Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1457: Fanwai: Mo Tianquan VS Ling Xinger (4)

Flowers and fruits fell to the ground, but the fourth child did not care, and ran out like crazy.

He ran around and looked around. He wanted to call her before he realized that he didn't even know her name.

After searching for three days and four nights, the fourth man didn't find anyone, and returned to the cave suddenly, looking at the words left on the ground.

"I'm gone, don't look for me."

The fourth child wanted to erase the words that broke his heart, but finally he couldn't bear it.

She's gone, maybe never see him again, he wants to leave her all, leave her ...

The fourth child stayed in the cave for half a year, and looked in the forest for half a year. They finally returned after receiving the letter from Baiju.

He couldn't take everything back in the cave, the only thing he could take was the flowers on the hillside.

Xiao Qi followed the gaze of the fourth and looked at the flower in the vase.

Three months later, the flowers have long withered.

"You said, will I see her again?" The fourth old stared blankly at the withered flower.

Now he is also worried that she will become pregnant. If she conceives and gives birth to a child like her five siblings alone, he will die heartbroken.

Xiao Qi sighed silently, did not expect Si Brother to be such a story.

If the woman is still there, it would be a beautiful talk, but now ...

"Surely, you have to believe in your fate." Xiao Qi didn't want to attack the fourth child who had been decadent, so he could only find good comfort.

But Xiao Qi's words did not comfort Lao Liu: "Why do you say she left?"

Xiaoqi blinked: "Maybe she has something very important to do."

The old four's eyes lightened brightly: "Would you say she'll go back to me when she's done?"

Xiao Qi raised his eyebrows: "Should ..."

"I'll wait for her." Before Xiao Qi finished speaking, the fourth child ran out in a "swipe".

"Four brother!" Xiao Qi quickly caught up.

"What are you doing!"

Seeing that the fourth child and the younger one ran one after the other, the second child quickly stopped the younger one.

"Second brother, sixth brother, quickly stop fourth brother." Seeing the second child they came over, Xiao Qi suddenly saw a savior.

She ca n’t let the fourth brother go to the Gil Forest again, who knows if the woman will come back, she just said casually, in case the woman does n’t come back, the fourth brother is not waiting for a lifetime, but the fourth brother ca n’t be stupid. .

Seeing that Xiao Qi was so nervous, the second and sixth sons came up to the ground without saying a word, one by one, and they trapped the fourth.

"What? Let me go." The fourth child immediately struggled.

"Should we ask you what you want to do, run crazy?" The second child was not willing to let go.

"let me go!"

Just when the fourth child was about to explode, Bai Tan and Mo Beichen came.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing them making trouble again, the **** had a headache.

Seeing the beaver, the second child and the sixth child suddenly let go.

"Nothing." The three stood in a row and looked at the **** obediently.

"I happen to be looking for you, whoever has time to go to the spirit world for me." Baitan looked at the three and asked.

"What to do in the spirit world?" The three were unknown.

"There was a civil strife in the spiritual realm. Lingfeng Lan, the empress of the spiritual realm, sent a letter asking for help. At the time, to save your grandmother's colorful flowers, they also helped the spiritual realm, so I had to help."

"I'm not free. Father-in-law asked me to go fishing."

The second child quickly slackened and said, "I'm not free. I have to visit the great world to visit my great-grandfather."

What kind of trouble is in the spiritual realm? There is a relationship between him and Mao. It's better to go back to the realm and accompany the old man.

Xiao Qi's eyes turned smartly, and he said, "Well, let Brother Si go, Brother Si will be fine."

Just for the fourth brother to do something, lest he keep thinking.

Only the fourth son didn't speak, and Baitan nodded: "Okay, you are the fourth son."

The old fourth frowned, and what he wanted to say, after all, he said, "Yes."

The fourth child finally took 100,000 magic soldiers to the spirit realm.

At this time, the spirit world was in chaos, and the orphan of the former elven queen Linghuo led the army to rebel.

In the ethereal city, everyone was controlled, and even Lingfeng Lan was crushed to the tower.

"This is what you want?" Ling Fenglan frowned as she looked at the stunning woman standing by the city wall.

If the **** is there, I'm afraid I can't recognize who this woman is.

Once a little person, she has become a young girl.

Ling Xing'er didn't look back, only staring at the Ling soldiers who slaughtered underneath.

"Who said no? The moment you have blood on your hands, you should think that you will have such a day."

Ling Xinger turned around and glanced at the spirit princes and princes who had been pushed up the city wall. "So, I am also preparing myself for such a day."

Lingfeng Lan suddenly became nervous: "If you want to kill, kill the emperor, don't touch them."

Ling Xinger raised her eyebrows: "Rest assured, you left me back then, and now I will leave them, although I know you don't want to leave me."

The rules of the royal family of the Ling tribe can be taken, but they can't harm the blood, because the blood of the spiritual tribe is scarce, especially the royal family.

At that time, her father and mother only left her, but Ling Fenglan was a strange one, but she didn't know in which hand she would be killed in the future.

Lingfeng Lan breathed a sigh of relief, and frowned, "My emperor was also guilty about things that year. I can't sleep well for so many years. Those are my fault. You shouldn't implicate innocent people."

Ling Xinger sneered: "Who is innocent? Who is not innocent?"

Ling Xinger scanned the soldiers under her eyes, and said, "Yes, the soldiers who sincerely guarded my mother emperor were not innocent? Now the rebels have become justice and innocent?"

Ling Fenglan's face froze, and she couldn't say anything.

Ling Xing'er looked down and smiled lowly: "I know you don't want to die, but the hatred of parents, don't wear the sky together, you must die."

Ling Xinger pulled the sabre from her waist and put it on her neck.

"Mother Emperor!"

The princes and daughters suddenly shouted.

"Kill me if you want to kill, don't touch my mother."

"You're enough. The past is long gone. Why are you still holding my mother?"

"If you dare to touch my mother-in-law, I will definitely look good on you."

Hearing the screams of those threats, Ling Xing'er's eyes threatened even more. When he lifted the big knife, he would split to Ling Fenglan.

"Oh!" The sharp arrow suddenly flew across, hitting the sword in Lingxinger's hand.

"His Royal Highness is bad, some magical troops have come in."

A general came hurriedly to report.

Demon army?

Ling Xing frowned frantically and immediately stood by the city wall.

"Ha ha ha, the overall situation is set, you can't finally kill the emperor." Lingfeng Lan laughed suddenly when he heard the reinforcements arrived.

I didn't expect that Beaver's woman was quite creditworthy, and the residual picture was not lost.

Thousands of troops rushed towards the ethereal city, and the people underneath were like ants, dense and dense, unable to see the proficiency.

Suddenly a man flew over from the sky with a spear.

Seeing the man's appearance, Ling Xinger stayed for a moment.

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