Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1452: Fanwai: Bai Yuheng vs Nangong Nuoxian (8)

"Of course it looks familiar, just like our Haner." Nangong Sakura's smile on her face showed that she liked this little granddaughter very much.

The white raccoon glanced at Nangong Nuoxian in front of her, greeting her guests, and couldn't help but raise her lips.

Xiao Xianer really looks better and better. Originally, she still wanted her to be her daughter-in-law, but she thought that she even had children.

"Son, you can't go in without an invitation!"

There was a loud noise outside, and before everyone responded, a man in red rushed in.

"Who is this person? He looks so handsome!"

"What a handsome man!"

Everyone stared blankly at the fifth child.

Bai Jue and Bai Ruyue also looked at the fifth child, but were suddenly shocked: "Henger?"

The beavers looked at each other, thinking that something had happened, and hurried over.

But Bai Yuheng looked at the person in the crowd as if he had not seen them.

The moment Nangong Nuoxian saw her fifth child, she was also stiffened instantly, and her wound that was about to heal was also painful.

The white **** looked at Nangong Nuoxian along the eyes of the fifth child, and immediately frowned.

What happened, how did the fifth child know Xiaoxianer?

"Isn't this your fifth child?" Nangong Ying smiled when she saw the fifth child. "Why don't you bring him here without saying that the guards don't know each other, let me say it."

As soon as Nangong Ying stepped forward to greet the fifth child, he saw him walk to Nangong Nuoxian: "Are you okay?"

Nangong Nuoxian looked up: "Not bad."

Nangong Ying paused for a moment, looking at the familiar look of the two, she instantly thought of something.

No, that man is the fifth child?

The fifth child looked straight at Nangong Nuoxian. For a year, she seemed to be plump, but she looked better.

"I heard that you have children."

Nangong Nuoxian looked up: "The child is not yours."

The old five throbbed his heart, and clenched his fist unconsciously.

The fifth child wanted to ask any more. Xue Qingyu had understood everything, raised her fist and smashed at the fifth child.

"Boom", the fifth child was struck back a few steps.

Everyone was taken aback and backed up.

Bai Tan and Mo Beichen both frowned, but did not step forward.

Nangong Ying looked at the fifth child with compassion. Although she liked the son-in-law very much, Qing Ye had angered him for a year, and it was light to take several punches.

Bai Ruyue and Qi Ziling, all aunts and aunts, were stunned, completely unaware of what happened.

Bai Yihan and Nangong Huang didn't know what happened, but they really wanted to step forward and were stopped by Mo Beichen.

Although he also distressed his son, he knew that Xue Qingxun would not do it for no reason.

Laowu was punched several times in a row, and his nose and face became swollen soon, but he did not fight back, and he did not even make a noise.

Nangong Nuoxian frowned, but didn't step forward.

Mo Tianshu rushed in with the second child, the fourth child, the sixth child, and the seventh child. When he saw Xue Qingyan struggling to hit the fifth child, he suddenly felt a little bit stunned.

However, a few people were still calm, seeing that Baiju and Mo Beichen did not do anything, and they did not move hands.

Xiao Qi ran to the **** at once, and said with excitement, "Mother, what's the matter? The child is really the fifth brother?"

"Child?" Bai Tan's eyes lightened brightly, and he immediately became excited.

"Yeah, isn't it that your old friend gave birth to a grandson? Maybe it's Brother Wu." Old Qi said unclearly.

The **** stopped watching the drama, rushed to Qi Ziling and picked up the baby girl: "Oh, who do I say this looks like, isn't it exactly like our old five?"

The **** said that he was happy, and then he reported to Mo Beichen: "Amo, we have a granddaughter."

Mo Beichen ignored the hurt son and ran over to hold the child silly: "It really looks like the oldest five-year-old, with exactly the same eyes."

Bai Ruyue and Qi Ziling finally realized it.

It turned out to be like the fifth child, no wonder it looked so familiar.

But how did Xiaoxianer stay with the fifth child, and that irresponsible man turned out to be the fifth child?

Mo Tianshu and the second child all squeezed over.

"Oh, so cute!"

"Really like the fifth child!"

"It's exactly like Brother Wu."

"This is the first child of our generation."

"The fifth child is too powerful, even surreptitiously gave birth to a child."

"Which brother is born, obviously born from five children."

Listening to Xiao Qi's five words, Nangong Nuo Xian couldn't help but blush.

She didn't know until now that he was the aunt Bai's son, so he went to Hualou to run away with all his love?

Nangong Nuoxian thought, a moment of sorrow.

Xue Qingyu, who was so fierce with her fifth child, saw that her baby granddaughter had been robbed, and immediately ignored the lesson, and rushed to **** the baby from Mo Beichen.

"What's your family, the children belong to ours." Xue Qingxi hugged the children and stared at Mo Beichen.

The **** smiled and said, "Yes, it's your family's right. It's ours too, but don't be nervous. We won't **** it back, kid."

After hearing the beaver's words, Xue Qingxi finally calmed down.

Yun Shaoning, who was still aggressive just now, and Lan Yanyu finally understood it at this moment.

"Dare you sneak into your in-laws."

"Sure enough, it's true that Xiaoxianer and Yuheng are well matched."

"When is the wedding, it's time to invite us for a wedding."

Xue Qing glared at Yun Shaoning, "Did you not invite you to drink now? Who else is in-law with them?"

After being stunned by Xue Qingyun, Yun Shaoning did not get angry, but looked at them with sympathy.

The **** was helpless, and it really gave birth to a lot of debt collection.

"Heng'er, can't come to apologize to your daughter-in-law and father-in-law and mother-in-law." Mo Beichen winked at the fifth child who was silly standing there.

The old five returned to God, and quickly obediently went to kneel in front of Xue Qingyu and Nangong Ying: "Sorry, it's all my fault. Please ask my father-in-law and mother-in-law to give me a chance to make up for it."

"Who is your father-in-law." Xue Qingyi didn't buy anything.

I thought that his baby daughter was suddenly pregnant, how many crimes it took to give birth to a child, this irresponsible boy did not recognize him.

The old five was flushed and regretful.

He didn't know she was pregnant. The fifth child didn't dare to think about how she had lived this year, how much hardship she had given birth to, and as long as she thought about it, he couldn't help herself.

Although Nangong Sakura was also mad at the fifth child, she was not as serious as Xue Qingying, and she also spoke good words for him.

"Okay, today is a day of great joy for the little sister-in-law, don't get angry, let them solve the two of them."

Xue Qingyan stared, and had nothing to say, was pulled away by Nangong Yingla.

"Walk around, let's go out for a drink."

Knowing that Nangong Sakura is creating opportunities for Nangong Nuoxian and the fifth child, others will naturally follow suit.

The beavers and their family didn't feel bad about the fifth child, they all ran away with the little sister-in-law.

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