A valley full of flowers and mountains suddenly appeared in front of the three.

"Oh my god, a lot of flowers!" The **** paused for a moment.

It's too beautiful here.

But with so many flowers, where are they going to find the seven-colored flowers?

"There should be no formations here." Baitan stood at the entrance to the valley, afraid to move lightly.

Mo Beichen watched for a while and led her forward: "There doesn't seem to be a formation here. Maybe this is the real Seven Star Valley."

The **** stared with a narrow gaze: "So we have passed so many levels before and have just arrived in the Seven Stars Valley."

Mo Beichen nodded.

The **** is a little speechless, isn't it? The Seven Stars Valley is too difficult to enter.

"I think the seven-colored flowers must still be here."

It's so difficult to enter here.

Zi Xiuran frowned as he looked at the flowers everywhere: "I'm afraid it's hard to find."

The **** was also worried, so many words were colored, that was really hard to find.

The **** dropped his shoulders: "It seems this is our last level."

Mo Beichen took out the previous map.

"On this map, only seven-color flowers are marked in the Seven-Star Valley, but there is no specific location." Baiju also went to look at the map.

Mo Beichen looked at the small spot in the Valley of the Seven Stars and suddenly turned the map upside down to contrast the sun.

The dazzling sunlight through the sheepskin treasure map suddenly merged into a new map around the little spot.

The **** looked dumbfounded for a moment: "Oh my God, Amo, you are so smart."

Baici happily hugged Mo Beichen and jumped up and down. If it wasn't for the master, she would hug him and kiss her.

"Seven-colored flowers should be in that direction." Mo Beichen held the map in one hand and the **** in the other, and went to the center of that map.

According to the map, the three approached a dead end.

The **** frowned: "The map shows that the seven-color flower should be behind this stone wall, but it seems that this is impossible."

"Is there a formation?" Zi Xiuran looked at Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen carefully touched the wall twice and shook his head, "No."

"Then push the wall down?" Bai Tan's eyes brightly thought he had a good idea.

Zi Xiuran shook his head: "In case the seven-color flower is right next to the wall."

If the flower is ruined, all the previous efforts are wasted.

"Then take a break and look at it first." Mo Beichen took out Long Yinjian and cut it off the wall.

Seeing this unreliable owner of his own even took it to tear down the wall, Long Yinjian suddenly wanted to cry without tears.

It's an artifact, is it good or not, it is such an abuse of the artifact.

Baijue also summoned Fengming Sword to help dig the corner.

So a pair of artifacts were depressed.

Zi Xiuran did not participate in digging the corner. He sat on the hillside and watched them dig.

Worthy of being an artifact, the two quickly dug a hole in the wall.

The **** lay on the ground and looked at it.

Mo Beichen: "How do you see anything?"

The **** shook his head: "I can't see anything."

"Then continue to dig."

The two continued to dig the wall and soon dug out a small hole.

"Okay, I can go in." The white raccoon turned into a small fox.

The caveman can't get in, but the fox can get in.

Mo Beichen frowned, somewhat uneasy: "Don't go in first, wait for me to dig a bigger hole and go in together."

In case there is a formation or something in it, wouldn't it be dangerous.

"It's okay. I'll just stand and look at the opening. If there are no flowers in it, we don't have to dig."

The **** said, he stumbled into the hole, but Mo Beichen didn't hold it.

"Be careful." Mo Beichen shouted anxiously.

Seeing the **** running into the hole, Zi Xiuran came quickly.

After the **** entered, she was dumbfounded, because she really saw a colorful flower with colorful lights.

The **** was almost crying with excitement. It was great. The emperor and his mother were saved.

"Amo, Master, there are really colorful flowers here."

The **** shouted excitedly at the wall, but stood still.

She is also afraid of the formation, if she takes the wrong step by herself, it will be too miserable to ruin the flower.

Across the wall, the two were excited when they heard the beaver's voice.

"That's great, don't stand still." Mo Beichen was overjoyed and continued to dig the hole immediately.

The spotless purple repair dye also grabbed the Fengming sword and began to dig.

The two dug for a while, and finally dug out one that was enough for one to pass through the hole.

The two crouched at the hole, and they were in trouble.

They are dignified and immortal, so big they haven't drilled a dog hole yet.

"Okay." Baitan sat on the ground, playing with his tail bored.

They are too slow to dig a hole.


As soon as the lady called, our demon Lord didn't care if the dog hole was not dog hole, and gnashed his teeth and crawled over.

Mo Beichen crawled, and Zi Xiuran followed him indifferently.

"A Mo, Master." When the two men came over, Baitan immediately jumped into his arms and jumped into Mo Beichen's arms.

"Seven-colored flowers are there." Baitan said excitedly, pointing at the seven-colored flowers. "Come and see if there is any formation."

The two were very happy to see the seven-colored flowers. It was great. It took so much effort to finally see things.

Mo Beichen took a closer look and shook his head: "There is no formation here."

"It's great." The **** jumped out and went straight to the colorful flowers.

Mo Beichen and Zi Xiuran also ran over.

"How to dig this flower?"

The three were surrounded by the seven-colored flowers, but they didn't know how to take the flowers. It was uprooted, or they had to keep the roots.

"Have you brought the ancient book of Huayao?" Mo Beichen thought of it and looked at Baiju.

Bai Tan's eyes lightened brightly: "I brought it."

The raccoon scrambled out of the ancient book from the storage ring to the page of the seven-color flower.

"Here it is." The **** read the introduction of the seven-colored flower carefully and found the way to extract it. "The seven-colored flower belongs to the wood, which can only be extracted with wood-like things, and only needs to take petals, but seven The petals must be picked at the same time and stored separately. "

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows: "It is really complicated, but fortunately we are not in a hurry to pick it."

"It's better to use this box to pick it up, it just can be used for storage." Baitan took out the box containing the sheepskin fragments, a total of seven, just right.

"Should be picked at the same time." Mo Beichen looked at the three.

Three people also have six hands, which is difficult to pick at the same time.

"I'm coming." The **** laughed, six tails swayed, rolled up the six boxes, and then shook his hands. "I have one more hand."

Mo Beichen also smiled helplessly: "It seems that these seven-color flowers are specially prepared for your fox family."

The **** raised his eyebrows proudly: "So, it is not accidental that we can succeed, it is inevitable."

Beaver cheerfully put the box next to the petals at the same time, and then lifted up, seven petals fell into the wooden box at the same time.

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