Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1462: Fanwai: Mo Tianyu vs Duanmu Bingyu (3)

"Let's go."

Bingyu took the third child and left, but this time she held his hand politely.

It's a fool to have a bargain.

The third child did not respond and was taken advantage of, but asked her in confusion: "Where to go?"

"Of course you take a shower, you don't smell bad." Bing Yan held his breath.

She didn't feel stinky in it before, and after this came out, she was sickened by smelling her own body.

When she heard that she was going to take him to take a bath, the youngest man suddenly blushed her hand and said, "I won't go, I'll go to you."

Bingyu looked at him with disdain: "You look at you, you can't see anyone, you don't want to wash."

Bing Yan said to pull him again.

"Don't go." The third child stepped back immediately.

Bing Ling looked at the old handsome face of the old three links and finally understood: "Oh, don't worry, I won't peek at you. We can't do it without washing together."

The third child frowned, still didn't want to go.

Even if they do n’t wash together, it ’s a good thing for men and women to take a bath together. How long have they known each other this time, it ’s not good to have a bath together.

"Let's go, I promise not to peek." Bingyu never minded so much, just pulled him away.

But she has been here for many days, and she has long figured out where the water is, and there is a small pond in front of it.

Bingyu pulled the third child to the side of Koike: "Then Koike is just a curved shape. Let's go by one side and back to back to make sure no one can see who."

"You wash right here, I'll go over there." Bing Yan pushed the third child into the pool, and then went there by himself.

The third child soaked in the pool absently, and heard the sound of **** at the back.

The third man couldn't help but swallowed saliva, his face flushed with water splashing wildly.

"Wow, it's so comfortable."

There was a comfortable soft groan from the woman's back, and the old man's heart warmed, and he immediately poured water on his body.

Bingyuzai washed himself carefully, and took off the clothes and washed them in the pool, and reminded the third while washing: "I said that you take off your clothes and wash them too, and your clothes smell.

The third child was dark and didn't say a word, so he didn't take off and wash.

The youngest man swims in the water for a while, and when he hears a scream, he pops out of the water.

"Ah!" The sharp shout continued.

The third man frowned and looked over there: "What's wrong?"

"Something in the water is biting me, come and save me." Bingyu cried loudly, looking like he was about to die or live.

The third child was startled and flew without thinking.

Seeing the undressed woman in the pool, the third child's head was hot, and he quickly turned to leave, and the woman rushed over.

Bingyu familiarly hung on the third child like an octopus.

The third old man turned his face flushed: "Can you get dressed first?"

"No, I hurt." Where did Bingyu let go.

The old man frowned, took the clothes from the water and put it on her before asking: "Where does it hurt?"

"Foot hurts, something bites my foot." Bing Yan looked at the third child pitifully.

Her legs were wrapped around his waist. He couldn't see her feet. Fortunately, he grabbed all the clothes in the pool, hugged her, and flew out.

Bingyu looked at Junyan, the youngest, and thought he was too handsome.

Bingyu stared at the third child with daring eyes, and the love in those eyes kept expanding.

She was so hot that she saw her third face flush with heartbeat: "Can you stop looking at me?"

"No." Bingyu shook his head insultingly, unable to look away at all.

The third child couldn't do anything about it, but he couldn't see it, but in the end he was clean. In fact, his frantic heartbeat had already explained the problem.

The third child returned to the cave holding the ice **** and put her on the stone bed, only to see the crab on her feet.

A big crab on the little white jade's toe is pinching proudly.

Bingyu was furious when he saw the big crab: "I thought it was something that bit me. It turned out to be this guy."

Bingyu was going to catch the big crab angrily, and when she was towed, the white jade toe suddenly burst into red blood.

"Be careful." The old man felt a sharp heartache, quickly waved the crab away, took out the medicine bottle and gave her medicine. "The wound is not deep, and it will be fine in a moment."

Mother-made medicine is still very useful.

"Um." Bing Yan shook her feet and smiled, but she didn't feel any pain.

The third child looked at the cute and messy little feet, and his heart was choked again, and he hurriedly turned his back on her: "Let's get dressed first, I'll find something to eat."

The third child ran out.

Bingyu looked at the back of the third child and suddenly smiled slyly.

This stinky guy is still cute.

I took a clean set of clothes from the storage ring and put them on. The moraine lit a fire in the cave again, and I was still drying clothes.

When the third child came back, she saw that she was carrying her bellyband for baking.

The third old man suddenly blushed and turned to go again.

"Well, you're back. What did you find for food?" Bing Yan casually threw his bellyband on the wooden stand next to him, and ran to the third child.

"What's this?" Bingyu saw the dozens of big crabs in his old man's pocket, and immediately he was happy.

The old third blushed and glared at her: "Whoever avenges you, wants to eat crabs."

In fact, he just took a cold shower and caught it by the way.

Bing raised his eyebrows sternly: "It turns out you like to eat crabs, then I'll bake them for you."

Bingyu said, holding a cloth bag, and went to roast crabs.

The third child also skewered two to bake.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet." Bingyu took the crab and moved to the third.

The third child didn't say a word, and moved silently to the side.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it, I'll give you a name." Bingyu said as he moved, "Yes, you like crabs so much, why don't I just call you big crabs?"

The old third suddenly had a black line, what big crab, he didn't call it big crab.

"The name Crab is pretty good. It sounds like an appetite. It fits your beauty, Crab ..."

Listening to her noisy voice, the third child finally couldn't help it: "Mo Tianyu."

"Motianyu!" Bingyu immediately laughed, snickered, sampled, and pretended to be cold. This is not a good name for my sister.

"Mo Tianmao has a good name. Then I call you Xiaomao."


The third old man stared at Bingyu with a black line: "His name is so tall, can this woman be even more unpleasant?"

"Xiaoyu, where do you live, how many people are there in your family, do you marry a wife?" Bingyu looked at the third child eagerly and asked the most wanted question.

The blue veins of the old third's forehead burst out, and his face was dark. "I'm the third one. You can call me the third."

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