Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1440: Fanwai: Bai Kaiyang VS Min Youran (7)

"Mr. King." The little ghosts immediately bowed to see Mingying.

"Ghost ... Uncle Ming." Lao Liu also snorted.

Mingying snubbed Lao Liu dismissively: "What are you doing?"

"I want to find Youer." In the face of future husband-in-law, Lao Liu couldn't help feeling guilty.

When he heard that the sixth boy was looking for his own baby girl, Mingying was immediately angry: "You still have a face to find you, don't think that you don't know what you did?"

Damn Bai Kaiyang, crying their baby and having a face.

Lao Liu was scolded a little bit. What did he do? He obviously did nothing. Is it because of that fox girl?

"Misunderstandings are misunderstandings." Lao Liu explained anxiously as she thought.

Ming Ying stared at the sixth boy with a humming angrily: "What's the misunderstanding? Dare to make us cry for you, you are just looking for a pump, come and call Ben Jun."

Ming wins angrily, and the guard of the ghost king palace rushes inside.

"Don't come here, or I'm welcome." Lao Liu shouted from side to side, just where the guards listened to him, hit him with a stick.

Lao Liu was angry even after eating a few times, but he didn't dare to be pretentious in front of Uncle Yue, he only shouted: "You can't hit me, I am the future husband of your princess, and the puppet of your ghost clan."

Lao Liu's shout was indeed effective, and those guards were afraid to rush out.

What is the concept of the future horse, there is only one princess under the knee of the ghost, and the future horse is the future ghost.

Seeing the sixth child dared to talk nonsense, and Mingying was furious: "Who dare to lead him to death by himself?"

The **** little bunny has obviously retired, and dare to come up with nonsense and see that he won't kill him.


When Ming wins a word, those hesitant guards suddenly swept towards the sixth child like crazy.

"Oops!" Lao Liu called out, while running only outside.

The guards hadn't given up yet and followed them.

Lao Liu looked at Ming Ying, who was blocked in the door like a door god, and frowned.

It seems that the main entrance is not accessible today, so we have to find another way.

He was taken two more times, and the sixth boy pretended to run away.

Looking at the sixth child who ran away, Ming won the favor, clapped his hands and turned back to accompany his little princess.

Lao Liu ran to the south wall under the breath.

He and his mother had visited the Ghost King's Palace several times before, and probably knew that the courtyard where the woman lived was probably here.

However, this ghost king palace seems to have an enchantment, but this is definitely not stumbling him, but his formation is better than his father.

Lao Liu only looked under the wall for a few seconds, then broke the enchantment and jumped into the wall without alarming anyone.

He had been here since he was a kid, so his memory was not very clear, only that he remembered that the girl lived south.

Lao Liu groped to the south according to her memory. When she saw a yard that looked a bit like Mingyouran, she hurried forward, but was hit by Mingying.

"Well, you little bunny, dare to sneak in." Seeing that Lao Liu even touched Xiaoyou's yard, Mingying suddenly became angry.

Did the dead boy often do this before?

"No, no." Lao Liu didn't expect to be hit by Mingying so coincidentally, and quickly waved her hand to explain, "I just want to see you, and let me see you."

"See you." Mingying picked up the long bamboo pole next to him and headed for Lao Liu.

Lao Liu ran quickly, shouting into the room while running, "Ming Youran, Meng Youran ..."

"You dare to shout." Hearing the old six ghost crying, Ming Ying's bamboo pole was even more rude.

In the room, Ming leisurely heard the sound, and immediately ran to the window and looked.

Seeing Bai Kaiyang flying up and down in the yard, Meng leisurely tightened his heart.

It's him!

Ming Youran was about to go out subconsciously, but was taken hold of by Ling Juner: "Don't go."

"But ..." Meng leisurely looked at the sixth boy chased by his father and father.

Ling Jun'er raised his eyebrows: "It's okay for your father to teach him."

He didn't know about the boy who bullied Xiaoyouer, so he wouldn't fight him hard, but the boy was too much, so dare to bully them, so he should give him some lessons. .

Ling Juner said that Ming You really did not move, but his eyes still looked anxiously.

In the courtyard, the sixth boy jumped and screamed for a while, but no one came out, desperate.

Lao Liu paused for two seconds, but was caught by Mingying, and he flew him out with a bamboo pole.

"Hey!" Lao Liu flew from the yard to the wall in an instant, and then "banged" like something.

Hearing the muffled sound, Ming frowned frantically.

Ming wins proudly playing with a bamboo pole, this kid dare to climb the wall for him and see if he dares to come.

Outside the wall, Lao Liu's head hit the tree and flew out a lot of Venus.

It took a while for the sixth to calm down and rub his head in pain.

His future husband-in-law beat him up, but he was not soft at all. No, he had to go in to find the solitude.

Lao Liu sat on the ground for a long time, and decided to wait for them to go to sleep again. Although the ghost world has no night, it also has sleeping time and no sleeping time.

The sixth old man has been looking for a quiet place and has been staying for a long time. It is already late at night outside. Now, his difficult-to-do Yuezhang should sleep.

Lao Liu secretly returned to the previous South Wall. After breaking the enchantment, he secretly climbed up to the wall, but just as soon as he climbed up, a basin of ice water poured over it.

"Wow," the ice water was poured from beginning to end without a drop, and the old six suddenly froze into ice.

"Dangdang" Lao Liu fell from the wall again, looked up and saw him in the future Yue Zhang was lying on the wall and smiled proudly.

Lao Liu froze and ran away with ice water on his face. This time, he ran to the north wall, thinking that he should be able to dive in another direction.

Lao Liu broke the enchantment and had to climb the wall again. This time, before reaching the wall, the long bamboo pole over the wall waved over.

"Snap", Lao Liu was flattened on the wall like a fly.

"Hey hey ..."

Lao Liu listened to Yue Yue's magic sound in a black line, and felt that there was a psychological shadow.

This night, Lao Liu was like Xiaoqiang who could not die, and he always wanted to break around the ghost king palace, but he was caught every time.

And every time I can't run away, of course, there is the magic sound that can't be avoided.

After a long night of tossing, Lao Liu hung on the wall exhausted physically and mentally: "Master Father-in-law, can you do well, I just want to see you, there is no attempt."

Mingying winked his face darkly, "What's your name?"

"Dad!" Lao Liu licked her face and screamed again, since then more straightforward.

Anyway, my face was gone, but fortunately I lost it.

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