Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1417: Dare to hurt my son, I want you to never live again

On the cliff, the **** dripping blood suddenly felt a pain.

"Yeah!" Bai Tan's heart twitched and he covered it.

"What's wrong?" Mo Beichen was startled, and quickly supported Baiju.

The **** was pale and grasped Mo Beichen nervously: "It seems that something happened to the children."

Her heart was so painful, she felt uneasy like never before.

Mo Beichen frowned frantically: "Don't worry, there are a lot of demon soldiers and demons guarding the Qingqing Peak, as well as the old man and Yu Fan, the child will be fine."

Zi Xiuran also frowned and comforted: "No one dared to go to the peak of Qingqing, even if it is the blood, Huayan and Yufan are enough to deal with him."

"Child ..." Baitan covered her heart and wanted to say anything, and she saw a red dot flash in the high sky.

She stared blankly and anxiously: "It was a flare I gave to the old man. The child really had an accident."

The **** was anxious, and immediately wanted to run to the Qingqing Peak, but at that moment the seal that could not be opened suddenly broke.

"The enchantment is broken." Mo Beichen frowned, grabbed Baiju's bleeding wrist, and bandaged her.

"What should I do now, go in or save the child?" Zi Xioran frowned.

Mo Beichen thought about it: "I'll save the children, you save the father and the queen."

As Mo Beichen said, he hurried away in the direction of the flare.

The **** yelled anxiously at him: "Be sure to save the child."

Knowing that Mo Beichen had gone far, Baitan still didn't return to his soul.

Zi Xiu frowned: "Should we follow it?"

Beaver frowned and shook his head: "Now the enchantment is broken, I must rescue the emperor and the mother as soon as possible, or if there is any change in their bodies, we will not be able to use even the colorful flowers."

"Let's go in." Baijue crossed the stone wall and entered the cave.

She believes that A Mo will be able to save her child safely.

When they entered the cave, an extremely cold air rushed towards them.

"That's it." Feeling the cold, Beaver was even more sure that this was the cave that year.

She still remembers that the emperor put the mother-in-law on an ice bed at that time, and it was definitely the cave.

The master and apprentice walked inside and saw a pair of scorpion corpses.

"Father Emperor, Mother!" The raccoon rushed to the ice bed, looking at the eyes of the two who seemed to be just asleep. "The raccoon came, the raccoon came to see you."

Zi Xiuran looked at Bai Yan's still lifelike face, his indifferent eyes shook slightly.

Old friend, thousands of years, finally met again.

There, Baiju and Zi Xiuran found the bodies of Bai Yan and Chu Yun, and Mo Beichen successfully blocked the nine-tailed python.

"Is it you?" Mo Beichen was surprised when he saw the nine-tailed python.

He wasn't surprised by the identity of the python, but by his cultivation, because the python was either someone else or green blood.

When he disappeared at the beginning, it was obviously only three tails. I did not expect that in just a few months, it would be nine tails long.

What exactly is going on? He couldn't be born so fast.

"Mo Yan, let's meet again." Bi Xue looked at Mo Beichen, showing off the little fox rolling around his tail.

"You let him go!" Mo Beichen's heart tightened violently as he watched Lao Liu, who was too impressed.

Bi Xue chuckled: "My emperor has always been interested in the blood of this fox. I never expected that the blood of this fox would fall into the hands of my emperor."

"I let you let go of him!" Mo Beichen yelled, and the magical energy on his body rose suddenly, and the whole person was shrouded in gloomy purple magical gas.

Bi Xue was startled, and the snake tail loosened subconsciously.

Mo Beichen seized the opportunity and rushed forward, and he was going to cut off the **** head.

"If you dare to take a step closer to the emperor, the emperor will let your son be buried." Bi Xue was frightened and held up the little fox and shouted.

Mo Beichen froze stiffly and looked nervously at the sixth boy who flushed with a small face: "What do you want?"

Bi Xue sneered bloodthirsty: "I heard that Baijuer found a seven-color flower?"

Mo Beichen frowned, and warned, "The flower is not with me."

The **** smile: "I know that Baijuer will resurrect Baiji, and take the emperor to find Baiji, otherwise the emperor will pinch him."

Green Blood held the little fox high, tightening his tail tightly.

Looking at the dying breath, the sixth old man was about to faint. Mo Beichen's nose was sore and he crushed a pair of iron fists: "I'll take you, don't hurt the child."

When Mo Beichen agreed, Bi Xue laughed proudly: "You have to hurry, every minute the emperor collects a point. When you find Bai Zhi, if your son is still alive, then it depends. You are fast enough. "

Mo Beichen glared at Bi Xue angrily, afraid to delay time, turned around and took Bi Xue to find someone.

The blood was indeed ruthless, and it really tightened one point after every point. The old sixth, who was still trying to endure, couldn't help crying.

Mo Beichen heard that his heart was going to break, especially the longer the time, the tighter the tail of Green Blood was, the weaker the cry of the sixth child.

Mo Beichen was frightened and could only keep speeding up, while praying in his heart that the beavers had rescued people.

With the constant acceleration of Mo Beichen, the two finally got closer and closer to the cave.

"somebody is coming."

In the cave, Bai Tan half-chucked Chu Yun. When she was about to feed her seven-color flower juice, Zi Xiuran felt something.

"It's blood." Feeling the breath of blood, Baijue's eyes blinked lightly.

Just a moment, a gust of wind swept into the cave, and at the same time a python rushed in.

At the same time, Mo Beichen also followed in.

"Lao VI!" The **** was scared to death when he saw the little fox tucked in the tail by the blue blood. "You have let my son down, blue blood."

Bi Xue was red with triangular eyes, and stared at Bai's body fiercely.

"I didn't expect you to actually find Bai's body, what do you want to do? You want to resurrect Bai's?"

The **** frowned anxiously: "It's none of your business, let my son go, I can let you go."

"Joke." Bi Xue angrily retorted, "My emperor needs you to release."

Bi Xue said Jiuwei Qi Wu, and instantly swept the cave, and the sixth old boy was constantly hit by the wall, which made him fainted.

"Lao VI." The **** became blood red with his eyes, and the demon power of the whole body poured out instantly. "If you dare to hurt my son, I will let you die in vain and never be born again."

Looking at the beaver's posture, Bi Xue was also a little dreadful, and loosened his tail unconsciously: "Don't be nervous, the emperor will not kill your son, the emperor only needs the seven-color flower juice in your hand."

Bi Xue is not stupid, naturally he will not kill this little fox now, so he has no chips.

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