Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1451: Fanwai: Bai Yuheng vs Nangong Nuoxian (7)

East flows by the water, leaves fall, time flies, and a year passes.

This year, Bai Yuheng did not go anywhere, and has been nesting in the demon world.

He thought he had left the cage and he would go crazy, but the fact is that he went to a flower shop, a restaurant, a gambling house, eating, drinking and having fun, but it didn't make him happy.

The girl in the flower house kept him off, and the food and drinks in the restaurant didn't seem to be delicious. Even winning all the time would not make him happy.

So he went back. He thought he would go back, but he didn't.

Although he deliberately did not think about her, her appearance always appeared for no reason, especially at night, when the night was quiet, as if the room was full of her shadow.

The shadow of her seriousness, the shadow of her drunkenness, the shadow of her Chenghuan ...

Every time he thinks of it, his heart is sullen.

In the pavilion, the sixth boy looked at a young man who was sitting in a daze by the lotus pond, and frowned, "What has happened to him recently, it seems to have been like this."

The second child glanced at the fifth child and said, "What's up, have you been stupid in the ghost world, it's been like this for a year."

Lao Liu stared in surprise: "Why is he so broken?"

The second child pouted: "I look like. Just like the fifth child's temperament, he must be a woman like this."

"By the way, wasn't the old fifth caught a card by Xiaoqi a year ago? Wouldn't it be an affair?" The old sixth guessed.

The second child raised her eyebrows suddenly: "Sure it is, but the fifth child is for a woman, why is the fourth child?"

Everyone looked at the fourth child sitting on the other side in the same posture.

Lao Liu sighed helplessly: "It seems like this is the way back from the experience of Gil Forest, is there an affair?"

"The third child also went to the training, and he won't bring a woman back when the time comes." When it comes to the training, the second child thought of the third child.

Lao Liu raised her eyebrows in disbelief: "Impossible, how could a woman like the smell of the third child?"

The second child gave him a playful glance at him: "You all like Xiaoyou like this, why no one likes him."

The third child was a little bitch, but he dragged a little, but he did not do so, he is the one who knows best what he wants.

"Aren't you jealous of me?" The sixth boy stared unhappyly when he mentioned his affair again.

The second child pouted, "Yeah, I'm jealous of you. I knew I would grab that piece of jade when I was young."

Lao Liu suddenly turned black: "You have no chance, who makes you so stupid."

"Yeah, yeah, you're the smartest. If it wasn't for Xiao Youer's lack of general knowledge with you, you thought you still had a chance." The second child deliberately hit him.

Mo Tianshu watched them laughing and suddenly thought of one person.

Silver-purple eyes deepened, and the corners of his lips rose unconsciously.

"Big brother and big brother." Several people were talking, Xiaoqi jumped up and ran over.

"Did you see me here?" I didn't hear Xiao Qi calling him, and Lao Liu was upset.

"Liu Brother don't get angry." Xiao Qi ran to Lao Liu and carried him by the neck, Lao Liu was happy now.

"Wow, what's wrong with Brother Si and Wu, look at the fish." Xiao Qi looked up and saw the sitting fourth and fifth child.

"Ignore them." The second child smiled and looked at Xiao Qi. "What are you doing here today, don't you have to accompany Zi Xiuran?"

Xiao Qi raised his eyebrows: "Master has been taken back to the immortal realm, and everything is now under his control. I'm relaxed, so I'll come back and see my father and mother, right?"

"Going to the human world for a happy drink." The oldest man who is most familiar with the human world said, "The uncle Xue is the one who is married to the female respected country, and he has a grandson.

Hearing the words "women's respect for the country", the fifth child reacted instantly and ran over, "what grandson, whose child?"

Seeing that the fifth child was so excited, the second child was a little bit embarrassed: "It should be the empress who honors the country, or how is he called a grandson."

The fifth child froze for a moment, have any children? Does Nangong Nuoxian have children?

The face of the fifth child became colorful, and he ran out like a gust of wind.

"What is he doing!"

Lao Liu stared blankly at the fifth child who could not see him.

Xiao Qi suddenly thought of something, eyes widened and said, "The fifth brother is so excited, is it because the child's mother has something to do with him or the child has something to do with him."

Others also understood instantly: "Walk around, go and see."

Everyone followed, and even the dazed fourth son went to the human world.

At this time, the Qing Dynasty was celebrated nationwide, because today is the 100-day feast of their princely daughter.

I heard that the father-in-law's biological father is unknown, but the empress-in-law won the favor of the empress and the emperor, and the empress-in-law was sealed as soon as she was born.

At this hundred-day feast of the young granddaughter, Nangong Ying invited many people, not only Baiju and Mo Beichen, but also Murong Xuefei, Leng Yihan, Lan Yuyu, Zhuo Qingyun, Murong Yu, Yun Shaoning, Bai Ruyue, Nangong Huang, Bai Yihan, Qi Ziling ... these friends and relatives have arrived.

Getting together with friends is naturally a joke.

Although they are all thirty years old, their appearance has not changed much, especially the men, as if the years have never stayed on their faces.

Apart from greeting the elders at home, the most talked about was the child.

There are many children in Baitan's family, so she asks the most.

The **** did not like to talk about the stupid boy in her own house. None of her worried about her. She cared about others' homes, especially her three disciples.

"Be careful where are you now."

When referring to her daughter, Murong Xuefei looked sad: "Lonely living in Snow Mountain and asking her to move to Huagu with us is unwilling."

Beaver's eyes were light, and his eyes were full of pity.

The child was distressed at an early age.

"It's okay, she's seventeen and will take care of herself." Baitan patted Murong Xuefei's hand calmly.

Murong Xuefei nodded, hope, be careful, the feelings on her body are not understood, and she can't be at ease for a day.

"Come out."

Nangong Ying came out holding her child and was surrounded by everyone instantly.

"Why did it take so long to show us?" Baitan glanced strangely at Nangong Ying, and hugged the child over.

"I just woke up." Nangong Ying explained with a smile.

"Wow, it's so cute." Baitan looked at the little girl in her arms, and she really liked it.

"I hug me hug." Within two minutes, the child was snatched by Bai Ruyue. "It's really cute."

Qi Ziling came over and looked at the little girl with raised eyebrows: "The eyes are still silver, it's really pretty, but how this child looks familiar."

When Qi Ziling said so, Bai Jue and Bai Ruyue also felt a little familiar, but they were not good at who they were.

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