Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1434: Fanwai: Bai Kaiyang VS Min Youran (1)

Since Ling Jun'er came to the full moon feast of the future son-in-law, she often brought her own daughter to the demon world, and also allowed her daughter and future son-in-law to cultivate feelings. Who made her future son-in-law so rare?

Of course, as always, Mingying did not agree with them, but he couldn't hold his wife and even his daughter. The final result was always accompanied by him.

The two families often get together and feel better, especially Ling Juner and Baiju are as good as one person, and often make Mingying and Mo Beichen jealous.

As a child, Xiaoyouer had been chasing the sixth child, who was afraid to avoid it.

Every time I see the delicate doll carved in pink jade with ink jade running with the sixth child, the second child and the fifth child can't help but coax.

"Lao Liu, your little daughter-in-law is here again." Lao Wu watched the show with a gossip on his face.

The second child also pretended to be sad and lamented: "Hey, it's good to have a daughter-in-law, look at us, no one chase."

Lao Liu kept running and glaring: "Will she let you chase you?"

The second child smiled and raised an eyebrow: "She's your little daughter-in-law chasing me. It's a matter of fact that he is so handsome in the future. He must have his own daughter-in-law."

The second child said his hair was flirtatious, and the boss and the younger looked aside and moved to the same place.

Lao Liu's face turned dark for a moment. What little daughter-in-law, young daughter-in-law, he didn't know anything, so his mother added a tow bottle.

"I said the sixth child, please be content, and see how cute you are. You are cheap and sell well." The fifth child also said something cold.

"Give you what you like."

Lao Liu had a black line and threw the black jade on his neck directly to Lao Wu.

"You are so casual, this is your token of love." The fifth child seemed to pick up a hot potato, and quickly threw that jade pen on the neck of the sixth, "You can wear it, if you Really lost, be careful your mother scratched your skin. "

The hot potato was thrown back, but the sixth child was helpless.

The fifth child was right. Yu Pei could not lose it, even if he left him. Before he wore the jade, he was beaten by his mother. If it was really lost, it would be sure to pick it off.

"Brother Yang!" Xiaoyouer ran over, grabbing the sixth child's clothes with his little hand, and looked aggrieved.

Lao Liu frowned and looked at the little fat hand, and poked her hand politely.

The little hand hurt, Xiao Youer suddenly pouted with grievance, little tears turned in his eyes.

It's no wonder that at the age of five, she has always been a little princess at home. At this moment, she was hated and beaten. This person is still the little brother he likes. Can it be wronged?

When I saw Lao Liu's hands, the other few couldn't stand it anymore, especially Lao Wu's youngest person who loved beauty the most. When she stepped forward and shouted Xiao You'er, "Don't cry, let's ignore this old man." Six, go. Brother Wu will take you to eat delicious food. "

The fifth child wiped her tears for Xiao Youer, and then walked away.

Seeing his own daughter-in-law and his wife really left, the sixth boy hurried to catch up and pushed away the fifth boy and ran away with Xiaoyou.

The second child looked happy when he looked at the sixth child: "This proud petite little kid has to let the fifth child deal with him."

The fifth child also pretended to sigh in sorrow: "Why did the mother give that girl to the sixth child, it is really a sheep's mouth. After that, the young girl must be eaten by the sixth child."

The old third raised an eyebrow: "This is not necessarily the case."

The second child also smiled and patted the fifth child's shoulder: "Thanks to how nervous the young girl is with that girl, who really eats this is not necessarily."

Lao Liu kept pulling Xiaoyour to a secluded corner before stopping.

Seeing that there was no one outside, Lao Liu just faced Xiaoyouer seriously: "You are not allowed to go with Lao Wu in the future, I hear nothing."

Seeing Lao Liu yelling at her, Xiaoyouer shrank his neck in fear and didn't dare to speak, only nodding.

Looking at the tears in the corner of Xiaoyouer, the sixth boy reached out and wiped her with disgust, "Isn't that just hitting you? Is there something crying?"

"It hurts." Xiaoyou raised his small hand in a grievance.

Lao Liu looked at the red fat hand, and her eyebrows wrinkled again. She picked up her little hand and rubbed it rudely, not forgetting to warn him, "You are not allowed to go back and hear it."

"I don't." Xiaoyouer insisted.

The sixth son didn't argue with her. In this regard, the girl did a good job. No matter how he bullied her, she would not sue, so that her mother and aunt thought they were very good.

"Well, it doesn't hurt anymore." After rubbing for a while, the sixth son became impatient.

Xiaoyouer quickly shook his head, in fact he rubbed even more painfully.

"Then don't follow me, do you know that you lose my face?" The sixth child warned, and turned and left.

Xiaoyouer kept up with him again, pulling his corner of his clothes, "I'm hungry."

Lao Liu frowned and looked at her, and looked down at her swollen belly. She pouted dismissively: "Trouble."

Lao Liu went out with a murmur, and came back a short while later, holding a paper bag in his hand.

"Let's eat it." Lao Liu stuffed the paper bag to Xiaoyouer.

Xiaoyouer opened the paper bag and watched it. It was really her favorite pastry.

She took a piece and ate it happily.

Lao Liu sat next to her and looked at the pastry crumbs she ate, and suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction.

"Would you like to eat?" Xiaoyouer ate half of it, and when she saw that the sixth child kept staring at her, he gave him the half of the food.

Lao Liu looked at half of the cake in her hand disgustingly: "I'm so dirty, I don't want to eat it."

Hearing that the sixth boy said she was dirty, Xiaoyouer pouted, and wanted to cry again.

Lao Liu had a black line. He didn't say anything, why did she cry again.

Before Xiaoyouer's tears fell, Lao Liu bowed her head and ate half a piece of cake in her hand.

Xiaoyouer burst into tears and smiled, and looked at him with a smile: "Is it delicious?"

"It's so sweet, it's not delicious!" Lao Liu blushed and opened her eyes awkwardly.

Xiaoyouer frowned at the pastry in the paper bag.

Where is this sweet? It's obviously salty.

But Xiaoyouer remembered that Lao Liu didn't like sweet pastries.

On the steps of a corner of the courtyard wall, a pair of two innocent golden boy jade girls are eating pastries, and the little girl always feeds the pastries to the little boy.

The little boy always looked disgusted, but in the end, the little girl could not eat the dirty cake with her saliva.

"Is I hungry or are you hungry, you eat it yourself."

The baby boy's booming voice can be heard from a long distance, but in the end, he always eats more than her.

In the setting sun, the two men's figures were stretched for a long time, and they felt very beautiful.

This year, Bai Kaiyang and Ming Youran were five years old.

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