Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1425: season finale

After the full moon, Baiju told Bai Xi and Chu Yun about the human world, and asked to take the child back to the human world.

She had long wanted to go back. Things were almost done here, and she should go back and take a look.

Bai Yan and Chu Yun naturally did not want them to leave, let alone the children. Fortunately, Bai Tan promised to return as soon as possible, and the two were released.

However, if they knew they had been there for more than a year, they would definitely not let it go so easily.

Settling things between the demon world and the demon world, Baiju and Mo Beichen returned to the human world with six adorable baby.

Fortunately, the children have transformed, otherwise she would not be able to take them back.

Holy City.

Bai Tingxuan, Chu Xiangjun, they were all crazy when they saw the blue dragon in the air.

"It's Tanuki and Mo, they're back."

"Oh my god, older sister and older brother are back."

"It's Baidi and Modi back!"

Everyone at the White Chu Palace ran out, and even the people of the Holy City were crowded out of the Palace.

"It seems that the two emperors are back."

"Isn't it? The dragon dragon beast is Mo Di's beast."

"Great, I don't know if Baidi was born."

"I heard that it was because Baidi was pregnant and Modi took her out to relax. It's been over a year, and she should have been born."

Qinglong stopped slowly, Baiju and Mo Beichen hugged the child and flew down.

The two followed Long Yue and Jun Yan who were hugging the children. The children couldn't hold too much, so they could only take them.

"Daddy and mother!" Bai Tan was very excited to see Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun, no less than when Bai Ye and Chu Yun were awake.

"Beaver!" They both came forward excitedly.

"Daddy and mother, I worry you." Bai Tan stepped forward to kneel, but was lifted up by Bai Tingxuan, "You're fine."

The **** smiled and took their hands: "I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Sister, you leave without a word, you are really worried about dying us."

Bai Ruyue, Bai Ruxuan, Qi Ziling all surrounded them.

"I'm not back here. Besides, I'm so powerful, who can take me?" Baitan said with a smile, feeling that love was slowly around him.

In fact, she still prefers the human world. There are many relatives and friends here, and she is more intimate.

"Daddy and mother!" Mo Beichen also held the child to salute Bai Tingxuan and Chu Yun.

The crowd was instantly attracted by the child in his hand.

"Is this your child?" Chu Xiangjun looked a little excited as Mo Beichen held the two children.

Bai Tingxuan also looked at it babblingly. The **** was pregnant when she left. Is this their grandson?

"Sister, you are also twins." Bai Ruyue ran to Mo Beichen excitedly to see the child.

Looking at the two cute adorable baby girls, Bai Ruyue immediately laughed and said, "Oh my God, this child is so nice too, it's just like the elder brother-in-law."

Others crowded over to see the children.

"It's really exactly the same as Mo." Chu Xiangjun couldn't help but take one and hugged it, he almost changed his mind.

Bai Tingxuan rubbed his hands and grabbed a hug. Bai Ruyue and Bai Ruxuan did not grab them, but they were a little disappointed.

"No, the older sister was pregnant for more than a month when she left. The child should have been four or five months old. Why is it so a little bit?" Bai Ruyue thought strangely.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and looked at Mo Beichen with a brush, as if he had done something extraordinary.

Chu Xiangjun's heart was also cold, and looked at Mo Beichen in amazement.

Seeing that they all misunderstood Mo Beichen, Baiju smiled and explained, "It was because I was pregnant for twelve months before giving birth, and the child was full."

The **** explained so, everyone was surprised again.

"God, twelve months, what big sister are you pregnant with?" Bai Ruyue laughed and joked at Beaver.

The **** glared at her strangely, what is it, is that their baby good? She stayed in her stomach until she crossed so the level was born.

Chu Xiangjun sighed with relief, and she said that Mo can't be sorry for Tanuki.

Look at the little mouth of this child, much like their raccoon.

Chu Xiangjun held the child in his arms, rejoicing.

"Which one is big?" Bai Ruxuan curiously looked at the children.

"An old third, an old fourth." Beaver said with a smile.

"Old Third Old Fourth!"

