Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1419: The end of blue blood

The **** was startled, and without much thought, subconsciously shook her parents' body and the ice bed into the storage ring, and then hugged the sixth child in her arms.

Mo Beichen's first reaction was to get an enchantment for the expanding blue blood, and directly encircled him in the enchantment.

Then they set up an enchantment for the three of them to isolate them from the blue blood.

"Boom", the moment Bi Xue's body exploded, Mo Beichen held the **** and the child in her arms.

In the instant when the two layers of enchantment were exploded, Zi Xiuran sacrificed his own power to blast the blood and blast it out of the cave.

Because it burst out of the cave, the cave just shook slightly.

The **** turned back and raised his eyes sharply: "Not good, the **** soul."

The **** said, and chased out with his sixth son.

But don't let the **** soul run away, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Mo Beichen and Zi Xiuran quickly chased out.

"Is the queen looking for this?"

When the **** was anxiously searching for the blood soul, Long Yue walked over with a transparent Yuan Ying.

"Longyue, you are simply the emperor's lucky star." When Bai Yue's soul was caught by Longyue, Baijue was happy.

The **** stepped forward and bounced Bi Xue's head vigorously: "I still want to run, you run."

The little little Yuanying stared at the raccoon with red eyes: "If you want to kill, you can kill me."

Bi Xue was just besieged by them, knowing that she was dead, and heard the cruel death like Bai Jue, so she wanted to explode. In this way, they can drag them into the water, and maybe destroy the bodies of Bai Yan and Chu Yun. If it is a soul, it may be more convenient to escape.

Who would have thought that he blew himself up and became a soul, but instead of hurting them, he could not even run away.

The white **** smacked Yuan Ying's head proudly: "It's dead, you're still so arrogant. Since you want to die so much, I'll do it for you."

"Longyue, crush him." Baiju suddenly looked at Longyue's order.

"Yes." Dragon Yue responded, tightening his hands sharply.

The blood was frightened to death, and anxiously shouted, "Did you just say you were to be held in Hongmeng Purgatory?"

The blood was really anxious. He would rather be imprisoned in Hongmeng Purgatory. He should not be crushed. The crushing would be completely wiped out, and there might be no reincarnation.

The **** laughed evilly: "Did I just say the punishment for your not dying? Now you all blew yourself up. It would be too kind of you to die if I want to die."

She's not stupid. She just said casually that she wouldn't be put in Hongmeng Purgatory. In case she ran out later and suffered endlessly, now she has the opportunity to completely disappear him in this world. Yet.

Bi Xue was struggling desperately, and another soul appeared suddenly on that transparent reason, it was Jin Fengjiao.

At this moment, Jin Fengjiao no longer had the honor and pride of the past, except for the wolf howling, only vicissitudes remained.

She looked at Mo Beichen in pain, and begged with a hoarse voice: "I only ask you to let my son go."

Jin Fengjiao was full of guilt and regret. She really didn't regret it at first. She shouldn't be hot-headed and listen to the sweet words of blue blood, and hurt herself like this.

The moment Bixue revealed his true face and devoured her soul, she realized that there were still men in the world who were fiercer and cruel than Mo Youming.

She was wrong, she was really wrong.

She finally regretted losing her son. It was the flesh that had fallen off her body. She used to have all her hopes, but in the end she gave up on him because of such a man who used her all the way.

Mo Beichen looked at Jin Fengjiao's painful guilt and frowned, "He did something wrong and must accept punishment, but I will look at his father's face to give him a chance to be born again."

Even if she didn't say, he didn't plan to make Mo Yan never born, but his temperament should always go to practice. As for whether he will have the opportunity to return to the demon world in the future, it depends on his own good fortune.

"Thank you!"

Jin Fengjiao looked at Mo Beichen gratefully, and suddenly closed her eyes peacefully.

This result is the best result for her. With him, he was killed by the ashes, and they were entangled even if they turned into ashes.

The **** looked at the slightest expression of happiness on Jin Fengjiao's face, and suddenly felt sad.

This woman really fell in love with Bixue, but unfortunately Bixue only used her from beginning to end.

"Ah ..." Bi Xue and Jin Fengjiao screamed at the same time, and their souls were crushed by Long Yue instantly.

Looking at Yuanying, who disappeared completely, Baiju's eyes lightened, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This man is finally dead, and she can be regarded as revenge for her father and mother.

Seeing that Jin Fengjiao was completely wiped out, Mo Beichen was also sorrowful.

This is her own choice, and everyone is responsible for their choice.

After solving the blue blood, the three decided to return to Qingfeng and resurrect Bai Yun and Chu Yun.

As soon as possible in case of an accident, the two beavers don't worry about the children of Qingqing Peak.

The three men with the demon soldiers hurried back to the Qingfeng Peak.

Seeing that they had saved the sixth, Huayan and Yufan rushed over, "Nothing is wrong with the sixth."

"It's okay." Beaver frowned and looked at the little guy in her arms crying asleep.

Looking at the dark purple of Lao Liu, Hua Yan was both distressed and guilty: "It's all my bad, because I didn't look at Lao Six."

Yu Fan also felt guilty and said, "I have made a mistake, it's my intention. If you want to blame me, blame me."

"What are you talking about?" Beaver looked at them comfortably. "When did I say I blame you, we all don't know that the cultivation of Bi Xue is skyrocketing, but we are not prepared, how can we blame you."

Hearing that the raccoon did not blame them, the two were relieved and became even more guilty.

"Yes, I didn't catch that blue blood." Huayan gritted his teeth and cut his teeth.

If he catches that guy, he will have to dump him eight pieces before he can vent his hatred.

The **** raised his eyebrows: "He hurt Yang, will I let him go? He's gone."

"That's good." Both breathed a long sigh of relief.

The guy finally died, and he would have no worries in the future.

Beaver carefully put the sixth child back to his den.

The other five little ones saw Lao Liu coming back and all crawled over and held him.

The beaver's nose was sore, and he rubbed the little fellow's heads lovingly: "Lao Liu is all right, let him sleep, don't disturb him."

Wu Xiao whimpered and lay beside the sixth son's den, all motionless.

The white **** hugged them comfortably and slept with the sixth child.

Mo Beichen also came in and looked at Lao Liu distressed: "Is he all right?"

The **** shook his head: "It's okay, and it will be okay for two people to rest."

Mo Beichen was relieved and hugged their mother and son distressed.

This time he did not protect them, and he will never let this happen again in the future.

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