, and her nervousness just relaxed a little.

The two talked very well, and Ling Juner also went to the kitchen to teach the **** to make pastries.

Although Baitan hasn't done it before, he learns things very quickly. After a short time, he learned some special snacks of Ling Juner.

Although the taste is not necessarily as good as that of Ling Juner, there is no difference in appearance.

"Check what I made, this is my first time making it." Bai Tan brought the snacks he made to Ling Juner.

Ling Jun'er tasted everything, and looked at the **** inconceivably at once: "You are really doing it for the first time."

"Am I very talented?" Beaver was complacent.

Ling Juner smiled and gave her a thumbs up: "You are really talented and taste good. I didn't do as well as you for the first time."

"It's really so good." Bai Tan also tasted a little with disbelief, and thought the taste was OK.

Maybe more delicate than Ling Juner, but she also has her style.

"It's really delicious. I'm going to take it back for Amo to taste. He hasn't eaten my pastry yet." Bai Tan picked up a few pieces cheerfully and left Ling Juner.

When Mingying returned, she saw that Ling Juner was in the kitchen again, and quickly hugged her back to the room. "Isn't it forbidden to go to the kitchen? Why not listen?"

Ling Jun'er looked helplessly at Mingying: "It's really okay, even Tanuki said that moving a little before production is good for production."

He didn't let her move like this, what if she had difficulty giving birth?

As soon as he heard Baitan's name, Mingying's face darkened: "Has that woman been here? What did she tell you?"

Ling Jun'er frowned at him: "What's this woman and that woman's name? They're called beavers."

They are all guests, and he is too disrespectful.

He winced silently, why did he respect her, didn't she call him a ghost?

"That woman has a purpose. She purposely approached you. Don't be fooled by her." Mingying bitterly said, for fear that the sly woman Bai Baier would cheat his lady into selling.

"Is she intentional? I can tell for myself." Ling Jun'er was unhappy and stared at Ming Win with a small mouth. "Do you think I'm stupid?"

... Ming wins for two seconds and shakes his head quickly, "Of course not, you are the smartest."

"Hum!" Ling Juner snorted coldly and ignored him.

The guy with a bad heart said she wouldn't care about him.

Mingying blinked innocently, wondering why Ling Juner was suddenly angry, apparently he didn't answer wrong.

It must be what the beaver's woman told her. Thinking of beaver, Mingying angrily wanted to kick people out.

"A sneeze, sneeze ..." White **** sneezes for no apparent reason as soon as she returns to the guest room.

"What's wrong?" Mo Beichen looked at her with concern, worried that the ghost of the ghost world was too heavy.

Beaver twisted his nose and said unhappyly, "It must be that ghost who is scolding me."

Mo Beichen frowned: "Did you mess with him again?"

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