Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1437: Fanwai: Bai Kaiyang VS Min Youran (4)

"Xiaoyouer ..." the old man looked anxiously.

Lao Liu frowned, and turned to look at the fox girl: "Don't come here later, it's hard to eat."

The fox girl turned pale and looked at Lao Liu unbelievably, as if she didn't believe he would be so ruthless.

Lao Liu ignored the Foxwoman and returned to the pavilion.

The Fox Girl grievously watched the sixth child outside the pavilion for a while, but did not get a response, and finally ran away crying.

"Look at our little craftsmanship. It ’s a blessing to look at the newly researched cakes." The fifth child took out the cakes in the food box to show off, and ate one of them first: "Well, it ’s so delicious, small Youer's craftsmanship is better than other women. "

Lao Liu looked at the proud fifth child with a black face, and reached out to grab the cake in the saucer, but he only moved. The third child sitting there moved instantly, one by one. When the sixth boy wanted to take it, one It's gone.

Looking at the pastries that were swallowed in their stomachs, Lao Liu felt uncomfortable.

The **** nightmare is horrible.

"It's delicious." The second child ate deliberately and deliberately, "Xiaoyouer is so good at crafting that she must be asked to do more for us in the future, because someone does not eat her pastries anyway."

"That is, if someone hadn't come out of the wall, we wouldn't have been able to eat such a delicious pastry, thanks to someone." The fifth child immediately followed the yin and yang strangely.

"Red apricot is really bad to go out of the wall."

The sixth child's lungs were all blown up by gas.

This is really his good brother. Seeing the excitement is not a big deal. If they weren't here, how could there be so many things.

The younger the sixth, the more uncomfortable the stomach.

Lao Liu went out in a huff, and vomited when she ran to the quiet place.

Just now he didn't say anything bad, the woman's pastry was really unpalatable, it was hard to swallow. He swallowed it, but he still couldn't digest it.

It seems that his stomach has been raised by her over the years.

Thinking of Xiaoyou's appearance just now, Lao Liu frowned and wanted to find someone, but when he thought of the box of cakes, he got angry again and turned back to his room.

Xiaoyouer couldn't help crying when he returned to the room.

She cried for a long time, she thought he would come to her, at least he would explain to her about the fox girl, but he didn't.

Xiaoyouer cried more and more sad, crying until the evening.

"Xiaoyouer ..." Someone crawled in through the window.

Xiaoyouer looked up, but saw the fifth child: "Five Brother?"

Laowu looked at Xiaoyou's red eyes and rubbed her head distressedly: "Okay, don't cry, Wuge will take you to drink."

Before Xiao Youer agreed, the fifth child pulled her out.

Laowu first went to the cellar to get two altar wines, and then she took Xiaoyou to the stream where they often grill fish.

"Drink." The fifth child handed the jar to Xiaoyouer. "It won't hurt you to be drunk."

Xiaoyou stunned and took a sip of death as if taking over the wine jar.

"Ahem ..." The spicy smell instantly made Xiaoyouer burst into tears.

Laowu smiled: "Drinking for the first time?"

Xiaoyouer nodded and took a sip in the wine jar, which was also so spicy, but this time he was not so shy. "

The two sat down next to the brook to drink wine and watch the moon. Xiaoyouer took a few sips of wine, and his head was a little dizzy, but it didn't really seem that uncomfortable.

"Actually, he cares about you, the sixth child, he just can't express it, and you know that boy has been dead since he was a child." The fifth child looked at Xiaoyou and suddenly said something good for the sixth child.

Xiaoyouer smiled bitterly: "He can be good to people all over the world, but he has no heart for me."

He is a warm man, good to Aunt Bai, good to Grandma Yun, and good to Xiaoqi Sister. He warms the world, but treats her alone.

But she is also his fiancee, his future wife. Why does he always hate her so much?

The fifth child was so speechless that he talked about it intentionally, but this deadly sixth child couldn't get out of his mouth, and couldn't find any words to help him talk.

Xiaoyouer was drinking sadly, tears swirled in his eyes, but stubbornly did not want to flow down.

She was really tired. She liked him since she was three years old, but she always hated him. She sometimes felt very close to him. It seemed as if there were only two of them in the world, but the next second she thought he was far away. Far, far away.

The fifth child wanted to comfort Xiaoyou, but did not know where to start, so he could only accompany him to drink.

The sixth boy was still sulking in the room, and he couldn't sleep when he was tossing and turning in bed.

"Bang ..."

The door rang twice, but the sixth boy didn't want to open the door.

"Pop", the door was pushed open, the sixth boy turned his eyes and saw the third boy leaning against the door.

"Why?" I didn't expect the third to look for him, but the sixth was a little surprised.

"I just saw that the fifth child took your wife and daughter to the river with wine." The third child only said a word and turned away.

Lao Liu stayed for a second and rushed out instantly.

Looking at the old sixth, the young third raised his eyebrows and went back to sleep.

Lao Liu ran to the river in one breath, just to see Xiao Youer lie in the arms of Lao Wu.

Lao Liu suddenly became angry and rushed forward like a bullfight.

The fifth child was going to hold drunk Xiaoyouer back and got a punch on his face.

"You're crazy!" The fifth child glared at the sixth child in pain.

Either this guy doesn't come, he goes crazy when he comes.

"She's my daughter-in-law, you should touch her less often." Lao Liu yelled angrily at Lao Wu, and left Xiaoyouer.

Lao Wu covered her face and looked at Lao An angrily.

It's almost inexplicable that this good guy really can't be deserved.

Lao Liu took Xiaoyou back to the room in one breath.

Xiaoyouer was so drunk that he didn't know who was holding him. He just stumbled to see a man: "Five Brother?"

Lao Liu blackened her face and threw her angrily on the bed, then attached: "See who I am?"

Xiaoyouer was more dizzy when he fell, shook his head, and dimly saw the handsome face of the sixth child.

"Bai Kaiyang ..." Xiaoyouer shouted nana.

Seeing that she did not yell again at last, the sixth boy's face eased a little bit, but the next second he turned black again.

"I hate you, I hate you." Xiaoyouer pursed her tears and pouted aggrievedly, "Bai Kaiyang, I don't like you anymore."

In the eyes of Lao Liu, two clusters of flames ignited in an instant: "Ming leisurely, you are looking for death!"

Lao Liu said angrily, and kissed her lips rudely.

Damn, how dare you dislike him! !!

Xiaoyouer was faint, passively bearing, and his consciousness became more and more confused.

The kiss of punishment gradually softened under her sweetness.

This was his first kiss, and it was her.

The people under him had softened into a puddle of water, and the whole body was flushed as if he had just taken a shower, and the peach eyes of Shuiling were half-squint, fascinating.

Lao Liu's eyes became gloomy.

Don't you like him? Then he let her be his person and see where she could escape.

Lao Liu undressed at once, then leaned over and sealed her lips.

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