Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1436: Fanwai: Bai Kaiyang VS Min Youran (3)

Lao Liujun looked at her with a flushed face: "You can't eat, I can't eat."

Lao Liu said, turning her head and eating the pastry.

Xiaoyouer crawled for a while before crawling and looked at him with anticipation: "How is it, is it delicious?"

"It's bad."

Still ass.

Xiaoyouer stared at him angrily, and then grabbed the plate in his hand: "It's bad, don't eat it."

Where is the sixth old Ken Kenshou, quickly holding the pastry and stuffing his mouth, a plate full of it is not left to others.

"Bai Kaiyang!" Looking at the empty plate, Xiaoyouer was so angry and funny that he pushed the sixth child to him.

The two fell on the haystack and frolicked.

The flames fluttered in the cave, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.

This year, Bai Kaiyang and Ming Youran were ten years old.

After this time, Lao Liu still can't wait to see her little daughter-in-law, but he dare not throw her things.

Of course, every time the little daughter-in-law makes a piece of pastry, it doesn't fall into the mouth of others, even her brother does not have it.

Xiaoyouer went back without complaining. She carefully found out that Lao Liu didn't like to send other people's cakes to her, and she never sent other people anymore. Every time she made pastry, she brought it to Lao Liu.

Although the word "unpalatable" was exchanged each time, she would be happy after eating it every time.

Although they bumped into each other, they were still two little guesses.

Five years passed in a blink of an eye, and Xiaoyouer slowly changed from a delicate baby girl to a slim girl.

The look is like a win, a fascinating look, fair and delicate skin, and a pair of peach eyes, it can't be more attractive.

However, this temperament looks like Ling Juner, sometimes looking silly, but it is actually very sensitive.

Of course, the old six Bai Kaiyang has also changed from a small boy to a handsome boy. Among the six brothers, he is most like a beaver, especially those eyes, the standard fox winks, and is very charming.

His temper is still so awkward, especially when facing his little daughter-in-law, it is almost going to be dragged into the sky.

Every time the old boy smells bad, he will be rejected by the old boy.

"My mother did n’t know what to think, so why did you give Xiaoyou to someone? It was a little cute who fed a donkey, or a donkey, and our little you really lost." Obliquely said Lao Liu intentionally.

Lao Liu said with a sour face: "If you like her so much, marry her."

Laowu sighed sadly: "Xiao Youer is so cute and charming, who doesn't want to marry it. Unfortunately, she is someone's youngest daughter-in-law, and I have no chance."

"Just know." Lao Liu stared up at the fifth child with warning.

"Okay." Seeing the two of them quarreling all the time, the fourth child couldn't stand it anymore. "Just say a few words. Isn't the sixth child good with Xiaoyou?"

The fourth child said and glared at the fifth child. Rarely, these two days the sixth child did not quarrel with Xiaoyouer. This is the rhythm that made them quarrel again.

Laowu Lengheng: "What's the best, Xiaoyouer is devoted to someone, dead heart, but someone, half-hearted, lingering flowers."

"Bai Yuheng, what do you mean!" Lao Liu was immediately angry when she heard the slander of the fifth child.

"What do you mean? Aren't you the clearest? What did you do with that female fox yesterday, hugging and hugging during the day, you are blind to everyone." The old fifth was also polite, and went directly to the old bottom of the sixth.

Everyone instantly looked at the sixth child.

Mo Tianshu was even more serious: "Six, what's going on?"

Although their family rules did not emphasize that they should not be allowed to mess with flowers, their grandfathers and dads were cleansing themselves, so they also regarded grandfathers and fathers as role models.

This old sixth had a relationship with Xiaoyouer, and it couldn't be more involved with other women.


Lao Liu frowned, and as soon as she was about to explain, she saw that Lao Wu stood up with a brush, "Xiaoyouer ..."

The sixth old man was startled, and turned around quickly. Sure enough, when Xiaoyouer stood outside the gazebo, she turned pale and apparently heard a lot.

The others also looked at Xiaoyou nervously.

This is how much I heard, this is the end of the sixth.

"Cough ..." Laowu coughed, and quickly laughed and rounded the field. "The fifth brother was wrong, dazzled, that person is not the sixth."

The second child also quickly stood up and said, "Yes, yes, your sixth heart treats you wholeheartedly, how can you do that kind of thing?"

Lao Liu glanced at the second and fifth children in a black line.

What kind of thing did he do? This is to make him more and more dark.

Xiaoyouer looked at Lao Liu with a small white face, waiting for his explanation.

Lao Liu didn't explain, just looked at her impatiently: "What are you doing?"

Listening to his disgusting tone, Xiaoyouer's face turned whiter, and the food container in his hand almost couldn't hold it.

At the sight of Lao Liu's death, the fifth child was so annoyed.

The dead boy didn't make it for him one day.

"Did you eat something again, Xiaoyouer?" Laowu ran to Xiaoyouer and looked at her food container.

Xiaoyouer looked at the sixth and didn't speak.

Lao Liu stared at the food box and looked even worse.

Not all of them told her not to make pastries for them.

"Six Highness, this girl is looking for you."

Just when everyone wanted to relax the atmosphere of the two, Long Yue came with a fox girl.

Seeing that enchanting fox girl, everyone looked at the sixth child together.

What's going on? How come everyone came to the demon world?

Xiaoyouer bit his lip and looked at the fox girl, this is the female fox they said.

"I've seen a few Highnesses." The Fox Girl bowed down and saluted them, and then looked at Lao Liu affectionately. "Six Highness."

Lao Liu had a headache, and he didn't expect this woman to come to Mohuangbao.

No way, the sixth child can only bite the bullet and go: "Find me something?"

Compared to Xiao Youer's relentless remarks, Lao Liu's tone towards the fox girl is much more peaceful, but no one saw that he was impatient.

"I heard that Her Royal Highness liked to eat pastries, and Xiaoxi made some. I don't know if it fits her Highness' appetite." Fox Girl Xiaoxi looked at Lao Liu with a look of shame, and passed the paper bag in her hand.

Lao Liu frowned and looked at the paper bag in disgust.

When did he like to eat pastries? In addition to eating pastries made by her these years, he has never eaten other pastries, which is also considered like?

When the fox girl didn't pick him up, she opened the paper bag and took a piece of cake and handed it to Lao Liu's lips: "How do you taste it? If not, Xiaoxi will improve it."

Lao Liu stole a glance at Xiaoyouer and saw that she was looking at him in a righteous manner.

Lao Liu's head was hot, and she lowered her head and ate the cake in Fox Girl's hand.

The fox girl blushed, her eyes full of joy and shame.

The blood on Xiaoyouer's face faded away instantly, gave the food box to the fifth child, and turned away.

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