Everyone screamed in an instant, what happened? What does Lao San Lao Si mean?

Bai Ruyue looked at Jun Yan and Long Yue holding four children in his hands, and stared in shock: "Big sister, how much have you born ..."

Asked by Bai Ruyue, everyone looked at Jun Yan and Long Yue together.

Looking at the crickets in their hands, everyone looked at Baiju and Mo Beichen again.

How is this going? It's impossible to have six.

Beaver smiled embarrassedly: "They are all my children, a total of six, all male treasures."

"God!" Everyone shook his head in dizziness, feeling like he was going to pass out.


Are they all male treasures?

The faintest of fainting must be Chu Xiangjun. At first, she was still worried that Tanuki could not give birth, and she gave birth to six grandchildren within one year.

Gosh, she's really going to faint.

"Mother!" Looking at Chu Xiangjun's shy look, Baitan quickly supported her.

Bai Tingxuan was not so much better than Chu Xiangjun. Looking at those six grandsons, he was almost happy to fly.

Everyone talked outside for a while before they thought of asking the beavers to enter the house to rest.

It took only half a day for everyone to tell the story that Baiju had six sons all over Bai Chu, even Yunjing.

Everyone was amazed at the power of Bai Tan and Mo Beichen. Even the birth of a child was so amazing that it was admired by people across the continent.

"Where's Grandpa?" Bai Qiyuan didn't see Bai Qiyuan for a long time, and Baitan frowned.

"Your grandpa is playing chess with your master at Fengshen Mountain. He just sent someone to preach a message and should be back." Bai Tingxuan said.

"Where is the grandson? My grandson." As soon as Bai Tingxuan's words fell, Bai Qiyuan ran in, and the speed was like a gust of wind.

The **** has a black line. Is this the grandpa who hurts her most? Even if she didn't even ask her a question, she didn't even look at her, she only cared about her grandson.

"Where is my apprentice?" As soon as Bai Qiyuan ran in, Bu Yangzi flew in.

Bai Qiyuan hugged one in one hand, holding the boss and the second in Longyue's hand.

Bu Yangzi snatched the fifth and sixth son of Jun Yan.

If they have six hands, it is estimated that one will not be left to others.

"Haha, girl Tanuki, you are really a big contributor to our Bai family." Bai Qiyuan loved holding two fat dolls.

Six great grandchildren, he had six extra grandchildren.

Seeing Bai Qiyuan only spoke a word to her for a long time, Baitan pouted unhappyly: "This is not all surnamed Bai, only the oldest five and six surnamed white, all others are Mo.

"Ah?" Bai Qiyuan was unwilling. The six great-grandchildren, why they have two surnames Bai, are too few.

Seeing Bai Qiyuan's unwillingness, Bai Tingxuan smiled and said, "No matter what the surname is, we are the children of the Bai family."

Bai Qiyuan listened to the same principle when he heard it.

The **** was really defeated by them. Looking at everyone around six little beavers, the **** resignedly looked at Mo Beichen.

It is estimated that as long as the children return, it does not matter if they do not return.

"This child is just at the full moon, shouldn't we have a full moon banquet." Bai Yihan teased Xiaosi.

"Do, you must do it!" Before Bai Tingxuan had time to speak, Bai Qiyuan was excited. "Just send me invitations now, and I want all the people in Yunjing to come to the wedding reception."

"Good grin!" Bai Ruyue was the most excited. They pulled Bai Ruxuan out.

Others also went to do it.

Baitan helplessly help, this will not give her a chance to speak, she has no prestige.

Baitan and Mo Beichen had no time to stop, and the six young children had a full moon feast gorgeously.

This time it is comparable to that of the demon world. The most important thing is that everyone is here.

Murong Yunyun Shao Ning, Zhuo Qingyun Lan Yanyu, cold and cold Murong Xuefei, and their care, Xue Qingyu Nangong Ying, and their family Jing Yu, Bai Qingyan and Murong Jinhong And all of them.

Everyone is here, and even Chu Yi, who is far away from the continent of God, received the news and came to participate in the full moon feast.

