Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1430: Fanwai: Bai Yaoguang VS Zi Xiuran (5)

"Early ... night ~"

When he heard the words at the beginning of the night, Xiao Qi's eyes widened and his hands shaking as Zi Xiuran shook.

Huayan and Yufan also took a sip of cool air.

What the **** is the first night?

Xiaobai Xiaohuang also shyly covered her eyes with her wings.

The first night of Xianzun, I really want to see it!

The party Zi Xiuran even stared at Ji Wuming.

When did he say he would sell early night?

Ji Wuming ignored him and just watched Xiaoqi Opera and said, "How about? Would you like to buy?"

Xiao Qi blinked dumbly, she just wanted to take Master away. Why did she talk about going up at night?

But Master ’s first night, she really wants to buy it, but is n’t that good?

Before Xiao Qi talked, the people under him boiled.

"Qingran's first night was going to sell, I want to buy I want to buy!"

"I buy what I buy, I buy everything!"

"Qing Ran is dead, and it's okay to be a ghost. I want to buy it!"

"The green dyer is mine, I buy it!"


No matter whether the men and women are mad and pushed forward, they almost went to the big round platform.

Xiao Qi saw that so many people wanted to buy Zi Xiu Ran, but he was also shy, and the chicken nodded like a peck of rice: "I buy it, how much is it?"

When Huayan and Yufan heard the words, they fell down instantly.

No, this girl really dare to buy Xianzun's first night!

Xiaobai and Xiaohuang are so excited, I can't wait to see the early night live version immediately.

Zi Xiuran blushed rarely, glanced at Xiao Qi quietly.

Xiao Qi was originally serious, but now she can't help blushing when she is dyed by Zi Xiu.

Master, Master, I really can't blame her. She didn't want his first night, but she couldn't give him up to others.

"Cough ..." Seeing Xiao Qi hooked, Ji Wuming coughed. "Since so many people want to buy Qingran's first night, then go to the auction. Whoever bids high, Qingran's first night will belong to whom.

Hearing the word "auction", Zi Xiu's forehead's blue tendon burst out fiercely.

Ji Wuming, you wait for me!

Xiao Qi also grumbled: "Are you going to auction?"

Ji raised his eyebrows proudly: "Of course of course, in case I open the price less, then I am not a loss, who still thinks that there is more money."

Xiao Qi suddenly became a black line, anxious to strangle this unscrupulous adulterer.

Ji Wuming ignored Xiao Qi's resentful glance, and stood directly in front of him to drink.

"Come and come, Qingran's first night auction will now start with a reserve price of one or two silver."

Upon hearing the reserve price, Zi Xiu's blue tendons burst out again.

Xiao Qi was also mad at one place. Damn, how could Master be worth only one or two silver.

"100 million!" Xiao Qi raised his hand with pride.

People who originally wanted to pay the price heard this number and suddenly stared at their eyes.

Ji Wuming also turned to Xiao Qi in an instant, looking at her eyes almost like looking at gold.

Both Huayan and Yufan were frightened by Xiaoqi's grandeur. They ran together and lowered their voices, "Do you know how much silver is 100 million, and you call 100 million?"

Xiao Qi blinked dumbly: "I don't know."

Hua Yan fell out of control instantly, and she lost her way. She learned everything from a young age, but she never taught her to count money.

Yu Fan was also speechless: "Have you brought silver?"

Xiao Qi looked at Yu Fan innocently: "Did you not bring it?"

"Why would I bring silver? Fairyland doesn't need to spend silver." Yu Fan stared.

Xiao Qi raised his eyebrows: "I haven't been out of fairyland yet."

She has never seen what silver looks like.

Xiao Qi and Yu Fan stared at each other, and then looked at the flower calyx on the ground together, with the same voice: "Do you have it?"

Huayan flipped from the storage ring and found a piece of broken silver and stuffed it into Xiao Qi's hand: "This is all my possessions."

Seeing Yinzi Xiaoqi was happy for a moment, he said happily, "How much is this?"

"Two or two." Huayan raised two fingers.

"Two or two!" Xiao Qi suddenly raised his voice, which is too little.

"No more." Xiao Qi and Yu Fan searched around Huayan together.

Hua Yan hides his face and hides: "It's gone."

It hasn't been long before he spends his money, which is still a little bit left in the human world, or else he won't even have two or two.

Seeing them whispering all the time, Ji Wuming asked suspiciously, "Are you sure you want to make a hundred million."

Ji Wuming spoke, and the three stood upright instantly.

Huayan and Yufan pushed Xiaoqi.

Xiao Qi looked at Ji Wuming with an embarrassment and grinned, "One to one or two or five."

The number of one or two and five burst out, and everyone instantly seemed to have suffered 10,000 points of damage, and was severely hit.

Ji Wuming was also soft under his feet and almost lay down.

One hundred million becomes one or two or five. This girl is paying him back.

It was Zi Xiuran who laughed rarely, but how that smile seemed to be full of petting.

Ji Wuming looked at the smile on Zi Xiu's lips, and stared stunned.

Isn't he dazzled, Qing Ran even smiled, and sure enough the hero was sad about the beauty, this kid must be interesting to this girl.

"Ah ..." Ji Wuming deliberately glanced at Zi Xiuran and turned to the crowd. "One or two or five, is there a high one?"

"I'm out a hundred and two!"

"I have a thousand!"

"Ten thousand!"


There was an instant boiling below, and prices soared sharply.

"What should I do now?" Xiao Qi listened to the rising prices and ran out of cold sweat.

Yu Fan and Hua Yan looked at each other, but also could not help it.

There is no money in my pocket, and I am not confident.

Seeing that they shouted more and more, Xiao Qi gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to borrow money. If you look here, you must not let others buy it."

Yu Fan nodded with Hua Yan, "Relax, we vow to protect Xianzun."

Xiaoqi pulled Zi Xiuran and whispered in his ear: "Master must wait for me."

The soft and sweet breath sprayed into his ear and lingered on his heart.

Zi Xiuyan's eyes darkened again.

Xiaoqi finished speaking and flew out.

Ji Wuming saw Xiaoqi run away and stared stunned.

How did that girl run away?

The people below didn't care about Xiao Qi, they still desperately bargaining.

Xiaoqi ran to a quiet place where no one was, and took out a small conch from his neck and blew it gently.

The faint purple halo burst in circles, and soon there was an illusive image in front of Xiao Qi, where six similar beautiful men stood in a row.

"Your girl finally thinks of us, it's not easy." The second child shook the fan, smiling with a smile.

"Did Xiaoqi miss Sixth Brother, where are you? Sixth Brother is going to accompany you." Lao Liu squeezed to the front and looked at Xiao Qi like the old father.

"Nobody's going to miss you, Xiao Qi must have missed me." The fifth child stepped forward and rammed the sixth child.

"Where are you, Xiao Qi, why are you so dark?" The fourth child was worried.

"Aren't you in Fairyland?" Even the youngest man who didn't speak quietly also cared.

"Is something wrong?" The boss frowned, as if feeling the anxiety of Xiao Qi across the void.

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