Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1439: Fanwai: Bai Kaiyang VS Min Youran (6)

Ling Juner was not assured, but she came to see Xiaoyou at night.

When Xiaoling came in, Xiaoyouer was crying while sitting on the bed.

"Yuer." Ling Juner put the fish soup on the little table next to him, and distressed Xiaoyouer into his arms. "Can you tell my mother, what happened?"

How long have you been crying, my eyes are swollen.

Xiaoyou'er nested in Ling Jun'er's arms and refused to say a word.

Ling Juner reluctantly rubbed her hair. This child has been like this since he was a child. No matter what happens unhappy, he never tells them. Even if you are bullied, you are silent and never say bad things about others.

"Do you still like Yanger?" My daughter refused to say, Ling Juner could only ask in another way.

"I don't like it," Xiaoyouer said without thinking.

Listening to her gas, Ling Juner smiled: "Is Yanger bullying you, so you don't like him anymore?"

Xiaoyou piqued his mouth with a grievance: "Shall we not mention him? I don't like him at all now."

"Okay." Ling Juner smiled and nodded, then brought the bowl of fish soup, "eat something, this is the fish your father personally fished."

Xiaoyouer heard that his nose was sore, and he wanted to cry again.

Father is still the same as before, every time she feeds her fish, go fishing in person. The father and gentleman did not want the Lord of the Haunted World at all, he was an ordinary father.

Xiaoyouer drank the fish soup, and his frown finally relaxed. "It's delicious."

Ling Juner smiled: "If your father and gentleman listen to you say that, it is estimated that he will not find him tomorrow."

Xiaoyouer also laughed: "You told him not to go fishing, and the fish in the hall of the ghost king can also eat."

Seeing her daughter smile, Ling Juner's heart finally loosened, and rubbed her head lovingly, "He fished the fish you had eaten since childhood, how can it make him not fish at this moment? . "

Xiaoyouer looked apologetically, "Sorry, I worry you."

Ling Jun'er sighed and held her in her arms: "You child is all right, everything is in my heart. I don't want to tell us, we are just a baby princess. No matter what you do, we Support you. "

Xiaoyouer chuckled in Ling Juner's arms.

"Let's drink, it's fishy when it's cold." Ling Juner patted Xiaoyouer gently.

Xiaoyouer laughed and drank the fish soup in one breath.

Xiao Youer was so fond of Mingying and Ling Juner that she almost forgot the pain, and the sixth child was not so lucky.

Not only did his mother and mother talk coldly to him, but his father and father ignored him, his grandfather and grandmother took turns preaching to him, and even the five brothers ignored him. They used to do everything together, and now treat him directly as air It's the same isolation.

The most exaggerated thing is that his most beloved Xiao Qi, even after hearing that he and Ming Youran dismissed their marriage contract, came to scold him.

He was injustice, it was Ming Youran that was the woman who cleared the marriage contract, why he became a miserable person.

"Brother Liu doesn't seem stupid. You don't even want a woman like Youran's sister. You want to go to heaven." Xiao Qi squatted beside Lao Liu, hating the iron scolding.

Lao Liu glared at her with a black face: "Go to your Zi Xiuran, and leave me alone."

Xiao Qi raised his eyebrows proudly: "My master didn't bother you so much."

"You dead girl, are you itchy?" Lao Liu raised her fist in angrily, but she couldn't bear to let go.

Where would Xiaoqi be afraid of him, she gave him a sloppy look and said, "For the sake that you usually treat me well, I'll help you to find sister Youran and how to make peace?"

Xiao Qi said he winked at the sixth.

Lao Liu's eyes lightened brightly, but when she thought of something, she raised her eyebrows proudly: "You don't care about our affairs. She is the one who wants to terminate the marriage contract, so I won't go to her."

Xiao Qi was stunned by him, and immediately became angry with Qi Qi.

"Little Seven, leave him alone and let him die." Lao Wu came over and held Xiao Qi halfway.

The second child also hugged his chest with both hands, and said with emotion: "Some people just die every day. This is fine, Xiaoyouer is finally free."

"Aren't you idle?" Listening to their yin and yang's strange words, Lao Liu was annoyed instantly.

It wasn't them who harmed it, or if they talked nonsense, could he and Mingyou be like this.

The second child raised his eyebrows: "I'm not busy. I have to prepare a gift for Xiaoyouer."

Lao Liu frowned frantically.

"What are you going to send?" The younger glanced at the younger six, and said rarely in cooperation.

"How about the millennium ice?"

The third nodded: "It's not bad, what do you think I should give?"

The second child raised his eyebrow: "Aren't you forging it? Sending weapons or clothes is fine."

The two talked as they walked away.

Xiao Qi blinked blankly: "What does it mean to be a gift for marriage, Sister Youran is going to be married?"

The sixth child looked at the fifth child instantly.

What the **** does that mean? Are you going to get married?

Lao Wu deliberately gasped: "It is not the sixth, he doesn't want Xiaoyou to stop others from asking Xiaoyou."

Lao Liu's face was white, and the hands under his sleeves were pinched tightly.

The fourth child glanced at the sixth, and he couldn't bear to say: "The ghost master is recruiting a husband for Xiaoyou, and I heard that all the unmarried young people in the Six Realms have gone."

As soon as the fourth child's voice fell, the fifth child suddenly became excited: "I have a chance to say that, I ..."

Before the fifth child had finished speaking, the sixth child rushed out like lightning.

Seeing that Lao Liu finally opened up, Lao Wu sighed: "I hope he has a chance to make up, if Xiao Youer was snatched by others, he would not cry."

Mo Tianshu raised his eyebrows evilly: "Anyway, it's a big deal."

Xiao Qi stared at Mo Tianshu for a moment, and his elder brother was the most handsome.

Lao Wu and Lao Shi looked at each other and laughed.

Yes, if anyone dares to rob their family, it will be death.

Hearing that Ming Youran was going to marry someone else, the old six suddenly went crazy and ran to the ghost world.

Damn, he's seen her all over her, kissed her, and she dared to marry someone else.

Lao Liu ran to the Ghost King's Hall in one breath, trying to find Ming Youran, but was stopped by the gatekeeper.

"I want to see your princess." He stretched his neck and looked inside, explaining impatiently.

The little ghost ignored him: "There are too many people to see our princess. What kind of onion are you?"

"I ..." Lao Liu wanted to say that he was a merry leisurely fiance, but thought that the marriage contract between the two had been terminated, and he was speechless again.

"Hurry away, our princess won't see you." Seeing that he could not report his name, the two little ghosts started to catch people directly.

"Wait a minute, I really have something to do with your princess." No matter how old the sixth person would go, he would have to ask Ming Youran for this marriage.

"Say our princess is missing you, hurry up!"

The two little ghosts were pushing the sixth child, and they were about to drive him away.

"I am the sixth prince of the demon world, and I want to see your ghost master." Lao Liu suddenly took out the jade card.

When the two little ghosts saw the jade pendant, they did not dare to drive people.

"Who wants to see Ben?"

Just when the kid wanted to go in and report, Mingying came out with a group of people.

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