Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1412: Valley of the Seven Stars

The three sat on the back of Qinglong and flew all the way to the fairyland.

"Now the seven pieces are all together. We might as well fight the pieces first and see where the seven-color flower is. If it is not far, how about we pick and go back?" The **** could not wait to find Seven color flowers.

Mo Beichen had no comment, and Zi Xiuran nodded.

The **** was overjoyed and quickly took out all the pieces.

The three sat together and began to fight pieces.

"This one is here."

"There seems to be one less here."

"This piece should be over there."

The three quickly completed the treasure map. At the moment when the seven pieces were brought together, a seven-color light flashed on the treasure map. The treasure map originally divided into seven changed instantly. It became a complete map.

The unclear mountains and rivers on the debris before became clear instantly.

"Did the mystery on this map be solved?" The **** suddenly rejoiced as he watched the clear mountain river.

"Yes." Mo Beichen nodded, pointing to the clearest point on the map, "Seven-colored flowers should be here."

"This is the Valley of the Seven Stars." Zi Xiuran murmured looking at the place.

The **** looked at Zi Xiuran in surprise: "Master knows this place?"

Zi Xiu frowned his eyebrows: "I've heard of it before and I've never been there, but I heard that it is very mysterious. It seems that no one who has been in has ever come out."

Beaver is a little surprised, is it so dangerous?

The **** was silent for a while and said, "I want to see it now, Master ..."

"Don't want to take it as a teacher?" Zi Xiuran looked slightly cold, and seemed a little angry.

The **** laughed dryly: "Where is it? I just want Master to come with us."

Seeing Bai Jue say this, Zi Xiuran's face was better.

"Let's go." Mo Beichen commanded Qinglong to let him go in the direction of Qixing Valley.

Qinglong is fast, travels thousands of miles, and soon reaches his destination.

The three flew down from Qinglong.

"This is the entrance to the Valley of the Seven Stars?" Baitan looked at the swirling entrance, feeling as if there were tens of millions of stars inside.

"Go in and see."

The three entered a vortex together, and the scene turned around, and the scene in front of them changed instantly.

The **** looked at the long groan, and frowned gently: "It's been a long time since no one has been here."

Almost all the grass on both sides of the road had blocked the road.

Mo Beichen took out the map and looked at it: "As shown in this treasure map, the seven-color flower should be at the deepest part of the valley of seven stars."

"Then let's go and see." Baitan still couldn't wait, and pulled Mo Beichen into it.

Zi Xiuran also followed.

The martyrdom was long and seemed to be endless. The three of them walked for a long time without signs of end.

The beaver's legs were a little sour, looking at the weeds that were about two steps frowning, "How can't I get out."

Mo Beichen stopped in place, looked carefully at the weeds on both sides, and suddenly took out Long Yinjian and made a stroke on both sides.

"Go." Mo Beichen pulled the **** and continued to move forward.

After the three had gone for a while, they saw the weeds that had been cut by Mo Beichen, and saw the grass on the ground.

"How come, why are we back again?" The **** looked at the grass drowsily, but couldn't react.

They were clearly moving forward. There were no curves at all. How could they return to the original place again.

"We should be walking in place." Zi Xiuran squatted down and looked at the grass.

In terms of the time they walked, the circle in which they were standing did not seem to be large.

Mo Beichen looked around and frowned, "There should be a formation here."

The **** was amazed, it turned out to be a formation, no wonder he couldn't get out.

"Amo all depends on you." Baitan looked at Mo Beichen with anticipation.

Ah Mo's formation is so powerful that he can certainly crack the formation here.

"Let's go, let's go again." Mo Beichen dragged the **** and continued to move forward. This time, he was fully focused and focused his attention on this overgrown passage.

After walking for a while, Mo Beichen stopped suddenly: "This should be the end of the passage. If we go on, we will go back again."

The **** frowned, staring blankly at the road ahead.

"The road ahead cannot be taken, and there is no other road here."

Mo Beichen watched for a while, waved Long Yinjian again, and chopped in front of him.


After a while shaking the mountain, the lane in front of it suddenly cracked into two.

The beaver's eyes widened slyly. What kind of operation was this?

"Go." Mo Beichen took Baiju and walked into the left lane.

Zi Xiuran quickly followed.

The three seemed to have turned a corner and changed the scene.

"How is the cliff?"

Suddenly there was a cliff in front of the three.

Beaver looked back and found that the long martyrdom they had just gone was gone, and the most important thing was that the entrance to the vortex was gone.

"Shall we go?"

Mo Beichen frowned as he looked at the long iron chain on the cliff: "There should be arrays here too."

Zi Xiuran's probe looked down at the water below the cliff: "Underneath is Soul Eater."

The white **** frowned frantically, turned out to be soul-stealing water.

No wonder the rumor goes here again, dare to love that there is a mysterious rumor is just an appetizer.

Mo Beichen stood on the edge of the cliff and looked at it for a while, then he understood the formation method.

"I'll go through it first, you can see clearly, don't be wrong, if the chain is wrong, it will break, and if I didn't guess wrong, spiritual power should not be used here."

The **** frowned and tried to mobilize his spiritual power, but there was no reaction in his body.

"It's really impossible to use spiritual power."

It seems that no effort can be used, and falling down is dead.

"Anyway, be careful, I will go first." Mo Beichen first stepped on the iron chain.

His pace was strange, as if he had a special move.

Both Beaver and Zi Xiuran kept his pace in mind.

The chain is not very long, just enough for them to see clearly.

Mo Beichen arrived safely across the bank: "How do you remember that clearly? Should I go again?"

"I remember." Baici looked at Zi Xiuran. "I'll go first."

Zi Xiu nodded.

Baitan stepped on the iron chain, seriously remembering Mo Beichen's steps, and moved forward step by step.

Soon she arrived safely across the bank.

Zi Xiuran was left, and I remembered it twice after seeing it twice, and soon he reached the opposite bank.

"There is no way here." Bai Tan looked back at the hill where there was no way, feeling tired.

"The exit is the mountain." Mo Beichen dragged the **** straight into the mountain.

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