Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1420: Rebirth

The couple stayed with the sixth child until the dark purple on the sixth child's body slowly retreated, and finally the two men were relieved.

"Yanger suffered this time, but fortunately, no major incidents occurred." Bai Tan was still embarrassed, like an uncomfortable sixth child, distressed.

"Sorry, I will protect you in the future." Mo Beichen apologized and embraced her with her child.

"How can you blame you, nobody wants it." Knowing his guilt, the **** smiled and comforted him.

"Cough ..." Yu Fan stood at the door, coughing as they watched them intimately.

The **** looked at him jokingly: "Brother Yufan's throat is uncomfortable. Would you like me to prescribe some medicine for you?"

Yu Fanjun stared at her with a red face: "Xianzun is looking for you."

Baitan raised her eyebrows, carefully placed the sixth child back in the nest, and pulled Mo Beichen out.


"Refined Huihun Dan for the teacher, go to the ice cellar to try the elixir." Zi Xiuran took a jade bottle.

"OK." Baitan nodded.

Since the bodies of the empress and queen were brought back to Qingfeng Peak, the master asked her to place their master in the ice cellar.

The three arrived at the ice cellar together. On the icy ice bed in the ice cellar, the bodies of Bai Yan and Chu Yun still lay quietly.

The **** looked at them silently: "Let's save the mother first."

If the mother-in-law is not awakened first, I am afraid that even if the father emperor ate Huihun Dan, he would not be willing to live.

Zi Xiuran nodded: "Either way."

The white raccoon stepped forward to lift Chu Yun, and then carefully fed the seven-color flower juice into her mouth.

The colorful liquid slowly flows into Chu Yun's body, making her body emit colorful light instantly.

The pale face without a trace of blood color turned pink slowly under the colorful halo, and even the cold body began to warm.

The **** suddenly rejoiced: "It has an effect. These seven-colored flowers can really come back to life."

Beaver said excitedly, her hands were more careful and careful, for fear of a drop, it prevented her from being born again.

Mo Beichen and Zi Xiuran were also happy. Both seemed to see hope, and looked at Chu Yun with anticipation.

The **** carefully fed a full bottle of seven-color flower juice, and eagerly touched her mother's heart.

"Well!" That powerful heartbeat instantly made Baici cry with joy, "It's also great, my mother has a heartbeat, she lives."

The raccoon looked at Mo Beichen and Zi Xiuran with excitement, crying sparsely.

I still remember that my mother cut her belly in order to give birth to her, and then sent her to the immortal world, blocked Bi Xue and Bai Xiao, and died in the hands of Bai Xiao.

Bai Xiao, Baijue gritted her teeth, and she would handle the father and mother after being born again.

Zi Xiuran also stepped forward and explored the pulse of Chu Yun: "I do have a heart pulse, and my body functions are all normal. I should wake up after a while."

"That's great." Baici gently stroked Fu Chuyun's face. At this moment she seemed to be asleep. She believed she would wake up.

After viewing Chu Yun, Zi Xiuran stepped forward and fed Bai Hui back to the soul, but his body was stiff, apparently he couldn't swallow the soul.

Mo Beichen stepped forward to pick up the magical power and slowly put the Hui Dan into his body.

At the same time, Zi Xiuran also exerted his strength and merged his fairy power into the body of the white pheasant to help him digest the soul.

Beaver looked nervously at Bai Ye, wondering whether Hui Dan could help her save his father.

Bai Ye's body slowly shrouded in a layer of white spiritual power, Huihun Dan slowly digested it.

It just seems that Bai's body has not changed.

"Why didn't you respond? Is Huihundan useless?" Baitan anxiously.

When she shot to save her mother with a colorful flower before, she didn't think of how to wake her father. She only wanted her mother to wake up, and her father should also wake up.

But the soul of the father emperor has disappeared, and now it is not easy to recall.

Zi Xiuran frowned and said, "Hui Shui Dan can help to recruit souls. If he has a sense, the soul can come back, but this is also his own will."

The **** frowned anxiously: "Why is the father not willing, now the mother-in-law has been rescued?"

Zi Xiuran thought for a while and thought, "Take a drop of your blood and try it on your father's eyebrow."

Sensing the blood of Aju, he should want to meet her.

Baitan nodded, and immediately drew blood from his own heart to Bai's brows.

All three looked at Bai Yan nervously, and the blood beads infiltrated Bai Yan's eyebrows little by little until they completely disappeared.

After a moment, a gust of wind blew, and Beaver yelled suddenly.

"Father Emperor!"

The wind was intermittent, and an illusive figure floated in the air.

"Tianhu bloodline, are you a raccoon?" Bai Ye looked at the raccoon kindly, with guilt in his eyes that could not accompany him.

"Yes, I'm a beaver." Beaver nodded with red eyes. "Your child."

Bai Yan stretched out his palm and touched Beaver's head: "Good boy, seeing you grow up safely, my mother and I can rest assured."

Although Baitan couldn't feel his touch, his heart was extremely warm: "Father, Master, you made Huihundan for you. Come back."

"Ama!" Zi Xiuran also came forward, looking at his old friend with excitement.

"Xiu Ran, thank you for taking care of Tanuki." Bai Yan looked at Zi Xiu Ran gratefully.

"Come back, Chu Yun has been resurrected." Zi Xiuran looked at him with a smile.

"What?" Bai Zheng looked at Zi Xiuran in surprise and said with excitement, "You saved Yuner."

"It's true, we found Qisehua to rescue the mother." Baitan hugs Chu Yun and said with excitement, "I don't believe you, the mother's face has turned red, and she has a heartbeat. Two days later You can wake up. "

Bai Ye looked at Chu Yun nervously, and her pink face looked like she really just fell asleep.

"Did you really find the Seven-colored Flower?" Bai Yan couldn't believe what he saw.

"Really." Zi Xiuran nodded and looked at Baiju. "It was Ahju who worked hard to make up the seven pieces and found the seven-color flower."

"No, in fact, it didn't take much effort. Master and A Mo, as well as the old man, Brother Yufan have all helped." Bai Tan was embarrassed when he heard Zi Xiuran say this.

Bai Yan looked at such a sensible beaver, and nodded comfortably: "Your master has raised you very well."

"Thank you, Xiu Ran!" Bai Yan said, looking at Zi Xiu Ran gratefully again.

Zi Xiuran laughed rarely: "If you really want to thank me, come back and drink with me."

"Father Emperor, please come back. If your mother wakes up and can't see you, it will definitely be sad." Bai Tan also quickly advised.

Bai Yan looked at Chu Yun in Baiju's arms and nodded: "Okay, I'll be back."

As Bai Yan said, he lay down in his own body, letting his body and soul become one.

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