Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1435: Fanwai: Bai Kaiyang VS Min Youran (2)

In the pavilion of Mohuangbao, the brothers sat and played cards.

"Aunt Jun seems to be here again, you don't go to see your little daughter-in-law." The second child teased the sixth child.

The old six did not lift his head: "No."

"You don't go to me. I just want Xiaoyou." As soon as the fifth card was discarded, he went to Xiaoyou.

His interest in beauty is always higher than that of this card.

The sixth old boy suddenly turned black and didn't have any thought to play cards anymore.

"Brother Yang!"

The two stood up and Xiaoyou came running, holding a food container in his hand.

As soon as she came over, the sixth child sat down again.

But the oldest one ran over and said, "Xiaoyouer has grown up and has become beautiful."

"Thank Wu Brother." Xiaoyouer smiled brightly.

Watching her smile at the fifth child so much, the sixth child's face turned blacker.

The fifth child took Xiaoyou to the gazebo.

"Second Brother, Third Brother, Fourth Brother, Tianshu Brother." Xiaoyouer greeted several people with a smile.

The ten-year-old is even more beautiful, so these older brothers who watched her grow up also like it very much.

"Xiaoyouer sit." When Xiaoyouer came over, the fourth child gave way directly and thoughtfully.

Xiaoyouer smiled and shook his head: "No need, Brother Si sit down, I just brought the pastry."

Xiaoyouer took out the pastry and yelled, "This is the first time I've made it. You can taste it."

"Xiaoyouer made it by myself, I must try it." The fifth child ran over first, and took a piece of pastry.

Lao Liu stood up in a hurry, grabbed the pastry in Lao Wu's hand, and then crushed it.

The fifth child stayed awake, and then instantly blew: "Sixth, what are you doing!"

Everyone else was stunned.

Especially when Xiaoyouer saw that her pastry was crushed, her eyes became red instantly.

Seeing Xiaoyou's grievances, Lao Liu's face turned darker: "Can she make something that can be eaten?"

Lao Liu threw the crushed pastry into the food container, and then threw the food container into the lotus pond under the gazebo.

"Lao VI!" At this moment, even Mo Tianshu couldn't stand it, glaring at Lao Liu and yelling.

Everyone else frowned and looked at the sixth child. The boy couldn't live a good life without messing with him.

Xiaoyouer looked at the food box sinking in the lotus pond, and the tears in the corner of her eyes finally fell.

"Xiaoyouer." Seeing her cry, the fifth child came forward distressedly.

The fourth child also passed by.

Xiaoyouer cried and stared at the sixth child, and ran out.

"Xiaoyouer ..." the old man shouted anxiously, and then stared back at the younger boy again. "Just do it, my little daughter-in-law will be treated by you sooner or later."

The fourth child also frowned and looked at the sixth child: "Not ready to chase."

"I won't go," Lao Liu insisted.

"Walk around, let's ignore him." The oldest one took the lead out of the gazebo.

Others also understand that with the awkward disposition of the sixth child, I am afraid that the more you persuade him to go, the less he will not go, and if they leave, maybe he will find him.

Everyone went out of the gazebo.

The second child walked to the end and said to himself: "Some people always think they are right, but they have pity on us, they made the pastry hard, and they were thrown into the pond like this. ? "

The second child shook his head and left.

Lao Liu clenched her fist, a flash of worry flashed in her eyes.

Xiaoyou'er cried and ran out of the imperial fortress, ran to the brook at a stretch, and squatted on the ground and burst into tears.

She deliberately made pastry for him, and worked hard for a month. This time she came here to give him pastry. The first pastry she made, she wanted to eat for him. But he threw her pastry and said such hurtful things.

Xiaoyouer cried out of breath, like crying all the grievances.

Why did she do this to her every time, what did she do wrong?

Xiaoyouer felt more and more sad, she knew he didn't like her, but he didn't expect him to hate her so much.

Xiaoyouer cried and took off Mo Yu from his neck.

Since she doesn't like her so much, then this marriage contract is not interesting anymore?

Xiaoyouer sadly threw that piece of Moyu into the stream.

But the moment she threw it out, she regretted it.

Tears burst into my eyes again.

"Heavenly, you're so ill-mannered."

Xiaoyouer scolded himself, and he got up and went to the stream to find Yupei.

Xiaoyou'er was crying and searching, and it took a while to find Yupei, who had been washed by the stream before the rapids.

Xiaoyouer touched the stones and passed carefully, just when she was about to reach the Mo Yu, the Mo Yu suddenly slipped down the rapids, and the water splashed down.

Xiaoyouer jumped into the rapids following that Yupei without thinking.

Seeing this scene, the sixth old man who came to find someone was very scared.

"Your child!" Lao Liu shouted anxiously, and ran to the stream like crazy.

Damn, she really can't figure it out? Isn't it just a box of pastries? As for?

Looking at Xiaoyouer who was rushed downstream, the sixth boy flew down.

The water was rushing, and they rushed far away.

"Youer!" By the time the sixth boy caught Xiaoyouer, she was unconscious.

Lao Liu was frightened, and quickly hugged Xiaoyouer and landed on the shore.

"Your." The sixth patted Xiao Youer's face, but she didn't react at all.

Lao Liu was anxious, giving her artificial respiration while pressing her chest.

"Ahem ..." Xiaoyou'er opened his eyes weakly, but he saw Zhengtai's face close at hand.

Seeing her awake, Lao Liujun blushed and hurried away: "How are you?"

Xiaoyouer's face was also a little red, but she thought of something and quickly lowered her head.

She was relieved when she saw the jade in her hand.

Fortunately, she caught Yu Pei when she rushed down, otherwise the urgent water might not be found.

Lao Liu saw Mo Yu in her hand along her eyes, and instantly understood what.

"You're here for this? You don't die!"

As soon as she thought that she had dropped the rapids, he became nervous again, and his heart just stopped.

Seeing him fierce again, Xiaoyouer's eyes became red, and tears began to fall.

Knowing that he had a bad tone, the sixth boy anxiously hung the black jade back to her neck, then hugged her horizontally, and found a cave to enter.

Lao Liu had the power to dry Xiaoyou's clothes. He was wearing wet clothes and was not afraid of cold.

"It's getting dark and I can't figure out the direction. Let's go back tomorrow morning." Put Xiaoyouer on the haystack and the sixth child went out to find some firewood.

There was a fire in the cave and it was a lot warmer.

Xiaoyouer has been sitting on the haystack, motionless and not talking to the sixth child.

Lao Liu knew that she was wrong, and took the initiative to ask her, "Are you hungry?"

Don't look down on Xiaoyouer, so angry that he doesn't look at him.

Lao Liu frowned angrily, took the pastry out of the storage ring and brought it to her: "Eat."

"This isn't ..." Xiaoyouer stared at the pastry with narrowed eyes.

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