Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1413: The most enjoyable chess game

The **** can really feel the feeling of hitting a wall. Fortunately, A Mo did not read the wrong array method, otherwise it is estimated that they must be bleeding today.

The three passed through the mountain, and the scene changed again, this time it turned into a waterfall, and it was the soul-stealing water that slid down the waterfall.

"Wow, it's so big."

What the **** is going on, this water is dead.

Mo Beichen stood in front of the waterfall, staring carefully at your flying soul-stealing water.

"This soul eater has no splash. It should also be possible to crack."

The **** instantly raised hope, and looked at Mo Beichen babblely.

Mo Beichen looked for a while, and finally found the door.

"This is more dangerous. I'll take the **** away. You can see for yourself."

Mo Beichen said, and took Baiju to fly into the Soul-Eating Water Waterfall.

He turned left and rounded, gliding like a meteor in the center of the waterfall.

Mo Beichen's speed is very fast, when Zi Xiuran remembers his actions, they have disappeared.

Zi Xiu frowned, and rushed into the waterfall.

When the **** came back here, he had changed the scene again.

At the moment, they were in front of several stone piers, and there was a little white cloud under the piers.

The **** has a black line, and after this one level after another, what time is it?

Zi Xiuran came over soon, and when he saw him coming safely, the **** settled down.

"How much more do we need to pass?" Baiju disliked this endless feeling.

Mo Beichen frowned: "This place is called the Seven Stars Valley, and maybe we should pass the seven levels."

Bai Tan's eyes brightened: "Let's pass the three levels, this is the fourth level."

Mo Beichen nodded: "There should be four levels."

Zi Xiuran: "After passing this level, let's talk."

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows and looked at the stone pier: "This is even more difficult. The distance between the stone pier is too large. If you can't use light work, you can't cross so far."

"What then?" Baitan looked at the clouds below.

There must be no good things below, maybe it's a disgusting thing that eats soul water.

"So there must be a dark pile between the stone pier and the stone pier, but the position of the dark pier should be random. I haven't been able to determine it yet. I only knew it when I went up." Just a moment later, Mo Beichen has centered the stone pier Mystery is clear.

Mo Beichen hugged Baitan and said, "I'll take the raccoon first, and then I'll tell you how to get there."

Zi Xiu nodded.

Mo Beichen hugged the **** and stepped on the stone pier. There was some distance between the stone pier and the stone pier. There was only a hidden pile randomly in the middle of the pier, and it would change at any time, so Mo Beichen could only pass at a fast speed.

Bai Tan held Mo Beichen's neck and hung him obediently, she knew that he would surely bring her to the opposite side.

Mo Beichen's speed was very fast, flashing past like lightning.

After stepping on the last stone pier, Mo Beichen did not cross to the opposite bank. He was afraid that after going up, he would change to another scene. In that case, Zi Xiuran would be overwhelmed.

"Are you ready?" Mo Beichen turned to look at Zi Xiuran.

"Okay." Zi Xiuran stepped onto the first stone pier.

"Two and a half steps south." Before Mo Beichen gave his first instruction, Zi Xiuran stepped into the void with complete confidence, without any hesitation.

"East and west steps ... one and a half steps northwest ..."

Mo Beichen commanded methodically, and Zi Xiuran quickly straddled the pier and the dark pile according to his instructions.

"Three steps in the southeast." After Mo Beichen said the last command, he jumped ashore with the beaver, and the two disappeared instantly.

According to Mo Beichen, Zi Xiuran successfully climbed the last stone pier, and then released the barrier.

The last two levels are similar to the previous ones, and they are similar to find the array.

Under the leadership of Mo Beichen, the three successfully reached the final level.

There is nothing in this last level, only a big chessboard.

The **** frowned at the big chessboard on the wall: "What does this mean? Let us play chess."

Just when Beaver was curious, four big characters appeared on the wall: the winner came out.

The **** had a black line: "The person who wins can go out, so if you don't play, you can win or lose?"

But they have three people.

As soon as the beaver's voice fell, three-color chess pieces appeared in front of the three, black and white and red.

The three were speechless for a moment.

Three-color pawns, this is for the three of them to play chess together.

"I seem to know how many people came in before?" Baitan curiously, with a stiff face.

In case there are ten or eight, there are so many pieces on this board.

Mo Beichen gave her a glance at her: "Do you think anyone can come here?"

Looking at Mo Beichen's small, proud appearance, Baijue was happy.

Also, they are so smart that they can get to the sixth level. Those who broke in before are probably dead as early as the first and second levels. I'm afraid that they can't reach this level at all.

Of course, she also prayed that they could not get through this level. In case anyone could live through it, wouldn't her colorful flowers have been taken away.

"Come on, let's start and see who can go out." Baici picked the red **** first.

Mo Beichen chose black, and Zi Xiuran was white.

"I haven't played a three-player game yet. You have to let me order it." The **** said to play the first chess piece.

Mo Beichen followed, and Zi Xiuran followed.

The three of you come to me, but no one will be outdone. Although the three of them have not played three-player chess before, but the three of them have good chess skills, so this warrior can be regarded as equal.

Soon the board was filled with three-colored chess pieces. From the perspective of the game, it was the **** that prevailed.

Mo Beichen glanced at Zi Xiuran. Zi Xiuran immediately noticed that a white chess blocked the way of Red chess.

Red took a different approach, and Black quickly caught up.

Beaver raised his eyebrows at the two of them: "Cooperate to stop me, and fall into my pit carefully."

The **** laughed, put a red chess between black and white, and swallowed black and white together instantly.

Mo Beichen looked at Zi Xiuran and smiled. He put a black chess in that white circle, and the red chess inside was swallowed instantly.

At this position, White would be wiped out, and Red would have a complete victory. Only Black would be able to stand on a tripod and form a draw.

Beaver looked at Zi Xiuran and Mo Beichen with a smile: "It seems that Master and Amo's chess skills are not bad, this is the most enjoyable chess I have ever played."

Playing chess with Master and A Mo is much better than playing chess with Grandpa and Master. You can give full play to it. Don't be afraid that the other party doesn't understand what you mean. The three of them work best together.

Because it was a draw, we won three times, and soon all the pieces on the board disappeared, and the big board slowly moved away.

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