Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1456: Fanwai: Mo Tianquan VS Ling Xinger (3)

The old fourth froze and was surprised: "Yeah, how do you know?"

The woman stared at him stupidly, half a moment and said, "Guess."

"Then you are really smart." The fourth child smiled and scratched his head. "There are seven brothers and sisters in my family. I have three brothers on the top, two younger brothers, and a younger sister."

The woman stared at the fourth child with a shudder, and a picture appeared in her mind.

Two women, one big and one small, sat on the wall. The big one was very enthusiastic about naming the small one, but remembered that their children hadn't named yet.

"Seven children, it would be better to use the name of the Big Dipper, the boss is named Mo Tianshu, the second is Mo Tianxuan, the third is Mo Tianxuan, the fourth is Mo Tianquan, and the fifth and sixth are surnamed Bai. The old five is Bai Yuheng, the sixth is Kaiyang, and the seventh is called Yaoguang. If the seventh is a male doll, the surname is Mo, and the female doll is her white, do you say?

"What's wrong?" Seeing her staring at him all the time, the fourth child unconsciously touched his face, for fear of dirt on his face.

The woman went back to her: "No, you are like my friend."

All are just as enthusiastic.

The old fourth frowned and didn't continue the topic. He didn't seem to like to hear her mention her friends.

After watching the stars, the two fell asleep each.

For a few days, the fourth child took good care of the woman.

Every time a woman sees her shy look, she seems to be in a good mood.

After changing the medicine for the woman, the fourth old man happily said, "Your injuries are basically good, so you don't need to change the medicine in the future."

"Thank you!"

"Today I'll catch you a fish. Just celebrate it." The fourth son said, pulling the woman out.

The woman looked at the fourth child's hand and did not shake him off, leaving him to lead to the stream.

"You sit and wait for me, I'll catch the fish."

The fourth child asked the woman to sit on a rock on the shore and jumped into the stream by herself.

He was accustomed to these things. When he was a kid, every time he caught fish, he and the oldest five, the sixth, and the other three were still.

The old fourth quickly caught a lot of fish, watching the fish being thrown ashore, and the woman couldn't help but raise her lips.

Then what came to mind, the smile on his lips paused again.

It turned out that she could live such a comfortable life, this place is really different from her world.

There is freedom, leisure, and him.

She had no pressure at all near him. He took good care of her. He was simple and free of any worries. His carefreeness infected her and made her a person who did not know what happiness was Laughed.

The fourth child was still swimming in the water before climbing up.

"I'll grill you fish, but the fish I grill is better than the grilled chicken." The oldest man confidently packed the fish and lived the grilled fish again.

He has the most grilled fish, and those who let them eat nothing but dry.

The woman also picked up a bunch of fish and grilled it on the fire.

"I'll be fine, you rest."

The fourth child was going to get the fish in her hand, but she refused: "I will bake it for you."

Lao Si's face turned red, but she did not go to get her fish.

The woman hadn't grilled fish, and it simmered in a while.

"Sorry." The woman looked at the simmered fish and wanted to remedy, but didn't know what to do.

"It's okay, I'll eat it." The fourth child took the grilled fish and gave her his fish, "Taste my fish."

The woman looked at the fourth child stunned. The fourth child took a bite of the grilled fish and laughed: "It tastes very good."

The fourth child said, and then swallowed her half-baked black cockerel.

The woman looked at her fourth child and suddenly laughed.

The fourth old man carried the fish and looked at the woman dumbly.

This was the first time he saw her laughing.

"It's so beautiful!" The fourth child spoke out in her heart, and then she hurriedly looked down and ate fish.

The woman laughed even brighter, he was really cute.

"Here you are." After eating the fish, the fourth child picked a lot of flowers for the woman on the hillside.

The woman looked at the words in the hands of the fourth child, and took a long time to answer: "The first time someone gave me flowers."

The fourth laughed: "Do you like it? I will pick it for you every day."

The woman looked up at him. The smile and tenderness in his eyes made her nose inexplicable.

day by day?

Will she have such blessings?

Thinking that maybe they would never see each other again, the woman's heart suffocated, and she felt it difficult to breathe.

"What's wrong with you? Don't you like it?" Seeing her not talking, the fourth son stepped forward nervously.

"Do you like me?" The woman stared straight at him with a hint of tension in her heart.

The fourth old man froze, and then Jun nodded blushingly: "Hi, I like it."

The woman's heart was loose and her eyes softened softly. She looked at the fourth child for a while, raised her toes, and kissed his lips slowly.

The fourth man was stiff, and he couldn't help swallowing his mouthwater. After stiffening for a long time, he finally hugged the woman.

For a long time, the setting sun that had reached the horizon was completely west, and the forest was dark, and the two men finally stopped.

Four eyes met, and they were full of love.

The woman pulled the fourth child and ran away suddenly. The fourth child smiled sweetly and followed her crazy.

She pulled him back to the cave and ran him against the wall.

The fourth child's body was stretched straight, and his body throbbed tightly, making him feel suffocated and unable to breathe a bit.

Seeing him so cute, the woman couldn't help laughing, and stretched out to pull his belt.

The fourth senior became more tense in a moment and grabbed her hand.

"You don't want me?" The woman stopped, looking at him with some injuries.

"No." The fourth man quickly shook his head and explained mutely, "We are not married yet."

The woman's eyes dangled lightly, with a hint of helplessness in her eyes.

How could he be so honest?

"What if I want you?" The woman held his body and gazed at his neck playfully.

Qin Qin sweated coldly on his forehead and kept swallowing, and did not dare to move.

The woman pushed him to the stone bed, pulled off his clothes, and leaned over to kiss him.

No matter how strong the fourth child's self-control is, he can't stand it, let alone the woman he likes.

Before the crash, the fourth child turned over and pressed the woman under her.

The small caves stage the best things from ancient times to the present.

After a long night of exhaustion, the old self-disciplined fourth child didn't wake up until she was too late.

Looking at the person carved in her arms, the fourth child softened and kissed her lovingly.

He had pity on her for the first time last night and did not dare to be greedy, but he also asked her twice, which should be exhausted.

Do not want to alarm the woman, the fourth child lightly walked down the stone bed, dressed and went out to pick fruit.

As soon as the fourth child left, the woman opened her eyes.

After picking the fruits, the fourth child picked many flowers on the hillside before returning to the cave.

But when he returned, there was no one in the cave, only a line was written on the ground.

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