Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1458: Fanwai: Mo Tianquan VS Ling Xinger (5)

The fourth child is completely dead, he never thought he could meet the person he missed here.

The fourth child watched for a long time in midair.

It's her, it's really her.

Although she has more wings and long pointed ears, she is still so beautiful, even more beautiful!

The fourth child flew to the city wall.

Although Lingfeng Lan hadn't seen the fourth child, he almost guessed his identity by looking at his appearance. As soon as he was about to talk to him, he saw that he flew towards Lingxinger.

The old fourth hugged Ling Xinger tightly and hugged tightly.

Ling Xing'er also hugged him hugly. She thought they would never see him again in her life, but did not expect such a wonderful fate.

"Am I dreaming?" Murmured with ecstasy and worry.

He was really afraid that it was a dream, and she would disappear when she woke up.

Ling Xinger patted him with a smile.

After holding it for a while, it was definitely not a dream, and the fourth child said aggrievedly: "Where have you been? I have been looking for you."

Ling Xing'er eyes dimmed: "Sorry."

The fourth child loosened her, looked at her blue eyes, and suddenly kissed her frantically.

Ling Xing stunned, but didn't push him away and let him kiss frantically.

Ling Fenglan stared blankly at everything in front of her. It took a long while to return to God, and roared at the fourth child: "White **** let you come to deal with rebels, what are you doing?"

The lingering kiss was disturbed, the fourth child stopped unhappy, glanced at her, and asked Ling Xinger, "Who is she? Rebel?"

Ling Fenglan was instantly embarrassed, and Ling Xing'er was also a little embarrassed. She didn't know what to say, she was the rebel.

"Where are you from, stupid boy? The rebels are obviously the wild species." A prince over there glared at the fourth child jealously.

Damn, that wild species even found such a powerful man, but it was too ugly to look like a guard.

The queen's words instantly caused the anger of Lingxinger and the fourth child.

Ling Xing'er is because of that silly boy, and the fourth is because of that wild seed. He is not stupid, and understands very clearly that this daughter is scolding her.

Ling Xinger directly slaps the queen slap, the man is her, she couldn't bear to scold, why did she scold?

Ling Xing'er moved his hand, and the anger of the fourth child disappeared.

The fourth child looked at the confrontation in front of him and looked at the crown on Ling Fenglan's head before finally understanding what.

"Do you want the throne?" The oldest looked down at her softly, with no meaning at all.

Ling Xinger raised her eyebrows and didn't know how to speak. She didn't expect Ling Fenglan to ask that person for help and complicated the simple things.

Seeing her not speaking, the fourth kissed her forehead pettiously, "I help you."

The fourth son raised a spear toward the outside, and the demon army surged in like a tide, capturing the spirit soldiers without any effort.

As soon as the fourth child waved his hand, the demon army released Ling Xing's subordinates, and Ling Feng Lan's subordinates were all captured and none were left.

Everyone was dumbfounded for a moment.

Ling Fenglan's men were all aggressive, didn't they say they would have reinforcements? Why didn't the reinforcements help them, but instead arrest them.

Ling Xing'er's subordinates had no idea at all. What happened, they didn't come to deal with them.

All the princes and daughters on the wall were dumbfounded.

Lingfeng Lan is also messy in the wind, what is this? Obviously they are her reinforcements, what is this kid doing?

"Now you are the queen." The oldest stared at Ling Xinger, thinking of something, immediately walked towards Ling Fenglan.

She took the crown on her head in the messy expression of Lingfeng Lanfeng, and then carefully put it on Lingxinger's head: "There is this, it looks good."

Looking at the uncle's uncle's look, Ling Xinger finally smiled, the smile was extremely bright and extremely dazzling.

This was probably the happiest time she smiled, no idea who made this person so cute.

She was still fantasizing about her enemies and meeting soldiers just now, but she did not expect the ending to be so surprising.

Looking at her smile as beautiful as the stars, the fourth child couldn't help but swallow.

Ling Xinger watched his reaction playfully, stomped her toes and put on her red lips.

The fourth child immediately hugged her and kissed her passionately.

With several experiences as a senior, it is clear that he can control the dominant position.

Ling Fenglan watched dullly as the two kissed in public again, almost no spurt of old blood.

"You demons have betrayed their faith, aren't you afraid of being attacked by the six races?" Ling Fenglan shouted angrily.

The intimacy was disturbed again, and the fourth child was also very angry. He ended the kiss endlessly, held her tightly in his arms, and looked at her pettingly: "What about betrayal, for her, I can abandon the whole world."

The heart of Lingxinger was hit by something, and the seeds of love took root instantly.

She smiled again, this time with a sweet and happy smile.

"Cough ..." Ling Fenglan finally coughed up a blood, "You ... you ..."

Ling Fenglan wanted to scold, but was so angry that she couldn't swear.

The old fourth frowned and looked at Ling Xinger, "Will you kill her?"

Ling Xinger stared at his pure purple eyes, suddenly suddenly relieved.

He was so clean and innocent, she didn't want him to be bloodied for her, and she didn't want someone to hurt him in the future.

Ling Xinger went to Ling Fenglan, picked up the big knife on the ground, and stabbed into her heart without hesitation.

"Mother Emperor!"

"His Majesty!"

Everyone screamed in an instant.

Ling Fenglan stared at Ling Xing with her eyes wide open.

Ling Xinger relentlessly pulled out the sword.

"Oh!" Ling Fenglan spit out another old blood, and she knelt down.

Ling Xinger waved his hand, and the soldiers immediately released Ling Fenglan.

"This is what you owe me. My parents' revenge is reported. As for the rest, it depends on your own life."

Throwing the sword, Ling Xinger turned and walked in front of the fourth, smiling at him: "Hug me."

The fourth child hugged her horizontally.

Ling Xinger held his neck and laughed, "Let's go."

The fourth old man blinked blankly: "Where are you going?"

Ling Xinger smiled and kissed his handsome face: "Take you to see my friend."

Are you friends again?

The oldest boss was unwilling, but still obediently hugged her and flew down the wall.

Lingxinger and the fourth child left.

The one hundred thousand demon army also faded quickly after the two left.

In the last rebellion, Ling Xinger gave up. Between revenge and love, she chose love because she has lived in hatred for too long, and she wants to live in love for the rest of the time.

Following her old ministry, she did not take them away.

Because they are more suitable for staying with the spirits, they are not suitable for them outside.

She made them reclusive, and they had hated for too long like her, and it was time to rest.

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