Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1403: Who wants Ling Juner?

"No," Baitan said, not wanting to mention the stingy ghost at all.

"Taste this pastry, it's fresh out of the oven." Baitan took the little butterfly out of the food box.

There are five types of pastries on that plate, exactly the five types she made today.

Mo Beichen frowned and looked at the snack on the plate, without any desire to eat.

"I don't want to eat pastries made by other women."

When eating pastry yesterday, that man's eyes could kill. In fact, he can understand him very well. After all, if someone eats the cake made by his mother, he will also want to kill.

The **** did not expect that he was concerned about this, and immediately hugged his neck and laughed, "This is not what the other lady did.

"This is what you made?" Mo Beichen looked in surprise at the plate and saw the delicate pastries.

When did she learn to make pastries?

"That's what I made." Bai Tan cheerfully brought the dish to Mo Beichen. "I just learned from Jun Er, it's delicious, you taste it."

Mo Beichen pinched the suspect suspiciously and immediately raised his eyebrow: "It's not bad."

"It's delicious, try this again." Baitan was happy and gave Mo Beichen another kind of cake.

What the mother-in-law makes, even if it ’s unpalatable, you have to finish it, not to mention the taste is really good.

Mo Beichen ate all five pastries in the plate at one go, and he did not forget to praise after eating: "It's delicious."

Beaver happily kissed on his lips: "I'll make it for you next time."

"Do you really stop talking about Mingying?" Mo Beichen asked frowning.

The **** raised his eyebrows: "Trust me, get Juner first, then the ghost can get it."

Mo Beichen nodded, this is indeed a good way.

The next day, the **** went to Ling Jun'er again, but met Mingying.

"Jun'er's mind is simple, and the demon emperor still doesn't have to worry about her any more." As soon as she saw Baijue, she won't look good.

Beaver also looked at Ming Win with a disgusted look: "Gu Xizhu rest assured that Juner and I are already friends, and I will not play tricks on my friends."

"Lier." As soon as Baici's voice fell, Ling Juner came in. "I happened to simmer some soup, should I drink it together?"

The **** stared proudly and won, and sat down at the table.

Mingying watched the **** irritated his teeth, he did not believe what the sly woman said.

"Taste it." Ling Jun'er personally served a bowl to the beaver.

Beaver looked at the soup and frowned.

"What's wrong? Don't you like it?" Ling Juner wondered if she didn't drink.

"Not that I don't like it, but you better not drink it." Baitan glanced at Ling Juner's bowl tonic.

As Beaver said, Ling Juner's heart suddenly raised: "What's wrong, is there anything bad in the soup?"

Over there, Mingying came nervously to catch Ling Juner, and he yelled, "Come, call the doctor."

Ming wins an order, and someone immediately goes to the doctor.

All the maids in the room were nervous.

Seeing them all so nervous, the **** shrugged and said, "You don't have to be so nervous, there is no problem with this soup, and there is nothing bad in it."

Ling Juner and Mingying looked at each other.

"Then why are you making such a fuss?" Ming Ying glared at the beaver, who was really scared to death.

Bai Tan gave him a glance, and then looked at Ling Jun'er: "It is no problem to supplement the soup, but this soup is too nourishing, it is not suitable for you."

Ling Juner frowned, still puzzled.

Didn't everyone say that pregnant women need to nourish? Why can't she drink tonic soup?

After seeing her, she did n’t understand, Baizi had to explain carefully: "Pregnant women are two people, so they should be supplemented appropriately, but they cannot be supplemented too much. If they are supplemented too much, they will cause excess nutrition. Larger, it will increase the birth risk of pregnant women. Simply put too much, the child will be very big, the bigger the child, the more difficult it is to give birth. "

After the **** spoke, Ling Jun'er's face turned white instantly: "What should I do? I have eaten this soup for months."

Mingying's face sank, and he looked at Ling Juner's big belly with anxiety.

It was then that the physician from the Hall of Ghost Kings came.

"Let's see what's wrong with this tonic?" Mingying turned his face black and asked him to come over and check.

The doctor didn't look good at seeing Mingying, and hurriedly came over.

He took the soup and looked at it carefully, and tasted it. After a while, he bowed and said, "There is nothing wrong with this soup, it is tonic."

Mingying suddenly looked at him sharply: "Is Benjun asking you if this soup is suitable for the queen to drink?"

The doctor trembled when he heard the words, his sweat was coming out of his forehead, and he quickly bowed down: "The decoction is tonic for pregnant women, which is very suitable for the queen to drink."

Instant wins erupted in a whisper: "Come here, drag down my soul to imprint."

Hearing the words "pumping of the soul", the doctor instantly scared the three souls to two and a half.

"Mr. King ..."

Before he called, a ghost soldier rushed in and dragged him out.

The soul-pumping is the heaviest punishment in the ghost world, not only to take your soul alive, but also to brand your sins on your soul, let you become a ghost and a fierce soul, and then be sent to Hongmeng Purgatory, forever They can only be killed there indefinitely.

Seeing him kill the doctor directly, Baitan raised his eyebrows: "Shouldn't he ask his master behind the scenes?"

This kind of tonic soup actually eats Juner for several months. This is obviously because someone deliberately made Juner have difficulty giving birth and died.

At this time, the woman who wants to kill Juner should be a woman who wants to be a queen, but I heard that this person loves her queen very much, and there is only a woman in the harem.

Ling Juner was pale, as if thinking of something, and squeezed his sleeve tightly.

Mingying didn't answer her, only Ling Juner asked worriedly, "This soup for more than half a year, will it affect her production?"

Ling Jun'er also suddenly looked at Bai Ju nervously: "Li Juer ..."

"Don't be nervous, maybe it's okay." Seeing that Ling Juner's face was all white, Baitan quickly comforted, "Give me your hand first, I'll give you a pulse."

Ling Jun'er quickly passed his hand to Baiju.

Baitan sat next to Ling Juner and took her pulse.

Seeing her skillful movement, Ming wins frown: "Will you heal?"

The **** did not look at him, "My master is Zi Xiuran."

Only then did Yin Ying think about it, Zi Xiuran's medicine was famous in the Six Realms, and the moment he looked at the **** was full of hope.

The **** probed Ling Juner's veins, and let her lie on the bed again, and looked at her belly.

"How's it? Is it dangerous?" Ling Jun'er looked at Baiju nervously.

Ming Win is also nervous.

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