Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1431: Fanwai: Bai Yaoguang VS Zi Xiuran (6)

Looking at six brothers who loved him, Xiaoqigan laughed and said, "In fact, it's nothing, just want to find some brothers to borrow money."

"Borrow money?" Liu Liu blinked doubtfully, "What do you borrow money for?"

This fairyland does not seem to need silver.

"Where are you now?" The boss looked at the dark wall behind her.

Xiaoqi: "I am in the human world."

"Why did you go to the human world?" The old fifth frowned.

"I'm fine."

Xiao Qi didn't want to talk to them about Master.

"You want to buy something?" The boss asked.

Xiao Qi nodded: "Yes."

"How much?"

"Many, many, the more the better."

Xiaoqi doesn't know how much is enough, anyway, the more the better.

Boss frowned: "What's important?"

"Yes." Xiao Qi's face was a little red, which was very, very important.

Without waiting for them to ask again, Xiao Qi said anxiously: "There are many people robbing me, and I ca n’t buy enough money."

Upon hearing this, Lao Liu said immediately: "You are waiting, Liu Brother will send you silver now."

Xiao Qi was happy, and he was instantly excited: "Thank you, brother, hurry up, I'll wait for you."

After Xiao Qi finished speaking, the image disappeared instantly.

Xiaoqi hurriedly returned to Drunk Heart Pavilion and saw everyone still shouting, she was relieved and flew back to the round platform again.

"Master, I have silver." Xiao Qi farted and ran over again to pull Zi Xiuran's hand.

Ji Wuming had a black line and would pull Xiao Qi's hand over it.

This girl dared to come and make fun of him without money.

Zi Xiuran's eyes sank, blocking Qi Wuming in front of him, and holding Xiao Qi in his arms.

Looking at Zi Xiuran's short posture, Ji Wuming made a black line.

Well, he still prays that this girl is rich, otherwise this auction will be held in vain.

The people below looked at Zi Xiuran clamoring for Xiao Qi, and suddenly they were even more crazy.

Not to mention the beginning of the night, if they could let Qing Ran son hug for a while, that would be a good death.

The price below has shouted to 50 million two, this price is already the limit for ordinary people, so the noisy sound below finally paused.

"This lady is biding 50 million yuan. Who else is bidding for it?" Ji Wuming rubbed her hands and looked at the fat woman carried with excitement.

"It turned out to be Mrs. Wang, so no wonder that she could produce so much silver. Before the king died, she left a lot of inheritance to Mrs. Wang. I did not expect that she would use this silver to buy the first night of the green dyer.

"I heard that Mrs. Wang has a special hobby in that area, and she is fierce as a tiger. She could have tossed a lot of faces before, and this is a miserable man."

"Hey, our immortal green dyed son is going to accompany this ugly and strange monster, and it hurts to think about it."

"That is, I would rather he stay with that little girl, at least it looks right."

As soon as he saw the fat flowing oil, Mrs. Wang, who had fat powder all over her body, Xiaoqi's face turned green.

No, I dare to miss Master in this light.

"Is there anyone asking for the price? No one screaming. The first night of Qingran is owned by Mrs. Wang." When Ji Wuming shouted this, she also deliberately looked at Xiao Qi and asked her clearly.

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Qi turned to God and quickly raised his hand again.

Ji Wuming's eyes brightened, but he calmly said, "How much do you make?"

"I ..." Xiao Qi looked at Ji Wuming nana, not knowing how much to say.

I don't know how much Liu Liu brought. What if this is not enough for 50 million?

Heck, no matter what, she won't be able to grab it anyway, anyway, she can't give up the master to a fat woman.

"One ..." As soon as Xiao Qi was about to shout for 100 million, he saw several figures float down from the patio.

Ji Wuming was looking forward to the number of Xiao Qi shouting. When he saw someone suddenly fly down from the patio, he suddenly wanted to explode, but when he saw the appearance of the person, he stopped for a moment.

The people underneath were all choked.

God, what did they see?

Six gods who do not lose the green dyed son.

"Who dares to grab something from our little seven."

Lao Liuyi took the lead, flew to the round platform first, and bravely guarded Xiao Qi.

Behind the fifth, fourth ... the boss arrived in turn.

Seeing these six coming, Huayan and Yufan were all excited.

Sure enough, Xiao Qi's appeal was so strong that they all came.

Xiao Qi patted his head sadly.

It ’s over, why are you here?

If only her sixth brother could fool her, but her eldest brother, second brother and third brother would not be able to fool it. If they let her know that what she bought was the first night of the master, it would be that Tongtong would frizz.

Mo Tianshu glanced at Zi Xiuran next to Xiao Qi, and instantly understood what he said, "Little Qi."

"Yes." Xiao Qi quickly released Zi Xiuran, and then hurried to Mo Tianshu, "brother."

Mo Tianshu looked at Zi Xiuran expressionlessly, and Zi Xiuran also looked at him.

There seemed to be a spark between the two.

The second and third children both lowered their eyes clearly.

When the fourth and fifth of the younger see Zi Xiuran, they all knew about it.

Only Lao Liu nervously pulled Xiao Qi: "Little Seven, tell Liu Brother who would dare to grab something from you."

"Heh ~" Xiao Qigan laughed and pointed at Mrs. Wang slyly.

Lao Liu stared blankly: "Just grab something from our little seven."

Madam Wang was fascinated by the sudden appearance of the six immortal beauties. She nodded stupidly without hearing the words of Lao Liu at all.

Everyone else below was addicted to their beauty.

God, in my lifetime I can see so many beautiful fairies, it is really worth the death.

Even Ji Wuming, who was desperate for silver, saw Mo Tianshu and their eyes were leaking out.

If so many beautiful men are in his Drunk Heart Pavilion, then their Drunk Heart Pavilion is guaranteed to become a full cloud scene, no, the world, the most popular and most popular small official museum in the universe.

If Mo Tianshu knows Ji Wuming's thoughts, they will definitely taste what is really hot.

"How much do you pay for?" Lao Liu stared at Madam Wang unhappyly, without even asking her sister what she bought.

Mrs. Wang looked at Lao Liu's beautiful face that was not so mortal, but she only smirked, so how could she speak?

Still Ji Wuming retained the last trace of reason: "50 million."

"Only 50 million?" Lao Liu raised her eyebrows disapprovingly, and then waved easily, and countless boxes were full of Drunk Heart Pavilion in an instant.

Not only the round platform was full, but the stage was also full, and even the stairs and the second floor were full.

Lao Liu raised her hand gently, and all the boxes opened automatically.

For a moment everyone was blinded by the golden light.

"How is it enough?" Sixth looked at Ji Wuming smugly.

Ji Wuming stared greedily at the boxes, and looked down the platform and stairs, as well as the second floor, and his eyes were everywhere.

Ji Wuming swallowed: "How much is this?"

"500 million." Lao Liu raised her eyebrows, bursting out a number casually.

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