Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1421: All grandchildren

The **** looked at Bai Yan excitedly, just waiting for him to wake up.

But after a while, Bai Ye didn't move at all.

The **** was anxious: "What's the matter? Why doesn't Father Huang wake up?"

Zi Xiuran glanced at her unhurriedly: "Don't worry, it's just the main soul of your father and emperor, and the other two souls, so you have to return slowly."

The **** nodded suddenly, as it turned out.

The three waited patiently, and soon Bai's other souls slowly returned.

An hour later, all the spirits of Bai Yan were completely returned.

The raccoon watched the white wan's warmth gradually, and red eyes again: "Father Emperor!"

As if hearing the beaver's shout, Bai Yan slowly opened his eyes.

"Father Emperor, you finally woke up." Baitan suddenly rejoiced and fluttered in excitement.

"Beaver." Bai Yan also hugged Beaver with excitement. "My child."

He used to think he would never see her again, but never expected that they would meet again so soon.

Bai Yan touched the beaver's face, red eyes and said, "You and your mother look like you."

This child, he still glanced at him while he was nagging, but she did not expect that she would grow up so much.

"Father Emperor, look at the mother-in-law." Baici wiped the tears that slipped and passed her mother's hand to him.

Feeling the temperature of Chu Yun, Bai Yan's hand trembled unconsciously.

"Yuner!" Whispered Bai Yun, and gently stroked Chu Yun's face with affection.

He once promised that she would accompany her to give birth, but he did not expect to put her in danger in the end and lost her life.

A stream of tears slipped down, and Bai Yan hugged Chu Yun tightly.

In the future, he will never leave her half a step, he will keep her all his life.

This was the second time Bai Bai had cried, the first time was when Chu Yun died, and the second time was when she lived.

"Father Emperor, take your mother-in-law back, it's too cold here," Baitan wiped her tears, reminding him.

"Okay." Bai Yan nodded, hugging Chu Yun and wanted to get out of bed, but the soft man at his feet almost fell.

"Father Emperor." Bai Tan and Mo Beichen hurriedly supported him. "Are you okay, let me hold your mother and let A Mo carry you."

She was so damned, how could she forget that when the father was just awake, how could there be strength to hug his mother.

"I back you." Mo Beichen said quickly.

Bai Yan smiled and shook his head: "No, if you can't even hold your mother, then you might as well die."

Bai Yan said, holding Chu Yun tightly, slowly moved out of the ice room.

The **** was red-eyed again by the emotion of the two.

After his father really loved his mother, he still remembered the scene where he was crying in the cave. Finally, for the mother-in-law, she also exhausted her mana, dispelled her soul, and willingly died with her mother.

Such sincere feelings really seem to make people not envious.

Seeing that she kept wiping tears, Mo Beichen stepped forward and hugged her with distress.

Beaver raised his eyes and smiled at him.

She and A Mo are the same, and A Mo must love her as much as the Emperor loved her.

"Amo, I love you!"

Bai Tan raised his toes and kissed Mo Beichen's lips.

"I love you too." Mo Beichen laughed happily, feeling as satisfied as the world.

It was Zi Xiuran next to him, who glanced at them quietly, as if 10,000 hurt.

It is not enough to be abused by your old friend, but also by your apprentice.

How can it be so difficult these days.

Zi Xiuran was out of the ice room for no reason.

Seeing Master being mad by himself, Baitan finally realized that she was shy.

He accidentally mistreated the master.

"Let's go, I'll go back and show the children to the Emperor Father. They look like him and he will like them."

Bai Tan said, pulling Mo Beichen with excitement and went out.

At the Qingfeng Peak, Huayan and Yufan saw Bai Yun appearing holding Chu Yun, and they were all dumb.

"That's ... the demon emperor !!!" Hua Yan stared blankly at Bai Yan, feeling like she was dreaming.

"Oh my God, Sister Beaver really raised the Queen and Queen Queen." Yu Fan was also shocked.

At this moment, he almost admired the dead beaver.

"I haven't seen you in a long time." Bai Yan looked at them and greeted with a smile.

He used to come to the demon world from time to time and naturally knew them.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, you are really awake." Hua Yan came back for the first time and rushed over, "Great, the wish of Tanuki finally came true."

"Sister A Tan really resurrected you and the Queen of the Demons. It was so great that I decided to worship her." Yu Fan also ran over and said excitedly.

Bai Yan smiled, his eyes were full of movement.

That girl might have taken a lot of thought to revive her.

"That's it, Grandma just woke up, don't surround him, let him rest." Zi Xiuran came over and saw the two around Baiji, and immediately said.

Only then did Huayan and Yufan find that Bai's face was a little white, and he quickly turned away.

"Sorry, we're so excited. Go to rest."

"Ama, stay in the fairyland for the time being, I can help you adjust your body." Zi Xiuran looked at Bai Ai.

"Alright." Bai Zheng nodded. He wasn't sure if Yuner could wake up. He was at ease when he was repaired.

"You and Chu Yun first live in the room next to Aju."

Zi Xiuran let Bai Yan and Chu Yun live in the room before Mo Beichen, because there are not many rooms on the Qingqing Peak, so they can only do it.

"Okay." Bai Yan responded, holding Chu Yun, and went to Mo Beichen's room.

"Father Emperor."

As soon as Bai Yan put Chu Yun on the bed, Bai Tan ran in excitedly.

"Father Emperor, come with me." Baitan excitedly pulled Baiyu out.

Bai Yan frowned at Chu Yun. He hadn't had time to cover the quilt yet. Where did this girl pull him?

Baitan took Baiyu to her room and took him to the front of the six small nests: "Look at my father."

Looking at the six cute little cute foxes, Bai Yan suddenly dumbfounded: "This is ..."

Beaver smiled proudly and hugged the boss: "They are all my children. They are your grandchildren. You see how much they look like you. They are little white foxes."

When he heard the word grandson, Bai Yan suddenly stared at his eyes, and looked at Baijuan in wonder: "Are you married?"

How old was she to marry?

The **** stunned, patted his head in annoyance, and ran out to pull Mo Beichen into the house: "Father, I forgot to introduce it to you. This is my husband, Mo Beichen, and Mo Yan."

Seeing Bai Tan finally introduced himself to Bai Yan, Mo Beichen finally felt happy.

"Father Emperor." Mo Beichen saluted respectfully to Bai Yan.

Bai Yan frowned and looked at Mo Beichen, and it took a long time for him to respond: "Are you a demon?"

"Yes." Mo Beichen nodded.

In fact, they had met before. When he ascended the throne, he and his mother-in-law came, but there were no raccoons at that time.

Bai Yi stared in surprise: "Are you married?"

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