Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1454: Fanwai: Mo Tianquan VS Ling Xinger (1)


"Come and come, this is the first time Wuyi has come to the demon world, Xiao Qi toast you a drink." Xiao Qi stood up and raised a glass towards Nuo Xian.

Nangong Nuoxian smiled awkwardly and was snatched by the oldest boy just to get a wine glass.

"Xian Er is still breastfeeding and can't drink, I drink for her."

The fifth child said that he would have a glass with Xiao Qi, and Xiao Qi left him in disbelief: "Who wants to drink with you, Wu Yao drinks tea."

The crowd laughed instantly.

Lao Wu's face was injured.

Nangong Nuoxian touched Xiao Qi with a tea cup and drank it.

She also knows that they still have this identity. No wonder Xiaoyue suddenly turned into a little red fox when she was full moon. Fortunately, she changed back soon, otherwise she really didn't know what to do.

The second child looked at Nangong Nuoxian with a smile: "The five younger sisters are rare. Just stay in the devil for a few more days, let the fifth child take you around, and let us look at the little niece more."

"Yeah, let the little sister-in-law stay a little longer. Father and mother and grandfather and grandmother hugged us all day long, we can't hold it." Lao Liu also quickly said.

Xiaoyueer, this little fairy, is the most favored one in their family. Everyone wants to hug, but the one who holds the most is grandfather and grandmother. They refuse to let go.

"OK." Nangong Nuoxian smiled and responded.

They like babies, and she's happy.

When Xiao Qi saw Nangong Nuoxian speaking so well, he immediately praised: "Wuyi is so good, it is a big loss to marry Wu brother."

"Yes, yes, the fifth child is not very good, but his vision is good." The second child also followed.

The fifth child was not good at all. He finally understood the pain of the sixth child, and none of these brothers were good.

"Just be jealous and hateful." The fifth child glared at them, and hurriedly chopped vegetables for Nangong Nuoxian. "Xianer, let us ignore them."

"By the way, why didn't you see Si Brother?" Xiao Qi found that the fourth child was absent after eating half.

Lao Liu skimmed his lips: "Should be in the room, it seems like I can't see him out for a few days?"

"No, isn't Si Si sick?" Xiao Qi suddenly worried.

"Can't." The second child raised his eyebrow. "It seems that since the fifth child is married, the fourth child has become even more abnormal. Before, he was only in a daze. Now the door is not out."

Xiao Qi blinked blankly, and suddenly thought of something to widen his eyes: "Is the fourth brother secretly the fifth brother?"

"Wow!" The old five suddenly sipped out the wine, and the old six sitting opposite him suddenly leaned back in disgust.

"Cough ..." Laowu coughed twice and glared at Xiaoqi. "What's in your head?"

Such strange ideas come to mind.

"Oh!" Xiao Qigan laughed and put down his glass. "I'll go and see Brother Si."

Xiao Qi ran away after speaking.

"Four brother!" Xiao Qi knocked twice and no one opened the door, so he pushed it in.

In the room, the fourth son was lying on the bed, his hands resting on his head, and he looked thoughtfully. He didn't notice the arrival of Xiao Qi.

"Four brother?"

Xiao Qi reached out and shook in front of the fourth, and saw that he still did not respond, and frowned suddenly.

Brother Si really is abnormal!

"Four brother." Xiao Qi shook his fourth arm and finally woke him up.

"Little Seven." The fourth senior sat up quickly, "Why are you here?"

"Come and see you." Xiao Qi tilted his head and looked at him. "Are you interested? Why didn't you see you go out?"

The fourth man shook his head and did not speak.

Xiaoqi frowned: "You can tell me something unhappy, maybe I can help you."

Like the fourth child, the seventh child is still very worried.

Brother Si is different from other brothers since he was a child. He is the most honest and loyal of all the brothers, so she is really afraid that he has something to think about.

The fourth old man looked up at Xiao Qiyi, tangled for a moment, still said nothing.

Xiao Qi looked at his fourth child and blinked suddenly, "Did you like someone?"

The old four flushed, but did not deny it.

"Who is she?" Xiao Qi suddenly became curious.

The fourth old man flushed his eyes and said, "I don't know. I met her in Gil Forest."

Xiao Qi stayed blankly and joked: "Why are you so stupid, Brother Si, and you don't even ask people's names if you like them?"

The fourth old man scratched his head in a daze, "I forgot."

Xiao Qi immediately moved to the fourth child: "Then tell me about her and her appearance, maybe I can help you find it."

The old four's eyes shook, and he stunned for a while before he said, "She is very beautiful, with blue eyes, light golden hair, and white skin. When I met her in the forest that day, she suffered I was seriously injured ... "

Time back to half a year ago, Gil Forest.

After the fourth son slaughtered a group of griffins and beasts, he returned to the cave with a lion's leg, but encountered a comatose woman on the road.


The old fourth shouted twice without seeing her moving, then squatted down to check her condition, and found that she was seriously injured, she lost her lion legs and resisted her.

Back in the cave, the fourth child put the woman on his stone bed.

He frowned at the woman whose face was covered with blood and could not see his face, tangled, still untied her belt.

He didn't mean to look at her, she was really hurt too much and the wound had to be treated.

He untied her clothes and he saw that she was injured all over her body. The worst injury seemed to be in the chest, and the moon-white bellyband had been stained with blood.

The old fourth frowned, reaching out several times to untie the bellyband, but couldn't get it off.

He carefully treated all the other wounds on her, and fed her with elixir before carefully covering her clothes.

I hope his medicine can wake her up and see if she can take the medicine herself at that time?

At night, the woman not only did not wake up, but also initiated a high fever, which made the youngest child feel helpless.

As a last resort, the fourth child can only unlock the woman's belly.

As soon as the creamy white skin came out, the fourth child's hands trembled unconsciously, and he quickly covered his face with redness.

This is the first time he has seen a woman's body. It turns out that women are so different from men.

The old four flushedly pulled out the dagger around his waist and set it on fire.

Although he just glanced at it just now, he could see the woman's wound clearly. It looked like an arrow, but it didn't seem to be pulled out, and the arrow remained inside.

After disinfecting the dagger, the fourth child opened her bellyband again and began to dig her arrows.

As soon as the knife fell into the flesh, the woman's face became painful.

The old fourth frowned, a little unbearable, but didn't stop.

The fourth child was quick and accurate, dug out the arrow very skillfully, and then quickly bandaged her with medicine.

Because the person was lying down and couldn't pack it, the fourth child was fortunate enough to hold her in her arms. However, the woman seemed to be afraid of cold and desperately drilled into the fourth child's arms.

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