This is also the first time that Bai Qiyuan and Chu Yan have met.

"You're finally back." Murong Xuefei smiled at the beaver.

"Did you miss me?" Baitan was relieved to see her seem softer than before.

"Of course I think." Murong Xuefei sincerely hugged the beaver.

I haven't seen it for more than a year.

Nangong Ying came up holding her fifth child: "You have a child who is better than others. It's hard to envy."

Nangong Ying is really envious, but she only had two children, and two children, how can she have six children at a time.

Beaver smiled. If she had a way, she didn't want to have so many.

Lan Yanyu ran over with her oldest child, "Can you give me this, anyway, you have so much."

Lan Yanyu stared at the **** eagerly, praying, but didn't see the third look of the disappointment.

After listening to this, Yun Shaoning held the fourth child and looked at the **** babbling.

The **** blinked with a headache.

Well, she thought about it before she had a baby, but now she is a mother-in-law.

"Why, who is going to **** my great-grandson and who I am desperately trying to do." Chu Yan ran over and snatched the third child.

Bai Qiyuan also came and grabbed Yun Shaoning's fourth child: "Don't even think about it, it's our Bai family."

Without the baby hug, Lan Yanyu and Yun Shaoning looked at the **** pitifully.

The **** shrugged and said he was helpless.

Now she can't even hold her children, she has too many children.

Murong Yu came to capture Yun Shaoning: "Are we not careful? If you like children, you can also bring Wei Huan and Shao An."

Zhuo Qingyun also came and pulled Lan Yuyu away: "Let's not have children, how good the two are."

Leng Yihan came over carefully, just holding the wake.

Murong Xuefei quickly greeted: "Why did you wake up, are you hungry?"

Leng Yihan smiled and soothed her: "No, maybe I'd like to bed."

Beaver looked at the two people's happy appearance and couldn't help laughing.

So much better now, they have changed a lot in more than a year.

After the full moon banquet, Murong Yunyun Shaoning, and Lan Yanyu Zhuo Qingyun all stayed in Shengtian City.

Even Xue Qingyu and Nangong Sakura, as well as Murong Xuefei were cold and cold, and they went back for a long time.

These days are also the happiest beavers, so much so that she forgot the time and forgot about the promise of Bai Ye and Chu Yun to go back earlier.

After spending more than a year in the human world, he finally returned to the demon world.

Three years later, the demon world.

The four-year-old Mo Tianshu all lay at the door and looked nervously.

Bai Yan, Chu Yun, and Zi Xiuran were waiting nervously outside.

"Why not yet born, this little sister is too naughty." Lao Liu Bai Kaiyang muttered worriedly.

The old five Bai Yuheng gave him a slanting glance: "How do you know it is a younger sister, maybe a younger brother?"

Bai Kaiyang rolled his eyes: "My mother has six cubs, so I don't want my brother."

The fourth son of Mo Tianquan also quickly said, "I don't want my brother, I want my sister."

It doesn't matter if the eldest, the second, or the third is the same. The younger brother and the younger sister are the same, as long as the mother and mother give birth safely.

In the room, Mo Beichen hugged the **** nervously: "How are you? Does it hurt?"

The **** face was white, and he smiled weakly at him: "Don't worry, this is my second child, and nothing will happen."

"Yes, the devil is assured, the queen is fine." Wen Bo, the midwife, also smiled. "The queen is hard!"

"Ah ..." The **** screamed in pain as soon as he pressed hard.

Mo Beichen was anxious, and quickly stretched out his hand: "You bite me if you hurt."

The **** was willing to bite him, gritting his teeth secretly.

Mo Beichen died distressed: "It's all my fault."

He had obviously taken the medicine, but he did not expect that Tanuki was still pregnant.

In fact, what Mo Beichen didn't know was that Bai Jue was pregnant with this baby intentionally. As for the medicine that Mo Bei Chen took, it was not a matter of minutes for Bai Ju to be a doctor.

The **** tried again, and finally slipped.

"I'm born, I'm born!" Wen Po hugged the little one in excitement. "For the pretty little princess!"

