Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1467: Fanwai: Mo Tianxuan VS Murong Baby (1)

Castle of the Emperor.

Since the third child has an object, the brothers are left with the first child, and the second child is only mixed.

"Brother, brother, you also hold on tight, haven't you seen that Wu Brother even gave birth to children?" Xiao Qi looked at Mo Tianshu and Mo Tianxuan bitterly.

"I think you should get this done before your father and mother come back, otherwise your mother's temper will surely drive you out to find your daughter-in-law." Lao Liu teased.

The second child raised his chin proudly and glanced at them: "Do you think I'm so handsome that I'm afraid I won't find my daughter-in-law? You should worry about the boss."

The boss glanced at him coolly: "Who said I didn't."

A word from the boss, everyone instantly stared in surprise.

"What do you mean, boss, you have found your little daughter-in-law." The fourth child blinked and wondered.

"Who is Dasao, I don't know?" Xiao Qi was instantly excited.

"What time is it, you can do confidential work." Lao Wu Lao Liu ran over.

The second child was dumbfounded: "This is impossible, no one will laugh at you without anyone, is it necessary?"

The boss glanced at him quietly, and was too lazy to justify it.

Lao Liu's eyes rolled around, and she smiled, "Otherwise, you two will have a good game. Whoever finds the little daughter-in-law first will have to run naked the day he loses."

"That's a good idea." The fifth child laughed instantly jokingly, and slapped the palm with the sixth, "I raised my hands and feet in favor."

"I agree." Xiao Qi quickly raised his hand.

Brother Liu is really smart.

The fourth child didn't speak, holding up Ling Xinger and raised his hand silently, watching the two for fun.

Fortunately, I was lucky, I found the little daughter-in-law or else it was miserable.

Nangong Nuoxian and Ming Youran both raised their hands with a smile.

Everyone laughed.

"You ..." The second child looked at them silently.

What is this and why? If you ca n’t find your little sister-in-law, you have to streak. When you were still married, you streak.

The second child met God, the boss had already run away.

The second child was stupid again, what was it to run in such a hurry?

"Big brother must be looking for his younger wife. Second brother, you can't act quickly." Xiao Qi pushed the second child in a joke.

The second child returned to God and chased out quickly.

The boss was so insidious that he went looking for it alone.

When the second child ran out of Mohuangbao, the boss was gone.

After it is over, the boss will not really have a daughter-in-law, then he will not lose, this is a rhythm that can not be married in a lifetime.

The second child thought about it and decided to go to the human world to avoid the limelight first, and after a while they forgot about it and came back.

The second child thought and went to Shengtian City.

The old man was overjoyed to see the second child coming back: "Your boy is back, you won't come back anymore, I will go to the Devil to see you."

The second child said with a smile: "Zengzu, Tianxuan misses you, and I will come back as soon as I have time. Am I very good?"

"Good boy," the old man nodded with satisfaction, and looked behind him again, "how many others."

The second child smiled: "They have something and will come back in two days."

The old man sighed and pulled the second child into the yard with a smile: "Go, go with your great ancestor to play chess."

Although the old man is almost a hundred years old, his health is still as good as before.

His greatest hope is that these children and grandchildren can often come back to accompany him, but he also knows that they have grown up and have a lot of things to do, not to mention the few in the distance, even those around them often do not return, no This is what happened, and I don't see it a few times a year.

So every time a child comes back, he is very happy.

Playing chess with an old man is the second most frequently done thing.

"I heard that the third and fourth babies all have daughters-in-law, so you have to pay close attention." The old man looked at the second child.

The second child chuckled with a chuckle: "I'm not in a hurry, I'm still young."

The old man frowned: "How can you not be in a hurry, haven't you seen that the fifth child even has the children? How cute the little sister-in-law is, I can't wait to hold it every day."

Although Xiaoyueer was not the first grandson of the grandfather, it was one of the grandfather's favorite grandsons. Before their young couple went to the holy heaven, he refused to hold it every day.

The second child laughed wryly: "It's useless in a hurry, it depends on fate."

In the end, he is like marrying a wife and having a baby. This is not fate.

The old man wanted to preach, here Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun came.

"Dad, the second child is back."

When they heard that the second child was back, they ran over immediately.

"Grandfather, grandmother." The second child quickly got up and saluted.

My grandmother and grandmother are too many, so in order to distinguish them from an early age, they are called grandfathers here, grandmothers, and the grandmothers are called grandpas. Maternal grandmothers, everyone has no opinion, although neither side has met, but they also know I can understand each other's existence.

Baiju always comes back in order to take care of both sides, and each time he returns for a year and a half, it makes both sides satisfied.

"What about the others, your mother, haven't they returned?" Chu Xiangjun asked with a smile.

Although she often sees her daughter, she still misses her.

The second child chuckled: "The girl in the old three-phase, father and mother went to propose him, her family is a bit far away, it is estimated that it will take a while, the fifth child and the sixth child are in the devil world, the father and mother are not, they have to do the business. "

"The third child is about to get married. This is a good thing." Hearing that the third child also had an object, Chu Xiangjun immediately rejoiced, "Which girl is it, is it good?"

The second child helped Chu Xiangjun to sit down: "It seems to live far away. What does it say about the Huang Dynasty in Yancheng? The person is very nice, beautiful and interesting, and the third child will certainly not be bored with her."

"Yan Cheng, where is that place? Why haven't you heard of it?" Chu Xiangjun wondered for a while, and then smiled, "That girl is very interesting. When will the third child be brought back to us for a look."

The old man and Bai Tingxuan nodded.

"Well." The second child nodded. "When they come back, let the third child bring."

Bai Tingxuan looked at the second child and said, "The grandfather is old, and the emperor has done enough. When will your brothers come back and discuss who will take over, so that I can take your grandmother out to relax."

He's really tired of this palace. It's been almost 20 years since this time, she had already looked at her daughter, and as a result she gave him the pick, and now it's time to give it back to them.

The second child's eyes rolled around, thinking about it in his heart.

He ca n’t take over this character. This young seven has to control the fairy realm. The youngest six will get the ghost world. The oldest five is married to the green prince. The youngest one is fine. His wife-in-law is also an identity, and that's the only boss.

"No need to discuss, we all agree that the boss is the most suitable." The second son sold the boss as soon as he patted the table.

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