Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1438: Fanwai: Bai Kaiyang VS Min Youran (5)

Lao Liu hugged Xiaoyou and slept all night.

When he woke up again, he found that no one was around.

Where did that girl go early in the morning?

The clothes that he had dropped on the ground were now placed by the bed, and the sixth boy laughed and wore clothes.

After getting dressed, the sixth boy went to look for Xiaoyou, but after looking for a large circle, he couldn't find the figure.

The sixth son thought about it and went to the beaver.

I heard that she goes to her mother every morning, is she still there.

"Bai Kaiyang, you came just right!" Baiju also happened to be looking for the sixth child, and when he saw him come in at once, he was furious.

Lao Liu has not noticed anything yet, still looking for Xiaoyouer: "Where is she, did she not come?"

He dared to mention Xiaoyou, and Baitan suddenly got upset and held his ears: "You still have a face to mention Xiaoyou, what did you say to her?"

"His ~" Lao Liu covered her ears in pain, angrily, "She's coming to sue?"

"Fuck you!" Baitan raised his hand to his head and fiercely, "Did you bully her?"

Lao Liu's eyes flashed injustice: "I'm wrong, how can I bully her."

"You dare to quibble." The **** glared at the sixth child and patted Mo Yu on the table. "If you didn't bully her, how could she quit her for no reason."

"Fuck off!" Lao Liu suddenly screamed, and unbelievably picked up the jade pendant. "She has really withdrawn from her, don't you lie to me."

The **** snorted coldly: "Can such a thing be a joke? Besides, how can I be so free?"

Lao Liu suffocated and took a step back.

Why did she suddenly quit?

Yes, yesterday he wanted to talk to her ...

But wasn't he unwilling to touch her in the end? Why did she retire?

Looking at the panicked look of Lao Liu, Bai Tan's eyes lit up.

This kid usually drags on and on. It seems that he still cares about Xiaoyou.

This dead boy, since he cares about others, what else is he doing?

The **** sighed softly: "I don't care what happened to you, but since this family relationship has retired, don't disturb her."

Lao Liu's eyes narrowed, "You agree to our dissolution."

He thought she would not agree with her death.

As soon as this was said, Baitan was even more angry: "What else can I do? Whoever makes you okay will bully her, and I will not marry you if I have a daughter."

The **** said angrily and greeted Lao Liu twice.

She also asked the fifth child after Xiaoyou's retirement.

It turned out that the dead boy was so bullying Xiaoyouer, no wonder people would retreat, if she changed, she would not only retreat, but also make him worse.

She likes Xiaoyouer and has always raised her as a daughter, but now that she wants to withdraw from her family, she is not easy to force her. This was also their fault, and she didn't open her mouth.

What's more, it's not easy to win that ghost, if you let him know that the sixth child bullies Xiaoyou like this, I'm afraid they won't do it if they don't terminate the marriage.

Lao Liu was so sad that Mumudi took Yupei and turned away.

The **** looked at him in despair and sighed again.

It's okay to let this junk boy go through tribulations, ah, people only know how to cherish them if they lose.

Xiaoyouer cried back to the ghost world, startled both Mingying and Ling Juner.

"What's going on? Isn't that kid bullying you?" Ming Win ran to Xiao Youer, wiping her tears helplessly.

"How did you cry, what happened?" Ling Juner also hurried over and hugged her daughter distressedly.

Xiaoyouer cried and cried Ling Juner: "Mother, my brother Yang and I have retired."

"Retreat your relatives!" Ling Jun'er was shocked again, and eagerly said, "Why do you retire your parents well, is it your aunt Bai or the sixth?"

Mingying was also instantly angry: "How can this be, they had taken advantage of the original, but now they dare to retreat from their families to see that Ben Jun will not attack them from the demon world."

Ming wins his sleeves, and he will fight in the demon world.

"No." Xiaoyouer quickly grabbed Mingying and whispered, "I want to retreat myself."

"Is it you?" Ling Juner was even more troublesome. "Why do you retire?"

She can see that she likes the sixth child very much.

Ming wins no matter how much, when he heard Xiaoyouer take the initiative to retire, he immediately became happy.

"Good job, worthy of being the father's and daughter's good."

Seeing that Ming Win was still confused, Ling Juner gave him an angry look.

This man, hasn't figured out anything, what a coax here.

"What's so good about that Bai Kaiyang, Yuer, rest assured, Father and Jun will help you find a man ten times better back in the future." Mingying coaxed Xiaoyouer comfortably.

Xiaoyouer cried and shook her head: "I'll never get married again."

Xiaoyouer said and ran back to his room.

"诶 ~" Mingying wanted to chase, but was pulled by Ling Juner, "Daughter is in a bad mood, so don't bother her."

"Yu'er likes fish soup the most, Benjun goes fishing now." Mingying said that he really went fishing.

Ling Jun'er sighed, wondering if he should go to Tanuki.

Xiaoyouer returned to the room and sat in front of the bronze mirror. She gently pulled open the collar, and there were kiss marks under the neck covered by the collar.

Actually not only on the neck, but also on the shoulders, on the collarbone, and even ...

Xiaoyouer suddenly flushed his hands and chest.

Bai Kaiyang's color embryo! How dare she belittle her while she was drunk.

And that female fox, did he do the same thing to others?

The thought of Bai Kaiyang doing something like this with other women, Xiaoyouer's heart broke, and tears slipped unconsciously.

The young boy scolded by Xiaoyouer here is also uncomfortable at the moment.

He was lying on the bed alone, looking at the two pieces of ink jade motionlessly.

Originally, this jade was one piece. I heard that my mother cut the jade pen into two in that year and decided the family affairs.

His mother took Yu Pei back to their six brothers, as if no one was interested in Yu Pei except him.

So this glorious task fell to him.

At the beginning, he really didn't like Ming Youran, thinking she was a towing oil bottle, haunting him all day, every time she came, he would be laughed at.

But he knew that she was his fiancee, and that he would spend the rest of his life with him, so even if he hated her again, he would still pay close attention to her.

She is hungry, he will hate it, but she will also find her food. When she was injured, he would worry and scold her while giving her medicine.

When she falls into the water, he will be more nervous than anyone else. She cries, and he follows.

He will be angry when she cooks for others. She will be jealous when she is with Wu Wu. She said he didn't like him anymore and he would be upset.

In fact, he has always liked her, always regarded her as his exclusive daughter-in-law, and did not let anyone touch his finger, and even thought that they would be married.

But he never thought that one day they would break the engagement.

The thought of her retiring and thinking that she would never like him again, the sixth boy clenched his fists.

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