Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1418: Stupid green blood

"Seven-colored flower juice?" Bai Tan flashed his eyes, hiding the small medicine bottle in his hand, "I don't understand what you say."

Bi Xue looked at all the movements of the **** and said coldly, "Give the bottle in your hand to the emperor, otherwise I will pinch his neck now."

Bi Xue said, holding her sixth.

Mo Beichen was so frightened that Baijue almost stopped.

"Don't be excited, I'll give it to you." Beaver immediately took out the medicine bottle in his hand.

There was a flash of urgency in Bi Xue's eyes: "throw it to the emperor."

The **** looked at him vigilantly: "I only want the child, you return the child to me, and I can give you things."

"Shao Luo!" Bi Xue didn't appreciate it at all, and tightened his tail again.

Looking at Lao Liu's painful little face, Baiju's spirit soared again, and Yaoye's eyes turned red instantly.

"Dark blood, don't force me. When we die, we will let you and all the snake people bury my son."

Looking at the beaver's posture of breaking the cauldron, the eyes of the blue blood flashed: "My emperor didn't want this little cub's life, my emperor only needs seven-color flowers."

The **** frowned: "Seven-colored flowers can give you, and we throw them into the air at the same time."

Bixue looked at the small medicine bottle clasped in her hand and compromised: "Okay, the emperor counts to three and throws them together."




Beaver first threw the medicine bottle in his hand into the air.

Seeing this, Bi Xue also flung off the little fox, but instead of throwing it into the air, he flung it toward the cave wall.

"Amo, save the child." The **** scared his face and shouted anxiously.

Mo Beichen desperately flew over and held him in his arms just before the sixth boy hit the wall.

At the same time, Bi Xue also caught the small medicine bottle.

Lao Liu seemed to be frightened. He had fainted and suddenly burst into tears.

"Yanger." Baitan ran over with red eyes, hugged Lao Liu in his arms, and coaxed distressedly, "Yanger doesn't cry, mother is here."

The **** coaxed Lao Liu helplessly and carefully checked him for injuries.

Looking at Lao Liu's whole body, the beaver's eyes were red, and she burst into tears.

"Amo, kill him, I want him to never live again!"

The raccoon hugs the sixth child and stares at Bi Xue angrily.

This person not only hurt her father and mother, but also hurt her son, which is unforgivable.

Mo Beichen also hated Bi Xue very much, and immediately lifted his palm and hacked at him.

The blue blood came back to God, and the giant tail waved a purple beam, which directly blocked Mo Beichen's attack.

Bai Tan's eyes widened stunned, somewhat surprised that Bi Xue could block Mo Beichen's attack.

How is this going? Why does it seem that Bixue's cultivation has become a lot deeper, and his tail has actually grown from three to nine, which is too fast.

Mo Beichen was surprised that the blood had just cast out the spirit of magic, why did he do the exercises of the demon world.

Mo Beichen frowned and summoned Long Yinjian directly, attacking again to the blue blood.

Bi Xue receded while fighting against Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen ’s practice is not low. Even though his practice has risen a lot, it is still difficult to win him.

Zi Xiuran watched the battle side by side, silently looking at Bi Xue as a swift advance and his strange original body in his eyes, already understood everything.

"Be careful, he should have swallowed Jin Fengjiao's soul and merged with Jin Fengjiao."

The white raccoon stared at the words, and merged with Jin Fengjiao, and there was such an operation.

Mo Beichen also finally understood what it was. It is no wonder that he can master the exercises of the demon world and become so strong.

"Hahahaha ..." Bi Xue laughed wildly: "You have eyesight."

Listening to Bi Xue's voice that was neither male nor female, Baiju's body shook uncontrollably.

Whoa! This blue blood is really perverted, for the sake of growth, even her own woman is not let go, it is really cruel.

Mo Beichen's eyes were cold, and he stormed toward the blood again.

This time, he fired at full power and raised his strength to the extreme. With only a few tricks, he completely suppressed Bi Xue.

Bi Xue was beaten a little by Mo Beichen. He didn't expect that Mo Yan was so powerful. He and Jin Fengjiao were combined into one. He couldn't even beat Mo Yan, and it was completely pressed and beaten.

Dozens of tricks passed, and Bi Xue almost died under Mo Beichen's sword. He suddenly stepped back and took out the small medicine bottle.

"Don't come over, otherwise the emperor will crush it now."

Mo Beichen frowned, and didn't move.

The **** sneered, and suddenly flew out of the trench dagger into the small medicine bottle.

A bang sounded, and the medicine bottle on the **** tail was smashed instantly.

Bi Xue's eyes widened, and the **** was incredulous: "You're crazy, this is the seven-color flower juice."

The **** smiled and raised his lips: "You are crazy, do you think I would be stupid enough to give you the seven-color flower juice?"

Bi Xue instantly understood something, and yelled angrily: "How dare you deceive the emperor."

The **** sneered: "What about you, who makes you stupid."

The raccoon said, taking out the real seven-color anther bottle: "Even if you haven't seen the real seven-color flower juice, you should know that the seven-color flower juice is colorful."

Bi Xue looked at the medicine bottle on Baiju's hand, and looked down at the blue potion on the ground.

"Actually, you made the potion yourself. You can't help even the potion you made yourself. You said you were stupid." Baiju looked at the broken medicine bottle on the ground and grinned.

Just after she sensed the breath of blue blood, she knew that he must be running with the seven-color flower juice, so she immediately changed the medicine bottle she had taken from the blood.

The reason she did those moves was to deliberately trick him.

"I killed you." Bi Xue was so angry that the giant tail went crazy to the **** like crazy.

Mo Beichen and Zi Xiuran shot at the same time, and immediately cut off the two giant tails of Bi Xue.

"Ah!" Bi Xue screamed suddenly.

Bi Xue had originally tried to catch the white fox and the little fox as hostages, or the bodies of the white owl and Chu Yun as shields, but the two were too powerful. He not only had no chance, but also let them cut off nine tails.


Bi Xue's screams kept ringing in the cave, leaving only his head and body. He was kicked by Mo Beichen and Zi Xiuran.

"Amo, don't kill him first, dig his heart for me, chop his skin, draw his scriptures, chop him into flesh, and then put his soul into Hongmeng Purgatory, so that he will never be born "The **** gritted his teeth angrily.

Unexpectedly, the **** was so fierce, his eyes were red with blood, and he suddenly laughed: "My emperor won't let you succeed."

Bi Xue laughed and mobilized the strength of her whole body. The body with only her head and body suddenly swelled like a ball.

"Not good!" Zi Xiu stared grimly. "He wants to explode."

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