Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1415: What should I do if I run away with someone else?

"Successful." Baitan rejoiced, holding seven boxes of petals happy.

"It looks like these seven-color flowers will grow petals again." Mo Beichen looked at the bare seven-color flower stalk.

The **** raised his eyebrows: "The book says that seven-color flowers will bloom again for 700 million years."

If unpicked, the petals of the seven-color flower will bloom forever.

"No matter how long it will take to open again, someone will find it again later." Zi Xiuran muttered.

The **** smiled and shook the box in his hand: "Let's not think about the other people's affairs, just go back and ask the father and mother."

She can't wait anymore.

"Let's go." Bai Tan gave the box to Mo Beichen and received the storage ring, and then went out through the hole.

Mo Beichen and Zi Xiuran looked at each other helplessly. Some did not want to drill a dog hole any more, but they couldn't help it.

The white raccoon squatted at the entrance of the cave and watched two ordinary people fluttering out of the cave.

"Why didn't you find that you still have the talent to climb dog holes?"

Both were embarrassed.

"Ah ..." Mo Beichen held the **** directly and returned.

Zi Xiuran followed.

The three returned to the previous martyrdom from the previous level all the way, exiting the Seven Stars Valley from the entrance.

"Oh, mom, it's finally out, it's really dangerous here."

The **** turned into a human shape and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Let's go back."

Zi Xiuran summoned his fairy crane ride, and the three flew to the back of the fairy crane, heading for Xianxian Realm together.

The Valley of the Seven Stars is not far from the fairyland, and the three men walked all night and returned to the fairyland.

"Xian Zun, Sister A Tan, you are back." Seeing them back, Yu Fan and Hua Yan were excited, "How did you find the spirit world?"

The **** raised his chin proudly: "Of course, we have picked the seven-color flowers."

Both were overjoyed: "Really? Show us soon."

They haven't seen any colorful flowers yet.

The **** smiled and looked at Mo Beichen: "In Amana, you see, I'll see the children."

The **** said, and went into the house to see the little cub go.

Mo Beichen took out the seven boxes. Yu Fan and Hua Yan took one of them open, but they were all surprised.

"This is the petal of the seven-color flower, and it is really beautiful." Yu Fan exclaimed.

Huayan looked at the seven-colored petals and frowned, "Is this petal used directly? It still needs to be refined."

Mo Beichen looked at Zi Xiuran. He didn't understand this.

Zi Xiu raised his eyebrows: "It should be refined."

Huayan nodded, he also felt that it should be refined. Seven-color flowers are also a kind of medicinal materials, which must be refined before they can be used.

"Then I will leave it to you for refining." Mo Beichen directly stuffed the seven boxes into Zi Xiuran and went to see the children.

"Go, study." Zi Xiuran hugged the box and calyx to make medicine.

In the room, the **** hugged and grew up the little milk fox and kissed him lovingly.

When Mo Beichen came in, he saw that Baiju was kissing each other, and suddenly turned black.

"Amo, look like they have grown up a little bit more." Bai Tan didn't know Mo Beichen was jealous, and happily held the fifth child to show him.

Mo Beichen was dark-faced, took the old five into the nest, and clasped her head to kiss her lips.

Baitan stayed, totally did not expect that Mo Beichen would kiss her suddenly, and when she returned to God, she quickly pushed him.

To die, the children are still there.

The six underneath lay together on Woyan, watching the two kiss intimately.

The **** was ashamed, and she used a bite to push it, but no matter how she pushed it, Mo Beichen didn't let up and kissed her softly before releasing her.

"Don't kiss them again next time." Mo Beichen said hoarsely in her ear.

The **** has a black line. This guy even eats his son's vinegar.

The **** glared at him and pushed him away to hug the fifth child.

"Yu Heng, you will be called Bai Yuheng in the future. The name your mother gave you is awful." Baitan teased the fifth child in her arms.

The fifth child seemed to understand her, looked at her baba, and called to her: "Woo ~"

The **** was happy and looked at Mo Beichen with excitement: "Amo, our fifth child can talk."

Mo Beichen smiled helplessly, he just screamed, how could he talk.

The fifth child sobbed and yelled at the **** twice, and kept arching towards the beaver's chest.

The **** had a black line. It turned out to be feeding. She thought he really understood her.

The **** rubbed his head lovingly, unbuttoned his jacket and began to feed.

"I'm going to cook soup for you." Mo Beichen was blinded, and went directly to the kitchen.

The **** fed the six little milk foxes one by one, and each of them was half-full. Fortunately, the little guy also sympathized with her, as long as he tasted nothing, he lay in his nest.

The **** hugged them one by one and told them their names.

When Mo Beichen came in holding the soup bowl, she was talking to them.

"Drink hot." Mo Beichen brought the soup to Baiju.

"Wow, it's fragrant." Baitan drank most of it in one breath while holding the soup.

"Slow down, be careful."

"It's okay." Baitan took a cool breath, held the soup bowl again and drank in one breath.

At night, the two slept together in bed with six children.

"Amo, when do you say they will become humans?" Baitan was really worried when she hugged the sixth child.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows: "How often did you become human in that time?"

"One thousand years, adulthood," Baitan said, holding up the old sixth in a depressed mood. "Will they be like me, it will take a thousand years to become humanoid, that would be too miserable."

If she had become human in a thousand years, wouldn't she have never seen a baby girl, she could only see a baby cow.

"Amo, let's have a baby." Baitan murmured into Mo Beichen's arms, not wanting to care about the sixth child anymore.

Mo Beichen pinched her face with a bitter smile: "What's wrong with the little fox? When they grow up, they will naturally become human."

The **** pouted: "But I still want to take them back to Grandpa to see, if I have been a fox, how can I take them back?"

For the first time, Beaver looked at six little milk foxes in disgust.

If she really has to wait a thousand years, she doesn't know that grandpa is still alive.

Mo Beichen was a little stunned. This is a problem.

If it's a fox, it's really not convenient to take it home.

"There are fathers and mothers, but they want to hug their grandson for a long time." Bai Tan thought of Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun, and his eyes flashed missing.

It's been over a year since they came out, father and mother will definitely worry about them, and she will have to go back to see them when she has time.

Mo Beichen thought for a while and thought, "When it's impossible, I can only tell the truth to them, and my father and mother will like them."

Even if it is a little fox, as long as it is born of a fox, they will like it.

"That's true, too." The **** laughed and hugged the sixth child. "But if this little guy has always been a fox, his little wife will be disgusted."

In this millennium, what if my little daughter-in-law can't stand the loneliness and run away with others?

Lao Liu looked at Beaver with a dumb look, totally unaware of what she was talking about.

Mo Beichen is a black line, a woman, a woman. This child was only born a few days ago, and now I am worried that it will be a little earlier.

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