Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1469: Fanwai: Mo Tianxuan VS Murong Baby (3)

"The emperor is here! Her Royal Highness is here!"

Murong Ye took Murong into the Purple Palace, where all the civil and military officials had arrived, and the Queen Yun Weihuan had arrived early.

"See the emperor, live the emperor, live the live, live the live, see princess, Her Royal Highness Chitose Chitose."

Everyone saluted.

Yun Weihuan went straight down to the jade steps and took the baby Murong gently: "Why so long, my mother has to go to you."

Baby Murong hugged Yun Weihuan's neck like a Tang porcelain doll, and said milkily, "I blame my father and emperor. I have to play hide and seek with me, so I'm late."

Murong Kun suddenly became a black line, but at the same time a little jealous.

Why can she only release her nature in front of Huan'er, just like a child, and always looks like an adult in front of him, it's really not cute at all.

Yun Wei glared at Murong Huan with a strange look: "What day is today and which day can't be played, I have to play today."

"Yes, yes, I'm wrong." Murong Xu quickly confessed that no matter he was his own lady or his own baby, he couldn't afford to offend.

After the three were seated, Murong Yu let everyone go flat.

People throughout Yunjing knew that Murong Yu loved his wife and daughter most, so Murong's birthday feast, whether it was Mo Xue or Qing Ye, sent messengers to congratulate, and Bai Chu naturally did not fall.

"See you, Prince Bai Chu!"

The waiter shouted, and everyone looked at the door with a brush, only to see a white man walking in the sun.

"Haojun's descendant, is this Prince Bai Chu? I haven't seen it before?"

"This prince looks like the former Emperor Mo, is it a descendant of the Emperor Mo?"

"The relationship between Bai Chu and Zi Xiao is as good as ever. The little princess sent her prince to congratulate her on her birthday."

Murong Xun did not expect that Mo Tianxuan would come this time. In fact, he had never seen Mo Tianxuan, but his father, the one who robbed his emperor's fiancee, had seen him, and the boy looked like that person. Like this, he naturally guessed his identity.

But I heard that they gave birth to six boys, but I don't know which number they are.

Baby Murong opened her eyes sullenly when she saw the second child.

It was so good to dare to be him, she thought she would never see him again.

The second child saw the little baby sitting next to Murong Yu, and she also stunned.

It turned out that she is today's little birthday star. I didn't expect to meet again so soon.

"After seeing Emperor Zixiao, I also wish the little princess have today and every year." The second child went to Murong Huan and Yun Weihuan to perform the junior ceremony, and smiled and nodded toward Murong baby.

Baby Murong looked at him expressionlessly and said nothing.

Seeing her calmness, as if she did not know him, the second child was a little sad.

How could he save her life, how could she forget him for a while now?

"Thank you Uncle Bai for your uncle." Murong Yu was very kind to her second child.

The second child nodded, and gave the gift prepared by Chu Xiangjun to Father Rong, and sat down at the guest's place.

The banquet soon began, and civil and military officials sent congratulatory gifts. It seemed that none of the baby Murong was worthy of eyebrows.

"What's wrong, I don't like it." Murong Yan frowned and asked her.

Baby Murong shook her head: "Boring."

Murong Yan's eyes twitched, as if indeed boring.

"It's still the best gift from Uncle Huang and Misao, why Uncle Huang and Misao did not come this time." Baby Murong said with a lip.

As for the new varieties of flowers sent by Murong Yu and Yun Shaoning, Baby Murong and Yun Weihuan are very much in love.

"Your uncle Huang and Misaki went out to play." Speaking of this Murong Hui, he was helpless.

After his unreliable big brother threw Zixiao to him, he didn't care about anything. Every day, he was envious of death.

Every time he wanted to go and see him, he would be taught by his wife, saying that he was not allowed to disturb them.

Baby Murong also sighed helplessly, still uncle Huang is the most comfortable. Every day leads an indisputable day, fishing, raising flowers, and three uncles beside him, no one is happier than them.

"What else do you want for your birthday, the Emperor will give it to you." Murong said flatteringly when she was unhappy to see her baby.

He had prepared a gift before and made a paper kite by himself. It seemed that this girl did not like it, but it didn't matter what she liked, he could give it to her again.

Baby Murong blinked, glanced down, and suddenly the fat little hand pointed casually: "Then I want him."

Murong Yuan looked along Murong's fingers, and his eyes shook suddenly.

Want him?

This is not appropriate.

The second child also glanced at Murong baby somehow, not understanding what she asked him to do.

Murong Yan glanced at the second child, lowered his head and lowered his voice, "What do you want him to do, can't eat and play."

Baby Murong raised his eyes and glared at him: "Who says I want to eat and play, I want him to be my husband."

Murong Min paused again, and after a short while shouted, "No."

What can you do as a husband? If anyone dares to marry his baby daughter, he will be anxious to anyone.

Baby Murong reluctantly skips his small head and pouts unhappyly: "No, it's okay, I'll figure it out later."

Murong stared angrily: "Everything I want, I can't say no."

"Why not, didn't you look after my mother when you were five years old?" Baby Murong's grumpy little eyes flew over again.

"..." Murong Min was suddenly speechless.

"I was going to marry at home, and you were going to marry outside, could that be the same?" After thinking about it for a long time, Murong Yu thought of speech.

The thought of his baby marrying in the future, he was as distressed as digging his heart.

Baby Murong raised her eyebrows: "Who says I'm going to marry, I can marry."

Murong froze, looking at Murong's serious face, frowning: "You have to think clearly, if you stay at home, you will have a greater responsibility in the future."

Baby Murong gave him a slanting glance: "It seems like I have no responsibility if I don't stay at home. Are you willing to let my mother be born again?"

"Of course I can't bear it."

Murong Xu refused without thinking. How could he be willing to let Huaner take another pain? At that time, the baby was originally an accident. After the baby was born, he took the sterilization medicine and never wanted a child again.

"This Murong family is not just you and me, we can pass on to others." Murong Su suddenly frowned.

Although he was a little sorry for the emperor, he was really reluctant to let his baby daughter be kept in this cage all his life.

Baby Murong's eyes flickered, and she suddenly murmured in Murong's ear.

Murong Su suddenly looked at the second child meaningfully, and his eyes jumped over the calculation.

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