Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1466: Fanwai: Mo Tianyu vs Duanmu Bingyu (7)

A few words from Bingyu, the fist that the third child waved suddenly stopped.

Little brother? Duanmu Chiyu?

The third child stopped, but the blazing feathers didn't stop. He directly punched him with a fist, and the third child was suddenly hit by a panda.

"Little Six!" Bingyu rushed forward, blocking the third, "Don't hit him, he is your brother-in-law."

Blazing feathers suddenly turned black.

"Yes, it's all my own."

Those outside the theater also ran out.

"Yes, yes, all relatives."

As if I knew someone had peeked, Blazing Feather was not surprised at all.

However, when the youngest and Bingyu saw them, what they thought of suddenly became complex.

Wow, how long have these guys been here, don't they keep peeking.

Bingyu Qiao's face flushed, and some did not dare to look up.

"Come back with me." Chi Yu reached forward and grabbed Bingyu's hand, and pulled her away.

Where is Bingyu willing to go: "I won't go back, Xianggong saves me."

The third child hurried forward and pulled Bingyu into his arms, but did not do anything with Chiyu.

He wasn't stupid. He didn't know the situation before he would start with the little sister-in-law. Now he knows that he's a little sister-in-law and how to do it, not to mention that the kid is very powerful. He is not an opponent.

Chiyu looked coldly at the third child and looked at Bingyu: "I don't agree with you."

Bing Yan was immediately unhappy: "Why do you disagree, then I don't agree with you and Xiaojiaer."

Upon hearing the name of "Little Jiaer", Chi Yu's face turned black for several moments.

Seeing that Chi Yu was angry, Bingyu quickly coaxed him: "Okay, okay, I don't disagree, Xiaojiaer is so cute, I must agree."

Blazing Feather's complexion eased a little.

"This is your brother-in-law, you are not allowed to disagree." Bing Yan took the opportunity to explain to the youngest: "His name is Mo Tianyu, the name of the Big Dipper, so it sounds good."

The third child glanced at Bingyu silently, and it turned out that she knew his name.

Chiyu frowned and looked at the third child, and sullenly dismissed, "What's wrong with you?"

Listening to Chi Yu's relentless words, all the rows in the back watching the theater were gloating.

Whoops, what a sharp younger brother, the third child has something to do now.

Even his younger brother couldn't figure it out. It wouldn't be worse to go to Yue Chang's house afterwards.

The third child was a little upset, but didn't say much. Who didn't let himself hit anyone?

The third child does not speak, does not mean that Bingyu has nothing to say.

"What's wrong with my husband?" Bingyu reluctantly, pulling the third child excitedly. "You look at the eyebrows, the eyes, the nose, the mouth, how beautiful, you look at this face, is it better than You look good, look at this figure, is it not worse than you, look at the temperament, it is our family. "

Bingyu it, it's a pass, the fifth child all couldn't help laughing.

This new sister-in-law is incredible. Looking at the exaggeration of the third child, it is estimated that the heart will fly out.

The third child is indeed very happy. Yesterday's unpleasant stimulation completely disappeared.

"Can it be eaten as good-looking?" Chiyu poured another basin of cold water.

"My relatives, your brother-in-law is only good-looking, obviously very, very, very good-looking." After using it a few times, I can see that she is very satisfied with the value of the third child.

"Of course, he is not only good-looking, he is also very good at cultivation, and the Qi Pin Shen Beast can be killed with one move. Besides, he can deal with you with so many moves, which is already very powerful."

Bingyu looked at Chiyu eagerly, who made her younger brother a powerful master. It is estimated that none of his family was his opponent except her father and mother. Of course, she could not beat him.

Said by Bingyu, the expression of Blazing Feathers has eased down.

Indeed, it's not bad to be able to fight so many moves against him.

Seeing him not talking, Bingyu laughed again and again, "Well, have you eaten yet, it might as well have your brother-in-law invite you to dinner."

Bing Yan said and pushed the third.

"Ah ..." The third coughed softly. "Let's eat together and talk as we eat."

In the end, the three sat down, but instead of eating, they drank tea.

It was deeper in the middle of the night, and Chiyu didn't want to bother others.

The atmosphere of the three people was a little awkward. The youngest one was always dragging, and he didn't like to talk. Chiyu also always had less talk. When his sister and brother were together, he always said that he would do.

"When will I go back?" This time he came with a task, in simple terms, he was responsible for catching people.

"I won't go back." Bing Yan quickly shook his head in resistance.

Just kidding, she finally ran out, so she didn't go back and throw herself in the net.

Blazing Frown: "Nothing at home is taken care of now."

Bing Yan pouted: "That's not my business at all, it's the second brother's business."

"The second brother went out."

Bing Yan stared: "Then look for the third brother, the third brother has not been out yet."

"The third brother is in the demon world."

"Then look for the eldest sister, the position is originally the eldest sister sits." Bing Yan highly recommended, you can find anyone, do not look for her anyway.

"The eldest sister has to take care of her brother-in-law.

"So, isn't there still four sisters?" Bingyu said with a guilty conscience.

Chi Yu glanced at her: "Four sisters have just been pregnant. You have the heart to let her toil."

Bingyu became even more guilty: "That, that, then I might be pregnant."

She couldn't find anyone, and she could only confess.

"You're embarrassed to say." Chi Yu stared for a moment.

Bingyu hung his head guilty.

Lao Sanjun's face was reddish and he was also guilty.

"When are you getting married?" Chiyu took a deep breath and asked.

"We will get married as soon as possible." The youngest man promised before Bingyu spoke.

Seeing him was sincere, Chiyu's face eased a little: "Then come back with me tomorrow and go home and get married."

As soon as he heard that he was going back, Bingyu was not happy again, but before she spoke, Chi Yu stared at him.

Bingyu pinched his lips and dared not speak.

The third child looked at Bingyan and said, "I personally have no opinion, but I have to ask my father and mother specifically."

"Okay." Blazing nodded and gave him time.

As soon as the next day dawned, the third child took Blazing Feather and Bingyu to meet Mo Beichen and Baiju.

Hearing that his son had fallen asleep to his sister, Baijue was kind to his brother.

"Come and drink tea and tea. It's our fault. I don't know where your government is. We'll be married now."

The **** poured tea for a while and handed snacks, embarrassing Chiyu: "Our home is far from here. If it is convenient, choose a day as soon as possible, and the junior will lead the senior.

"Convenient and convenient, it is better to go today."

The **** said and looked at Bingyu with a smile, she could see that the third girl really liked this girl, and this girl was really good.

The sons can get married as soon as possible, she is still very happy as a mother.

Bingyu pulled her lips stiffly.

No, she really has to go back, but she only ran out for a few days, which is too wrong.

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