Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1459: Fanwai: Mo Tianquan VS Ling Xinger (6)

"Where the **** is your friend?" The fourth child looked at the little woman in her arms in a fog.

This is all about the realm of the demon world, why is her friend from the demon world?

Ling Xing'er didn't answer, just smiled at him: "Where does your family live?"

"Most of them are in Mohuangbao," the fourth child answered honestly.

Ling Xinger raised her eyebrows: "Wouldn't you take me to meet them then?"

The fourth old man stayed, immediately exulting: "Of course, let's go back now."

The fourth son held the Lingxinger and flew directly to Mohuangbao.

"You said, if you help me like this, will your family be angry?" Ling Xinger asked holding the fourth child's neck.

The family she was talking about actually meant beaver, her friend and future mother-in-law. This impression is still very important.

"No." The fourth child raised her eyebrows affirmatively. "Rest assured, no one will be angry, especially my mother, she is too late to be happy, maybe she will praise me."

My mother-in-law is the best guardian. Now she is his daughter-in-law, who is her own. Why would her mother blame her?

And he found her such a good little daughter-in-law, she would certainly praise him.

Castle of the Emperor.

"Sibling! Sibling is back."

Seeing the return of the fourth child, Xiao Qi immediately ran over in excitement.

When he saw the woman in the arms of the fourth son, Xiao Qi stayed for a moment: "Four brother ... brought ... the woman back ...".

"The fourth child is back?" Mo Tianshu and the second child came together, but they also stayed at the same time.

After being watched by so many people, Ling Xinger couldn't help but blushed, patted the fourth child, and let him put her down.

The fourth child was unwilling to let go. He liked to hug her and didn't want to let go for a moment.

"Wow, where is the youngest woman you look for such a beautiful woman?" Lao Liu looked at the fourth child with an envious face.

The fifth child is also shocked: "You fourth child, you can go to the spirit world, and immediately bring a booty back."

The second child immediately patted the fifth child's head: "What a word, what spoils, this is called a captive."

Lao Liu stared enviously: "You are not the right old man. You are so captive for such a beautiful person. It is so impersonal."

"That is, why don't you come back a few times, this is not the elder brother, the second brother and the third brother haven't even had a wife." Xiao Qi also joked with a smile.

The second child immediately nodded in approval, although the oldest one did not agree, but also smiled.

The fourth child has a black line. At this moment, he can feel the pain of the previous fifth child and the sixth child.

What brother is this?

Ling Xing'er was embarrassed by what they said. The fourth child didn't let go, she could only jump down by herself.

"Introduce you, this is my daughter-in-law." The fourth son introduced Ling Xinger to them.

Unexpectedly, the fourth child was directly a daughter-in-law, and Ling Xing's face suddenly turned red.

The others were also a little embarrassed. I didn't know that I would return to God soon and greet him immediately.

"Four concubines!"

"Four siblings!"

Feeling their enthusiasm, Ling Xing'er was even more embarrassed.

"This is my eldest brother, Mo Tianshu, second brother Mo Tianxuan, fifth brother Bai Yuheng, sixth brother Bai Kaiyang, and Xiao Qi, my youngest sister, Bai Yaoguang." After introducing Ling Xing'er, the fourth son introduced her Own family.

Ling Xinger smiled at the people who were almost the same. The names really were the same.

"Hello." Ling Xinger nodded at them with a red face.

Looking at Ling Xinger's appearance like a delicate doll, the second child was even more envious, and he smiled around the fourth child's neck: "You fourth child, you can find your daughter-in-law silently?"

"It wouldn't be as simple as going to the spirit world, let's talk about it." The fifth child also came up with gossip.

"Oh!" Xiao Qi thought for a moment, and ran to Ling Xing'er in excitement. "Are you the woman in Gil Forest?"

Listening to Xiao Qi's mention of Gil Forest, Ling Xing suddenly looked at the fourth child and could not help but blushed.

"What forest, what woman?" Seeing Xiao Qi knew the inside story, the fifth child didn't bother with the fourth child, so he went to the seventh child in a hurry, "tell me what the **** is going on?"

The second child, the sixth child, even Mo Tianshu went together.

"It was the fourth brother who went to Gil Forest for training before and met a woman ..." Xiao Qi interpreted with emotion.

"Don't say it."

The fourth child hurried over, but was held down by the second child and the fifth child.

Just as a few people were playing, Baiju and Mo Beichen came over.

"My father and mother are here." Xiao Qi shouted, and everyone stood in a row obediently.

"Old fourth, shouldn't you explain it?" Baitan stared angrily at the fourth and threw the letter in front of him.

The boy didn't know what to do. He was obviously asked to help heal the chaos, but he took over and rebelled, and injured Lingfenglan's woman. I heard that she was lying half dead.

As soon as the fourth child was about to pick up the letter, Ling Xinger quickly picked it up one step at a time: "Things are all because of me, don't blame him."

The **** noticed Lingxing this time, and immediately flashed in shock: "Are you?"

Ling Xinger chuckled: "You don't remember. When we looked at the stars together, my name was taken by you."

Ling Xinger said, spreading her transparent wings instantly, exposing her pointed ears.

The **** wide-eyed and narrowed his eyes, and immediately laughed, "Are you a star?"

Mo Beichen's face looked stunned, obviously also thinking of her.

Although he hadn't seen her, he heard the raccoon mentioned this funny child several times.

The fourth child was also dumbfounded. It turned out that the friend she said was a mother-in-law, which caused him to eat so much vinegar.

Ling Xinger laughed, retracting her wings and ears.

The **** came to her, holding her hand, and said with emotion, "You have grown so big, you are getting more and more beautiful."

The **** is not a guest, she is really beautiful. Such a face should be a peerless beauty even in the spirit race.

"By the way, how could you come to Demon Realm, is there something wrong?" Baitan thought suddenly, suddenly worried.

Xiaoqi walked over with a smile and lay on the beaver's shoulder: "Mother, why don't you understand, she is the fourth wife, my fourth brother's wife."

"The fourth child?" Bai Tan stared at him with sullen eyes, his face unbelievable.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrow unexpectedly.

The fourth old face came flushed: "Yes, father and mother, she is my daughter-in-law."

The **** stunned for a while, and immediately rejoiced: "Okay, great, you are too angry for the fourth child."

I didn't expect the most honest son to find a daughter-in-law so much, but when Xinger was young, she imagined that she would be her daughter-in-law.

"When are you going to get married?" Baici grabbed Lingxinger and looked more and more like it.

Speaking of marrying, the fourth child was dumbfounded, immediately glanced at Ling Xing's belly, and whispered in her ear: "Are you pregnant?"

Ling Xing'er blushed and shook her head.

The fourth child didn't know that everyone was listening to their whispers.

"Oh ~ pregnant ~"

When they heard their voices, everyone immediately coaxed.

Ling Xing'er shook his head and shrugged himself.

The fourth child also coughed with a flushed blush: "Cough ... the sooner the better."

The **** also heard the pregnancy and nodded quickly: "Okay, get married tomorrow, I'll get ready."

Said by the beaver, Mo Beichen hurriedly ran away.

"Mother, don't you listen to Si Si explain." Xiao Qi took the letter and teased her at the back.

"Listen to a fart. Nothing is more important to me than my daughter-in-law." Baitan said without looking.

"Hahahaha ..." Everyone laughed.

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