Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1453: Fanwai: Bai Yuheng vs Nangong Nuoxian (9)

The fifth child was still kneeling, and Nangong Nuo Xian walked over to pull him up.

The fifth child suddenly held her in his arms: "Nuo Xian, I miss you very much, I miss you very much."

Nangong Nuoxian had a sore nose and pushed him away: "What is this? Want to grab a child?"

"No." Seeing her misunderstanding, the fifth child quickly waved her hand. "I didn't mean to grab the child. She was born of your hard work. I won't take her away, but I'm her father. I have the responsibility to take care of her. So, Could you give me another chance. "

The fifth child said, grabbing Nangong Nuoxian's hand.

Nangong Nuoxian blinked his eyes instantly and waved his hand: "I don't need you to take responsibility, I will take care of the child myself."

After Nangong Nuoxian turned and left, the fifth child hurriedly hugged her: "Don't go, I don't want to be responsible, I want to give my happiness a chance."

"Do you know? Since I left here, I went to Hualou Restaurant Gambling House. I thought I was free, and then I realized that the days without you are the real cage." The old man said, turning his head Buried near her neck, "Xianer, I love you. I was wrong before. I don't understand love. Give me a chance to love you again."

The tears in the corner of his eyes slipped, and Nangong Nuoxian raised his eyes in disbelief.

The fifth kissed the teardrops in the corner of her eyes lovingly, and then kissed her lips.

He felt that the best way was to make her feel his love.

Indeed, Nangong Nuoxian felt it, but what he felt was his desire.

"You ..." Nangong Nuoxian stared at him flushed.

The fifth child smiled and held her in her arms. "I'm right, I really miss you and I want you."

Nangong Nuoxian hammered in his chest in shame.

The fifth child grabbed her by the hand and bowed her head and kissed, "Forgive me once? I really don't want to think again."

Nangong Nuoxian's face turned red instantly.

She thought that she would never see him again in this life, and did not expect that God would let them meet again.

She had been looking forward to it for so long, and he finally returned to her. What else could she do?

Nangong Nuoxian grabbed his neck and kissed his lips with a red face.

The old five had a happy heart, and immediately enthusiastically opposed guests.

The two were intimate for a long time before they went out together.

"Come out, this is reconciliation!"

"Oh, it looks like there is a wedding drink."

"It's a beautiful girl, born in a pair."

Everyone saw the two holding hands, and they all followed.

When the fifth child got his daughter-in-law, Bai Tan and Mo Beichen were also very happy.

Mo Tianshu, they were relieved.

The fifth child is really smarter than the sixth child, and even gets a woman so fast!

The beavers were happy on their side, but Xue Qingyu was completely black.

Nangong Nuoxian led the fifth child to Xue Qingyu and Nangong Nuoxian: "After the mother and queen, he is the father of Xuan Er, Bai Yuheng."

"Father-in-law," the fifth child bowed quickly.

Xue Qingyan's face was so dark that he wanted to get upset, but watching the two hands clasped tightly, he said nothing.

As a father, he felt sorry for his daughter being abandoned, but he also knew that his own daughter really liked the rotten boy.

Before, they didn't find her other people, but she didn't want anyone. Later, when she found out she was pregnant, she even gave birth.

Although the boy was abominable, he didn't want his daughter to be alone all his life, let alone children.

But let him just let go of this stinky boy, he was still unwilling to think about it.

"Don't yell so intimately, and see how you behave in the future." Xue Qingxi said deliberately.

"Yes, Master Father-in-law!" The fifth child responded quickly and cheerfully.

Bai Tan and Mo Beichen were also happy, and seeing the performance was more than half accepted.

Nangong Nuoxian also looked at Xue Qingyu gratefully.

She knows that the father who hurt her most in this world is her father, and she knows that her father is willing to accept Yuheng because of her pain.

"Heng'er, haven't seen Xiaoyueer yet, look at it quickly." Nangong Sakura is also glad that Xue Qingyue can figure it out and pass the little guy in her arms directly to the fifth.

The fifth child froze instantly, holding her child helplessly.

Seeing his posture stiff, Nangong Nuoxian laughed and stepped forward to adjust his posture.

The fifth child looked at the little baby girl who was exactly like him in her arms, and suddenly her nose was sore, and she almost burst into tears.

"She's like me." The fifth child kissed the little guy's face gently, and the tender feeling seemed to calm his heart.

Now that he understands the feeling of having a daughter, he can understand the feelings of his father-in-law very much. If anyone dares to bully his woman in the future, he will definitely be more severe than his father-in-law.

"Master Father-in-law, rest assured, I will be good to Xianer in the future." The fifth child suddenly looked at Xue Qing and said.

Xue Qing nodded silently. In fact, just now he saw that he was almost in tears, and he had forgiven him for more than half.

A man who loves his daughter believes that he will be good to his wife.

After Xiao'er's 100-day banquet ended, the fifth child stayed, while Baijue and Mo Beichen also temporarily stayed with them to discuss their children's marriage.

After all the children are born, this wedding is definitely going to happen.

The fifth child did not participate in the discussion of marriage, he only accompanied Nangong Nuoxian and Xiaoyier.

"Her name is Nangong Yu?" The fifth child kept kissing her sister-in-law and kept kissing him.

His baby is so cute, the key is exactly the same as him, even his eyes are the same, but unfortunately, he didn't watch her born with his own eyes.

This is really a pity. In the past, Dad gave birth to his mother in person, and even Daqi was the father.

"Um." Nangong Nuoxian smiled and nodded.

Is the meaning of beautiful jade, take the jade character in his name.

"The name is very nice." The old man looked at Nangong Nuoxian gratefully. "Thank you for giving her to me."

The fifth child said to hold her in her arms and kissed her lovingly.

Nangong Nuoxian chuckled: "Thank you, she is also my child."

The fifth child bowed her head and kissed the drowsy little sister-in-law: "She is really cute, so let's have another one."

The fifth child looked at Nangong Nuoxian with anticipation, and he missed the birth of Xiao Aoer. If he reborn, he would not miss it.

Nangong Nuoxian flushed and looked at him shyly.

Her shy little expression instantly choked Lao Wu's heart, and she placed her sister-in-law in the shaker carefully, and Lao Wu directly transformed into a wolf.

Spring is warm here, and the two people talk well.

A month later, Bai Yuheng and Nangong Nuoxian held a grand wedding. Nangong Nuoxian also officially named Bai Yuheng as the queen.

Because Baiju and Mo Beichen gave up their son and first granddaughter, Xue Qingxi finally let go and let the two children after him surname Bai.

On the wedding night, Bai Yuheng worked hard to make people. Whether he was a boy or a girl, he wanted to get another one, and he had to make up for his regret and guilt.

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