Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1424: Full moon

Castle of the Emperor.

Mo Yan has been detained for several days. He has been waiting for Jin Fengjiao to rescue him, but Mo Yan was the last one to come.

"What do you want?" Mo Yan raised his hand to block the light, and asked hoarsely.

Mo Beichen looked at him blankly: "Jin Fengjiao is dead."

"It was you who killed her!" Mo Yan's eyes were blood red, and he went crazy instantly.

"No, it's Bi Xue." Mo Beichen crouched down and looked at him. "Bi Xue swallowed her soul and finally blew herself up."

Mo Yan's body froze, and his blood-red eyes turned red instantly.

"Blood!" Mo Yan squeezed his fist, and the bloodthirsty killing of the whole body could not wait for him to pull him back a hundred times.

Mo Beichen's eyes flickered: "Let me let you go alive before she dies."

Mo Yan raised his eyes with red eyes: "You promised?"

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows: "For his sake."

Mo Yan's eyes lightened brightly, and he said happily, "You want to let me go."

Mo Beichen stood up and looked down at him: "I can't let you die, but you have to go into the reincarnation path. Whether you can come back later depends on your own good fortune."

Mo Yan's face was cold and angrily, "You have such a hard heart."

Mo Beichen sneered: "If the person who failed today is me, you should just let me die."

Mo Yan clenched his fists and said for a while: "Okay, I can go to the human world to practice, but you can't do destruction."

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows: "Samsara through the Seven Realms, you may not be able to reach the human realm, and I will not be as despicable as you."

In the end, Mo Beichen sent Mo Yan into the reincarnation road. As to which circle he would return to, he didn't care.

In the blink of an eye, the little guys had a full moon. For the past half month, Chu Yun had been taking good care of Bai Jue, not even letting her bed down, which made Mo Beichen feel at ease.

In fact, he was also very afraid that this was constantly exhausting and tired, letting Tanuki fall into confinement.

On the day of the full moon, the little ones also gave the beavers a big surprise. On this day, the six little white foxes turned into little baby dolls.

"Oh my god, they turned out."

The **** looked at the six cute little dolls, and was shocked that his eyes were about to fall out. "This is too fast. I could only transform in a thousand years."

Thanks to A Mo's blood, otherwise, how could these people be transformed so early.

Bai Ye hugged the boss happily: "My grandchildren are incredible. They brought their own cultivation after birth. Don't look at them for only one month. At least they have been cultivated for 10,000 years."


The **** was dumbfounded for a moment, she was only two thousand years old, and they had cultivated for ten thousand years. This is too outrageous.

"It's Hongmengdan." Mo Beichen thought of holding the sixth child.

The raccoon stared grimly: "Yeah, why did I forget Hong Mengdan?"

At that time, she produced it after eating Hongmengdan. Maybe 600,000 years of repairs have been absorbed by these big treasures, so each one has been repaired for 10,000 years.

"Well, I'm a mother, I'm not as good as a child." The white **** hugged the fifth child, and was extremely resentful.

She transformed in a thousand years, and they transformed in a month. Will the gap be too big?

Chu Yun hugged the youngest and smiled cheerfully: "What's the matter, your father and emperor only turned around almost ten thousand years ago, you are still early."

"Is that right?" Baitan suddenly felt a lot balanced in his heart.

Bai Ye glanced at Chu Yun with a grudge, and he couldn't save face in front of his daughter-in-law and grandchildren.

Chu Yun didn't look at him, hugged her grandson with joy, and was extremely satisfied.

"Your Majesty, this little highness is full of moon. Can we not do this full moon feast?" Shiraishi was also very happy watching the little high girls who turned into fat dolls.

"Of course we have to do it." Bai Yan and Chu Yun spoke in unison.

It ’s rare that when the Tianhu clan is also prosperous, how can they not do it?

The **** looked at the two helplessly, and only laughed: "Then do it, send invitations to the master and the ghost master, and the spirit emperor. They can also be regarded as the father and the empress.

"Yes, the subordinates will do it." Shiraishi responded with a smile.

Three days later, the imperial palace hosted a full moon banquet for six of his princes.

There are many nobles in these six realms. Not only has Xianzun Zixiu dyed it, but also ghost master Ming Ying and his queen have arrived.

But Lingfeng Lan didn't come, which was also expected by Baiju.

"Beaver." Ling Juner hugged her little princess and came to the full moon feast of her future son-in-law.

Originally, she won't let her come to life, because she hasn't given birth yet, but Ling Juner wants to see her son-in-law, and life and death follow.

"Jun'er, I thought it would take us a long time to see each other. I didn't expect to meet again so soon." Baijue was also very happy pulling Ling Juner.

Ling Juner said with a smile: "I came to see my son-in-law."

The **** was also happy: "It's all in the room. I'll show you."

The **** pulled Ling Juner back to the room.

Ming wins, they are accompanied by Bai Yan outside.

Mingying didn't expect that the beavers resurrected the former demon queen and queen so quickly.

Although Mingying doesn't have a good impression of Bailier's woman, he still admires this ability.

In the room, Chu Yun accompanied the little guys, and when she saw the **** bringing the girl in, she was surprised: "This is it?"

"Mother, this is Ling Juner, the queen of the ghost world, and also our future relative." Bai Tan introduced Chu Yun with a smile.

Queen of the ghost world?

Chu Yun was a little embarrassed. The ghost master who had never been close to a woman was married, but what does it mean in the future?

"Auntie is good." Ling Juner salutes Chu Yun respectfully.

Chu Yun quickly smiled and nodded: "The ghost queen came from afar, thank you very much."

"Can you stop being so polite, this is all a family." Baitan joked about them with a smile.

Chu Yun listened more to the "family".

Seeing that Chu Yun still didn't understand, Baiju held the little princess in her hand and showed her, "Mother, this princess of the ghost world will be ours in the future, isn't she a family?"

Chu Yun saw the exquisite baby girl in her heart softly.

"This is a little princess. It's so cute."

Chu Yun couldn't help but hug the little princess. She was also a princess at the beginning. She didn't even hug her. She just hugged others.

Seeing that they like Xiaoyouer, Ling Juner was also very happy: "Where is my son-in-law?"

It was dumbfounded that Ling Juner looked at those six children.

Earlier, I heard that Tanuki gave birth to six, but now I am surprised to see so many children.

Ling Juner said, still curiously glanced at the beaver's belly. How did these six fat dolls fit under such a small belly?

"Here it is." The **** picked up the sixth child and took out the jade on his neck to show Ling Juner.

Ling Juner smiled at the sight of Yupei: "It turns out that this little guy is my son-in-law and looks so good."

When Ling Juner saw that the sixth boy was so cute and so cute, he felt that his decision was too correct.

This little baby has grown up and can't look good to death. Fortunately, she set them up early in the morning, or she might be an adult.

"By the way, where is my son-in-law?"

"Sixth, the youngest."

Ling Juner nodded: "It turns out to be the sixth child, do you like us, you, she will be your daughter-in-law."

Ling Juner hugged Lao Liu in front of Xiaoyouer with a smile.

Lao Liu's black eyes were staring at the black jade on the neck of the opposite baby girl momentarily.

Ling Juner was happy: "Look at him, he seems to like us very much."

The **** glanced at Lao Liu's eyes, and then looked at Mo Yu on the neck of Xiaoyouer, and then smiled wryly: "Yeah, this daughter-in-law chose him, can he not like it?"

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