Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1461: Fanwai: Mo Tianyu vs Duanmu Bingyu (2)

The third child also got up, then took out a night pearl from the storage ring, and walked forward.

Bingyu quickly stepped forward and took his sleeve.

The third child frowned and gave her a disgusting look.

Icy swallowed droolily, but didn't let go: "That, it's too dark inside, I'm afraid I won't find you in a while."

The old third's eyes shook, but she did not shake her off, holding the beads and moving on.

Bingyu was secretly pleased, she could pull the sleeves, but she really wanted to pull hands.

Bingyu kept staring at the third child's hand, and the ant crawled as carefully as he could. When he hit his hand, he heard the cool voice, "Claws don't want it?"

"Oh ~ I didn't want to do anything." Bingyu smiled, and his paws crawled back silently. "Well, where are we going?"

"Cramps!" The old three said blankly.

"Good idea, hurry up!" Bingyu immediately became interested, and ran away with the third child.

"Don't run." The old man frowned frantically, holding her quickly, "carefully startled the dragon."

As soon as the third child's voice fell, the dragon suddenly stood up, and the two of them instantly fell like a cliff and fell wildly.

"Ah!" Bingyu screamed and hugged the third child like an octopus again.

The third child caught off guard, and the night pearl in his hand fell off the abyss instantly.

The third child looked at Bingyu with a black line: "I said, can you not hold me?"

"No, I'm afraid." Bing Yan shook his head unconsciously.

The third old man's eyes twitched, and he shouted silently: "Then you at least vacate my hand so that we will really die here together."

Bingyu finally returned to his thoughts, and quickly let go of his hand, but pinched his neck.

The two of them posted closer together and became ambiguous again.

The old man froze, staring at the night pearl floating not far below his feet, suddenly surprised, and quickly pulled out the dagger around his waist and inserted it into the meat wall next to him.

The dragon roared and twirled, and the two were shaken desperately.

Bingyu looked down at the dark pool below and was shocked.

This should be the stomach of this dragon. If it falls, the bones will be gone.

But it's all in the stomach of others, and it's too much to say nothing.

Bingyu took out a bunch of small jade bottles from the storage ring, and spewed wildly into the pool.

Oh my god, this pond is too big. I do n’t know if this medicine will not work.

Bingyu sprinkled it and dropped another elixir into the mouth of the youngest.

The third child looked at Bingyu with a black line, and did not know what she had fed him, but did not spit it out and swallowed it directly.

Facts have shown that the medicine sprinkled by Bingyu is useful, and the dragon seems to be hurting and shaking even more.

The third child couldn't hold it, looked at the ice in his arms and said, "Now take my sword and pick its dragon tendons."

"Oh." Bingyu responded, and touched his third waist for a while. He didn't touch the sword until he flushed his face.

Bingyu thrust a sword into the wall of the meat, and the dragon twisted manicly instantly.

"Wrong direction, a little to the left!" The third man grabbed the dagger in one hand, and directed it with Bingyu in one hand.

Although being held by the third child, Bingyu was not worried at all. The strength of the man's hand told her that the man was very reliable.

Bingyu obediently moved the sword to the left, and finally came across a hard thing.

Bingyu was overjoyed, cut the meat, dug out the tendons, and then pulled out desperately.

The dragon seemed to sense danger and twisted wildly.

Bingyu desperately pulled out, the hard dragon's ribs cut her palm instantly, but she still pulled desperately.

Seeing her hands broken, the third frowned and said, "You hold me, let me pull."

"It's okay, I can." Although it hurts, Bingyu is not a person who likes to give up easily.

Seeing her disobedient, the third child raised his chin and dragged, "The opportunity to hug me is not every time."

Bingyu suddenly had a black line. How did she like such a stinking guy?

However, the chance to hold him was indeed rare. Bingyu only tangled for a second, then loosened his tendons and hugged the third child's neck.

The warm breath fluttered again, and the corner of the third lip raised unconsciously.

The third child's strength is indeed much stronger than that of Bingyu. One-handed drawing of the tendons was also fast and fierce, and the pain finally made the dragon no longer stand upright. He lay on his back and rolled wildly.

The third child still clutched the dagger and refused to let go. The action of pulling the dragon's tendons in his hand continued, even adding mysterious power.

I only blame this giant dragon for being too big. If it is an ordinary dragon, its tendons would have been drawn away.

Bingyu hugged the third child, and he was dizzy by the dragon. His face fell on the third child's shoulder, and the lip flap was inadvertently printed on the third child's neck.

The third man stiffened, and the soft touch made him almost loose his hands.

Seeing his reaction so big, Bingyu blinked slyly, and then bowed his head and kissed him on the neck again. It was not enough to kiss, and licked on purpose.

This time was like licking on the heart of the third child, the third child breathing heavily, almost moaning softly.

"You move again, believe it or not, I'll let you go to the pool now." The old third gasped, dumbly.

"It seems like I'm holding you now, the initiative is in my hands."

Bingyu wasn't afraid of him. She could understand it. This guy is a stinking paper tiger. If he really eats people, he won't come back to save her just now.

The third child didn't want to argue with her: "In short, you must not move again."

Bingyu glanced at the cold sweat on his forehead, and never kissed him again.

Although she likes him very much, women sometimes have to hold back.

The third child twitched his muscles, and finally the dragon gradually moved.

Bingyu stood up, surprised, "Is it dead?"

The third child also pulled out a dagger and stood up: "You step back."

Bingyu nodded and obediently backed up.

The third child picked up mysterious power and hit him **** the vaguely fleshed wall.

"Boom", the meat wall was instantly blown out of a pit, a beam of light came in, and both were overjoyed.

"You go out first." The third child turned and looked at Bingyu.

Bingyu glanced at him with satisfaction. Although this guy smelled bad, he was quite a gentleman.

Bingyu climbed out of the hole and instantly felt that the air was smoother and more comfortable.

Looking up to see the dying dragon, Bingyu was startled again.

It was really too big. They looked like ants in front of him.

The third child climbed out and saw the dragon frown. "Fortunately, we entered his stomach, otherwise it must be a fierce battle."

Bing Yan nodded in agreement, and raised his eyes and smiled at him: "So, what a blessing, I am your lucky star."

Looking at her brilliant smile, the third old man's eyes shook, and suddenly he felt the whole starry sky lit up.

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