Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1455: Fanwai: Mo Tianquan vs Ling Xinger (2)

The fourth child was stiff all of a sudden, and it was neither holding nor holding hands, nor holding hands.

In particular, she is still naked, so desperately stabbing him in his arms, this is a fatal temptation for a boy chicken.

Soon the fourth child had a cold sweat, he hurriedly covered the clothes on the woman, and then quickly bandaged her.

Finishing her clothes, the fourth child wanted to put her back on the stone bed, but the woman didn't give up when she died.

The fourth child had no choice but to lie down and hug her to sleep.

After the wound was treated with medicine, the woman's fever gradually subsided, and her fourth son finally fell asleep.

The woman didn't finally wake up until the next night.

Looking at the place where she didn't know where, the woman sat up hard, only to find that her wound had been treated, and her face suddenly changed.

"you're awake?"

The fourth child came in with two treated pheasants and saw that she woke up and quickly dropped the pheasants.

With four eyes facing each other, the fourth child was instantly stunning by the woman's blue eyes.

The woman also saw the face of the fourth child, but frowned.

A familiar face, but she should never have seen him.

The fourth child saw her frowning, thinking she was concerned about his wounds being treated on her own, and quickly hurriedly explained, "I'm sorry, your injury is too serious, and you have a fever. I have to take out the arrow for you."

The fourth child said and looked at her again: "If you care, I, I can take responsibility."

The woman raised her eyebrows and looked at him in amazement: "Will you marry me?"

Lao Sijun blushed and said nervously, "If you want?"

The woman looked at the fourth child quietly, and her beautiful purple eyes printed her look at the moment, her face was bloodstained, not to mention her appearance, and it was estimated that even the five senses could not see clearly in this dim cave.

He had the courage to marry her such an "ugly" woman.

"Thank you!" The woman did not agree or decline, but only thanked her.

Inexplicably, the fourth child was a little disappointed.

"You lie down, the wound hasn't healed yet. I'll give you roast chicken."

The fourth son said, and went to roast chicken.

The woman did not lie down, but sat on the stone bed, leaning against the cave wall, and looked at him quietly.

The fourth child was flushed, and he did not dare to look at the woman.

After roasting the chicken, the fourth son gave the whole roasted chicken directly to the woman.

The woman looked at the roast chicken and tore off only one leg.

The fourth old frowns: "Eating so little is not enough, your wound needs recovery."

The fourth child said tore another leg to her.

"Thank you!" The woman took her leg, and all the obedience was eaten.

After having finished dinner, the fourth son suddenly tangled again: "Well, it's time to change the medicine, can you do it yourself?"

"Um." The woman nodded.

The fourth child passed the medicine to her: "You wipe the front first, you can't wipe the back, I will wipe it for you, and help you bandage by the way."

The fourth old man looked at her nervously, thinking about whether to explain a few words, and then she said, "Okay."

Lao Si felt loose and smiled: "I'm going out first, please call me when you are well."

The oldest four out of the cave, standing outside the cave and guarding.

After a while, the woman's voice was heard: "OK."

The fourth old man went in hastily, with the woman's back to him and her naked back.

The fair and delicate skin shook the youngest and was a little nervous. He didn't dare look at it, immediately took the medicine bottle and carefully gave her medicine.

After taking the medicine, the fourth child bandaged her again. Although he couldn't see the front, he still remembered the location, so he quickly bandaged.

The woman redressed and turned to look at him.

The fourth old face was red again: "You sleep here tonight, I sleep over there."

The fourth child moved the fire to the stone bed, and slept to the hole.

The woman sat on the bed without any drowsiness.

I can't sleep for so long, where can I sleep.

Because of an extra pair of eyes, the fourth child couldn't sleep.

Neither was a talkative person, and no one spoke. The two of them quietly looked at the night sky outside the cave.

The starry night sky is beautiful.

The fourth child did not know when he fell asleep, but by the time he woke up, it was already dawn.

The old fourth got up stumblingly and wanted to find something to eat, but found that the woman was gone.

The fourth old man was suddenly shocked and ran out to find someone, but after looking for a while, no one was found.

The fourth senior fell down on his shoulders and was a little lost.

She just left like this and didn't even say hello. I don't know why, he was a little sad.


A white jade's small hand reached in front of him, and the old man raised his eyes narrowly, and saw the woman as beautiful as an elf in front of him.

He had never seen such a beautiful woman, despite the high value of their family.

It took a long while for the fourth child to return to God, and blushed and grabbed the woman's hand without looking at it, and stuffed it into her mouth.

Looking at him stupidly, the woman's eyes softened and she bit her mouth.

Seeing a woman eating fruit, the fourth child finally thought of paying attention to the image, and immediately opened his mouth and became quiet.

After eating the fruit, the fourth child frowned and said, "You shouldn't get out of bed, the injuries are still not good."

"It's okay, it's almost okay." The woman disagreed.

"It's almost the same, it's serious." The fourth child said, holding the woman horizontally.

The woman looked at the fourth child in amazement, but he did not expect that he would suddenly hold her.

"Don't walk, be careful the wound is cracking." The fourth explained, and hugged the woman to the cave.

The woman looked at the red ear of the fourth child, and a smile flashed in her eyes.

What a lovely man, much more fun than those.

Carrying the woman back to the hole, the fourth child went hunting again, taking medicine by the way.

He doesn't have much elixir, but he can make medicine.

After collecting the needed medicinal materials, the fourth child returned to the cave to refine the medicine.

Looking at his skilled technique, the woman raised her eyebrows unexpectedly.

After refining the medicine, the fourth child gave her the elixir: "One capsule a day, which will basically be fine when you finish eating."

"Thank you." The woman ate one directly.

In the evening, the two finished dinner and sat together at the entrance of the cave to watch the stars.

"Do you like watching the stars?" Asked the oldest child curiously when she saw her.

The woman looked at Midair: "I once had a friend who liked it."

Looking at the thoughts in her eyes, the fourth child suddenly felt a little sour, and envy her friend.

What kind of friend will make her look like that, is it a man?

"How about you, why do you like stars?" When the old man was thinking wildly, the woman suddenly looked at him.

The fourth old man froze and smiled, "Because my name is related to the stars."

"Really? What's your name then?" The woman was curious.

"Mo Tianquan." The fourth son smiled and said his name, a little shy.

Mo Tianquan?

The woman understood what it was, and looked at him with excitement: "Are you the fourth child?"

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