When she saw the little red fox in Wen's hand, the **** immediately laughed happily.

Great, she finally waited.

"let me see."

Mo Beichen hugged the little man in excitement, and looking at the little red fox exactly like Baiju, Mo Beichen's heart melted, "So cute."

The **** was full of joy, and they finally had a cotton jacket.

After Wen Po treated the beaver, she went out to announce the good news.

After knowing that the **** gave birth to the little princess, they were very happy.

When Mo Beichen took the child out, everyone gathered around.

"It's exactly the same as Tan ’s childhood." Chu Yun looked at the little red fox and her tears fell down, really like Tan's childhood.

Zi Xiuran also has a soft light on his face. I really miss it, so small.

Mo Tianshu and they all gathered around, "It's really a little sister, it's so cute."

When they were enough, Mo Beichen took Xiaoqi back to Baiju.

They all followed Mo Tianshu, squatting in a row and guarding Xiaoqi.

The **** looked at them and smiled, "Do you really like your sister?"

"Like it," the six said in unison.

The **** was happy, leaned over each of them and kissed.

Six people reacted differently in an instant.

The boss didn't react coldly, but his ears were red, the second child seemed to like it with a smile, but the eyes betrayed him. The third child was directly disgusted, and then wiped rubbing. The fourth child was the most normal. Jun's face was slightly reddish, but he was happy. The fifth child smiled the sweetest. Turning his face, he asked Baiju to ask for a kiss. The sixth boy went black, and stared at Baidu in a complaint. Also looked at the fifth child with eyes like mental retardation.

Watching the different reactions of the six sons, and then looking at the daughter who slept soundly in her arms, the **** smiled contentedly.

One day after three months, a pot of porridge was in chaos at Mohuangbao.

"Daddy and mother, Xiao Qi is gone."

"Sister is missing."

"Oh my God, how could Yao Guang be gone."

Mo Beichen found the raccoon with a black face, "Did you really send my Xiaoqi away?"

Beaver flashed his guilty guilty eyes and said, "Master is very lonely at the Qingfeng Peak!"

Mo Beichen's face was even darker: "But my daughter, my little cotton jacket, I haven't hugged it a few times, so you will give her to Zi Xiuran."

Mo Beichen now fully understands the feelings of Mingying at that time, and the vegetables he managed to plant have been stolen by others. What kind of mood is this?

"Don't be excited first, I just sent Xiao Qi to Xueqing Peak to learn martial arts, when you want her to see her." Baijuan persuade in guilty conscience.

She knew that he would be angry. Although he did not agree with the birth of this child, but after his daughter was born, he looked at her like an eyeball. Go out, you can't send Xiao Qi out yet.

But Xiao Qi must be sent to the Qingqing Peak.

Master originally reshaped her body for them and Amo at the expense of all the lives behind her, and re-entered the cycle. She did not want him to be so lonely with limited vitality.

At that time, she saw Master playing with Xiaohong Fox in the void, and she thought that she would have to give birth to Xiao Qi in the future, with Xiao Qi accompanying him, at least Master would not be so lonely anymore.

"No, I'll hold Xiaoqi back." Mo Beichen turned angrily and left.

Mo Beichen was so embarrassed that the **** had no choice but to use his unique skills to directly lift his toes and kiss his lips.

Bai Xichen was entangled with Mo Beichen on this side, and Zi Xiuran saw Xiao Qi in the small nest on the Qingqing Peak over there, wondering: "Why is Xiao Qi here?"

Yu Fan said with a smile: "Sister A Tan said, let Xiao Qi also worship you as a teacher."

Zi Xiuran raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Nemo Beichen was willing."

Yu Fan smiled again: "Where would I be willing? This was sent secretly by Master Atan."

Zi Xiuran froze again, then raised his lips: "It's time for him to taste the deity's taste."

Zi Xiuran said, gently holding up Xiao Qi: "Did you say?"

Xiao Qi sobbed, and licked it to the side of Zi Xiuran's neck.

Zi Xiu's eyes softened, and her smile became brighter.

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