Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1468: Fanwai: Mo Tianxuan VS Murong Baby (2)

The old man and Bai Tingxuan were stunned, and they all agreed to nod: "If it is the best of the boss, we will discuss this with your father and mother."

"Don't worry, your father and mother will definitely agree." The second child laughed, showing a fox-like smile.

Dad and mother must have no problem, but the boss does not agree, it is hard to say.

"By the way, you came just right this time. After two days of the little princess Zixiao's birthday, you will go to Bai Chu for you." Bai Tingxuan looked at the second child with a smile.


The second child responded readily, but he was fine anyway. He had originally come to take refuge. He might go out for a walk, just in case he found a little daughter-in-law.

Early the next morning, the second child went to Zixiao with a gift prepared by Chu Xiangjun.

Because there are a few days, the second child is not in a hurry, walking all the way to see, three days is exactly to Zixiao.

Outside the Purple City, a wild horse was rushing fast, and a small figure of that wild horse was constantly being jolted as if to fall at any time.

"Her Royal Highness! Stop!"

The two horses chased after each other, and the two guards were so scared that they were about to jump out.

This little ancestor ran to the stable early in the morning and said that he had to personally tame the sweaty BMW who entered the palace in the Western Regions, but that mustang is so well tame. If there is something wrong, they can't survive.

The little man in front seemed as if he hadn't heard their shouts at all, and still ran forward desperately.

The second child resting on a big tree, looking at the little figure on the horse's back, raised his eyebrows with interest.

This little baby is only a few years old, even dare to tame this sweaty BMW, not to mention that this little guy is still a little tricky though he is still young, although the horse is still manic, but it has been under her control. Now, if I change to ordinary people, I am afraid that the horse will be thrown away.

The second child was thinking, the horse in front of him suddenly kneeled, and the little figure on the horse's back flew out instantly.


All those who chased the horses in the back were frightened.

Gosh, this princess fell head down like this, I'm afraid she'll die.

The falling Murong baby was also startled, just as she was trying to save herself, a white figure flew over to catch her.

The warm breath struck. Baby Murong raised her eyes, but she saw a face that was not beautiful.

The second child was also stunned. The child looked younger than he thought. It was only four or five years old. Then he dared to train the horse. This is death.

However, this little doll looks so cute and beautiful, and the pink carving jade is beautiful. The most interesting thing is that the peach eyes can be hooked at a young age.


The two guards rushed over and saw the baby Murong was rescued. They were relieved.

"Is the princess okay?"

"It's okay." Baby Murong said calmly.

"Thank you for your help." The two guards arched at the second child.

"Anyway." The second man said casually, and put the little guy down.

"You wicked animal, how dare to hurt the princess, I think you are looking for death." A guard glared at the wild horse suddenly, and suddenly cut it with a knife.

"Wait a minute." Baby Murong suddenly shouted.

The guard froze in a hurry.

The second child also looked at her with curiosity. This little baby was so fierce and looked indecisive.

Baby Murong walked to the wild horse and touched his head comfortably. After seeing that it was no longer hostile, she said, "I'll take the bug out for you now, and I won't be uncomfortable anymore."

"His!" Ma suddenly looked up and shouted.

Baby Murong went to the horse's left, and the white fat man patted it gently in his ear.

After a while, a small bug crawled out of the horse's right ear. The horse suddenly seemed comfortable, and ran out happily.

The two guards looked at the little worm in surprise: "It turned out that it had become wormed when it got into the ear."

Baby Murong pinched the bug and raised her eyebrows: "Although it has madness and excuses, it does not die. But it is not tough enough, so it puts the owner in danger so easily. It is not a qualified mount. Right. "

"Yes." The two guards bowed.

The second child saw that she was able to say such a structured word at a young age, and smiled and then disappeared.

When Baby Murong returned to God and was looking for a beneficiary, the second child was gone.

"What about benefactors?"

The two guards looked around for a week, both of them surprised. "What's going on? Just here."

"Not yet looking for it." Baby Murong was anxious.


The two guards responded quickly, and immediately separated to find, but no one was found for a long time.

"Her Royal Highness, the emperor may be gone. Let's go back. The banquet is about to begin." The guard bowed.

Baby Murong's brow frowned tightly. It seemed that she hadn't said thank you to him just now, so she missed it, and I'm afraid she'll never see it again.

Thinking of the godlike appearance of that man, Baby Murong's eyes were darkened again.

When the three returned to the palace, Murong Yun was losing his temper.

"Let you be optimistic about the princess, what do you eat? If the princess is in trouble, I will never spare you."

"Father, I'm here." Baby Murong hurried over.

"Baby!" Seeing Murong baby, Murong Ran immediately ran over and hugged her happily: "Where have you gone without a word, you must scare your father."

Baby Murong pouted and said, "Father, can you not treat me as my mother all the time? I'm five years old and I can take care of myself."

Murong Ye looked helpless, why his baby is not as cute as her mother, but like him, so boring.

"Yes, you didn't tell your mother." Baby Murong thought nervously.

Murong raised her eyebrows: "How dare the emperor dare her? If your mother and mother knew you were missing, you wouldn't die."

Baby Murong had a black line: "I can't go missing, but I'm just tame a wild horse."

Murong stared in amazement: "Why should the trainer go in person, just leave it to the groom."

"Haven't your father tamed a horse when he was a kid?" Baby Murong asked no more.

Murong Ting was speechless. He really tamed the horse when he was a kid, and he was so old that he liked to come by himself.

He has a precocious mind, and he has done many things since he was a child. The child's temperament is exactly like him, but he has never inherited the cuteness of Huan'er.

Although he was very pleased, he also regretted that he couldn't have a daughter like Huan'er.

"Let's go, the palace feast in front has begun, your mother-in-law must be anxious." Baby Murong changed a suit, and Murong Ye took her out.

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